|What: HTML display |Where:|ftp://tcl.activestate.com/pub/tcl/misc/html_library-0.3.tar.gz | || http://www.msen.com/%7Eclif/RP_Updates.html | |Description:|htmllib is a simple HTML parsing and display library. Supports all HTML/2.0 features, including forms. The msen site provides a pointer to an updated version of the file created by Clif Flynt and used in his book and tutorial. Also available at msen is a Tcl file that adds TABLE support to htmllib.| |Updated:|04/1999| |Contact:|mailto:stephen.uhler@sun.com (Stephen Uhler) ???<
>mailto:clif@cflynt.com (Clif Flynt)| ---- [Category Package] | [Category Internet] |