===none What: '''JTcl''' Where: ftp://ftp.gaertner.de/pub/j/jtcl-1.0.tar.gz Where: https://kenai.com/projects/jtcl/downloads Description: [Java] script library allowing access to the [Tcl] language. Can invoke Tcl extensions such as [Tk], allowing Java programmers to create GUI interfaces for Java applications. Updated: 07/2013 Version: 2.5.0 Contact: mailto: jtcl-developers@gaertner.de === ---- [JTcl Interpreter] is an implementation of Tcl (Tool Command Language) written in Java that implements a large extent of Tcl 8.4 syntax and commands, limited only by API restrictions of the Java Virtual Machine. It is based on the Jacl interpreter from the TclJava project. ---- [JTcl port for Android] ---- [mh2] Is it still true for JTcl (NOT tclBlend !!) that "tcl interp should have exactly one thread" (that is exactly one thread can call "eval" method of a single tcl interp) ??? ---- <> [MHo] 2013-03-01: The tool '''paraffin.tcl''' doesn't work for me (Windows XP platform). The command ====== set jtclJar [ziplib::getClassLocation [java::getinterp]] ====== gives an unusable filename on windows, with a leading slash '/'. But even working around this, somethings going wrong (did not have the time to look further yet): ======none c:\Programme\jtcl-2.4.0>jtcl paraffin.tcl iskvprep6 ./iskvprep6 iskvprep6.bat . could not open file ".\echopath": file is not a zip file while executing "error "could not open file \"$fileName\": file is not a zip file"" ("if" then script line 2) invoked from within "if {[java::isnull $ent]} { error "could not open file \"$fileName\": file is not a zip file" }" (procedure "ziplib::openInputZip" line 16) invoked from within "ziplib::openInputZip $jar" invoked from within "set jarin [ziplib::openInputZip $jar]" ("foreach" body line 5) invoked from within "foreach jar $jars { if {! [file isfile $jar]} { continue } set jarin [ziplib::openInputZip $jar] ziplib::c..." (procedure "mkJar" line 22) invoked from within "mkJar $app $srcdir $start $libdir" (procedure "cmdLine" line 32) invoked from within "cmdLine" (file "paraffin.tcl" line 79) ====== [TP] Could you file a bug report at http://kenai.com/bugzilla/buglist.cgi?product=jtcl ? Please include Java version, and the pathname of your Java installation. [MHo]: No, I don't, because doing this requires a login/registration. The JRE used was 1.6.0_41. [TP] '''What is the pathname of your Java install'''? Please attach the output of "parray env" from the JTcl interactive shell. By the way, http://mailinator.com is useful for one-time email addresses :-) ====== % parray env env(CLASSPATH) = C:\Programme\jtcl-2.4.0\\jtcl-2.4.0.jar;.;C:\Programme\Java\jre1.6.0_07\lib\ext\QTJ ava.zip env(HOME) = D:\Home\Hoffmann env(USER) = HOFFMANN env(awt.toolkit) = sun.awt.windows.WToolkit env(file.encoding) = Cp1252 env(file.encoding.pkg) = sun.io env(file.separator) = \ env(java.awt.graphicsenv) = sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment env(java.awt.printerjob) = sun.awt.windows.WPrinterJob env(java.class.path) = C:\Programme\jtcl-2.4.0\\jtcl-2.4.0.jar;.;C:\Programme\Java\jre1.6.0_07\lib\ext\QTJ ava.zip env(java.class.version) = 50.0 env(java.endorsed.dirs) = C:\Programme\Java\jre6\lib\endorsed env(java.ext.dirs) = C:\Programme\Java\jre6\lib\ext;C:\WINDOWS\Sun\Java\lib\ext env(java.home) = C:\Programme\Java\jre6 env(java.io.tmpdir) = d:\var\temp\ env(java.library.path) = C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS\Sun\Java\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\Progr amme\Tcl\bin;C:\Programme\ActiveState Komodo Edit 7\;C:\Programme\caesar\OraClientNet\bin;C:\Programme\caesar\OraClientN et\;C:\Programme\Python27\;C:\Programme\Python27\Scripts;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\system32\WBEM;c:\Prog ramme\misctool;d:\home\Hoffmann\pgm\tcl\usr\bin;c:\Programme\sysinternals2;C:\Programme\ResKits\Tools\;C:\Programme\Supp ort Tools\;C:\Programme\Pbx;C:\Programme\Perl\site\bin;C:\Programme\Perl\bin;c:\Programme\Regina;C:\Programme\Lua\5.1;C: \Programme\Lua\5.1\clibs;C:\Programme\coreutils;C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0;C:\Programme\ooRexx;C:\Progra mme\Subversion\bin;C:\Programme\Gemeinsame Dateien\Acronis\SnapAPI\;C:\Programme\Citrix\System32\;C:\WINDOWS\system32\Wi ndowsPowerShell\v1.0;C:\Programme\Citrix\System32\;%APPDATA%\Python\Scripts;c:\programme\unix2;C:\programme\texlive\2011 \bin\win32;c:\programme\mingw\bin;c:\Programme\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin;;. env(java.runtime.name) = Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment