Version 10 of HTMLize an image

Updated 2006-01-20 01:54:37

FW: This code performs the rather esoteric function of converting an image file to a raw HTML page, using a <table> tag with a cell for each pixel. The output is, of course, huge, and will crash some older browsers or systems. The only use I can think of this is if you had a hosting service which had tons of bandwidth but didn't support images, and really needed one.

Yes, I realize this isn't quite standard HTML with doctypes and all that, but for something this useless I don't think it's worth being precise ;)

  proc htmlize {image_file save_to} {
    set page [open $save_to w]

    set source [image create photo -file $image_file]
    puts -nonewline $page {<html><head></head><body><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>}
    foreach row [$source data] {
      puts -nonewline $page {<tr>}
      foreach color $row {
        puts -nonewline $page "<td width=1 height=1 bgcolor=$color></td>"
      puts -nonewline $page {</tr>}
    puts -nonewline $page {</table></body></html>}

    close $page

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