Version 40 of John Roll

Updated 2007-09-18 18:43:54 by jbr

I build software systems for large astronomical instrumentaiton at Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.

JBR in discussions

Reformed scripter, now Tcl'er...

When Tcl first came out, I thought it sucked, a rather slow interpreted language with square brackets for interpolation! I wrote my own lua/Xt binding marrying it to Wcl and the BAE Matrix. Tcl 8.0 and a little playing around and I've written tcl ever since, good riddence to all that unsupportable code.

The nicest Tcl I've written is the message library [L1 ]. This runs the MMT Observatory [L2 ] instruments and data acquisition systems [L3 ]. All of the GUI code is Tcl, instrument control software is C. If I'd know better all the code would be Tcl with C (Critcl) extensions. There are several glue servers written in Tcl simply to handle protocol translation, very handy.

I wrote starbase which I use in the lab almost every day. There is a tcl API for starbase in pure tcl [starbase.tcl].

Tcl Things

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