env(java.runtime.version) = 1.6.0_41-b02 env(java.specification.name) = Java Platform API Specification env(java.specification.vendor) = Sun Microsystems Inc. env(java.specification.version) = 1.6 env(java.vendor) = Sun Microsystems Inc. env(java.vendor.url) = http://java.sun.com/ env(java.vendor.url.bug) = http://java.sun.com/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi env(java.version) = 1.6.0_41 env(java.vm.info) = mixed mode, sharing env(java.vm.name) = Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM env(java.vm.specification.name) = Java Virtual Machine Specification env(java.vm.specification.vendor) = Sun Microsystems Inc. env(java.vm.specification.version) = 1.0 env(java.vm.vendor) = Sun Microsystems Inc. env(java.vm.version) = 20.14-b01 env(line.separator) = env(os.arch) = x86 env(os.name) = Windows XP env(os.version) = 5.1 env(path.separator) = ; env(sun.arch.data.model) = 32 env(sun.boot.class.path) = C:\Programme\Java\jre6\lib\resources.jar;C:\Programme\Java\jre6\lib\rt.jar;C:\Progr amme\Java\jre6\lib\sunrsasign.jar;C:\Programme\Java\jre6\lib\jsse.jar;C:\Programme\Java\jre6\lib\jce.jar;C:\Programme\Ja va\jre6\lib\charsets.jar;C:\Programme\Java\jre6\lib\modules\jdk.boot.jar;C:\Programme\Java\jre6\classes env(sun.boot.library.path) = C:\Programme\Java\jre6\bin env(sun.cpu.endian) = little env(sun.cpu.isalist) = pentium_pro+mmx pentium_pro pentium+mmx pentium i486 i386 i86 env(sun.desktop) = windows env(sun.io.unicode.encoding) = UnicodeLittle env(sun.java.command) = tcl.lang.Shell env(sun.java.launcher) = SUN_STANDARD env(sun.jnu.encoding) = Cp1252 env(sun.management.compiler) = HotSpot Client Compiler env(sun.os.patch.level) = Service Pack 3 env(user.country) = DE env(user.dir) = C:\Programme\jtcl-2.4.0 env(user.home) = D:\Home\Hoffmann env(user.language) = de env(user.name) = HOFFMANN env(user.timezone) = env(user.variant) = % ====== [TP] I think I might see your problem, look at your command line: c:\Programme\jtcl-2.4.0>jtcl paraffin.tcl iskvprep6 ./iskvprep6 iskvprep6.bat . The parameters to paraffin.tcl are '''app-name source-directory start-file [[ jar-directory ]]''' '''start-file''' should be the Tcl file that is your main script, not a batch file. '''jar-directory''' should be a directory that only contains the additional jar files you need for your application. You are using "." as the jar-directory, which probably contains files other than jar files. Does your application require additional jar files? If so, place all of those jar files in a clean directory. See the example at: http://jtcl.kenai.com/docs/paraffin.html for more information. [MHo]: iskvprep6.bat ''is'' a tcl script. Some scripts that I write allways start this way: ====== #!/bin/sh # \ exec /iskv/tools/tclkitsh "$0" ${1+"$@"} ::if 0 { @cls @tclkitsh859.exe "%~dpn0.bat" %* @goto :EOF } : : ====== And I don't need additional JARs, I think. But of course I will look at the example. [MHo] 2013-03-08: Don't know what I made different than before (besides looking at the documentation page which I missed before), but the paraffin step now works ok and produces a .jar file. Running the .jar file gives the following error: ====== C:\Programme\jtcl-2.4.0>java -jar iskvprep6.jar could not read "resource:tcl/app/iskvprep6.bat": no such file or directory while executing "file mtime [info script" invoked from within "clock format [file mtime [info script]] -format %d.%m.%Y" invoked from within "puts stderr " $script - [clock format [file mtime [info script]] -format %d.%m.%Y] - Anlegen von Unix-Gruppen, -Be nutzern und HomeDirs fuer 21c Aufru..." ("if" then script line 2) invoked from within "if {$argc == 0 || $cIx < 0} { puts stderr " $script - [clock format [file mtime [info script]] -format %d.%m.%Y] -\ Anlegen von Unix-Gruppen, -Benu..." ====== [TP] This error is from the '''file''' command not understanding the '''resource:''' convention. Instead of a true virtual file system (like C/Tcl), JTcl only recognizes resource: in '''open''' and '''source''' commands. To make this work, you'll have to modify your application to not use '''file''' on a resource: pathname. [MHo]: Then, how to get the filetime of the script itself? [TP] Unfortunately, there's not an easy way. The included package '''ziplib''' has a library command to open and traverse a zip or jar file. See the second example at: http://jtcl.kenai.com/docs/jtcllib/ziplib.html Instead of using the ''getName'' method, use ''getTime'', which will return the zip entry's modification time in milliseconds. <> Application | Graphics