if 0 { I needed a switch command with variables in place of constants Here is the result. I added list of values in place of one value, and expression. I used case, CASE and default to name the needed internal procs. syntax is: select value { case list_of_values script ... ?default script? } or select { case expr script ... ?default script? } default fires always so must be last (no check). As an added benefice you can put comments (or other commands) [ulis] } # the select proc # proc select {args} { foreach {cmd oldCmd} {oldValueCase valueCase oldCase case oldDefault default} { catch {rename $cmd $oldCmd}; } proc default {body} { foreach {cmd oldCmd} {oldValueCase valueCase oldCase case oldDefault default} { if {[catch {rename $oldCmd $cmd}]} { catch {rename $cmd {}}; } } return -code return [uplevel 1 $body]; }; switch [llength $args] { 1 { # case expr # proc case {expr body} { if {[uplevel 1 expr $expr]} { foreach {cmd oldCmd} {oldCase case oldDefault default} { if {[catch {rename $oldCmd $cmd}]} { catch {rename $cmd {}}; } } return -code return [uplevel 1 $body]; } } uplevel 1 [lindex $args 0]; } 2 { # case value list # proc valueCase {value list body} { if {[lsearch $list $value] != -1} { foreach {cmd oldCmd} {oldValueCase valueCase oldDefault default} { if {[catch {rename $oldCmd $cmd}]} { catch {rename $cmd {}}; } } interp {} case {}; return -code return [uplevel 1 $body]; } } foreach {value body} $args {break;} interp alias {} case {} valueCase $value; uplevel 1 $body; } default { error "wrong # args: should be \"select ?value? {case condition body ... ?default body?}\""; } } foreach {cmd oldCmd} {oldValueCase valueCase oldCase case oldDefault default} { if {[catch {rename $oldCmd $cmd}]} { catch {rename $cmd {}}; } } } # some test cases set value key4 foreach i {1 2 3} { set key$i key$i } select $value \ { puts "value $value" # test for keys case key0 { puts "found key0" } case $key1 { puts "found $key1" } case [list $key2 $key3] { puts "found $key2 or $key3" } case {key4 key5} { puts "found key4 or key5" } # default case default { puts "$value is not a valid key" } } set value 0 select \ { puts "value $value" case {$value < 0} { puts "negative value" } case {$value > 0} { puts "positive value" } case {$value == 0} { puts "null value" } } ---- See also [Modeling COND with expr] [Switch]'s alternate syntax affords a practical built-in way to achieve "variables in place of constants". Note, though, that [[select]] is more powerful in that it also permits arbitrary computed comparisons. ---- [Martin Lemburg] - I added the ability to not overwrite existing procs with the names case, CASE, default. They are "saved" by renaming/renaming back. I changed the select proc to return the result of the body execution like switch does. ---- '''DGP''' Yuck! Why patch in all that trouble? Just use namespaces and avoid the name conflict in the first place. ---- ulis: I am not tempted to use "case" or "default" as proc names because I see them as reserved word. I would never define a "switch" or a "for" proc. Returning the selected value is a VERY good idea.