From a news:comp.lang.tcl posting by [Larry Smith] on 2000-08-21: Richard Suchenwirth's articles on his "[gadgets]" system have lead me to first reverse-engineer his basic idea, and then to play with it for a bit. This is the latest version of it, and I'm calling mine '''LOST''', for ''Lightweight Object System for Tcl''. It's a rather intriguing demonstration of Tcl's chameleon-like ability to adapt to a problem, in this case using a meta-programming scheme... The example code is based on Richard's example - the "=" method for File does not adapt well to the args parser I've added (which parses the args for you and assigns useful local variables). But I left it that way since it's a demo based on Richard's gadget idea and not a "production" system. It's lightly tested, I'm sure there are more bugs. There is at least one design difficiency, there is no way to call a super- class's version of a method you've overridden. To Richard's gadgets, this version adds multiple inheritance and the ability to declare instance variables. # scans for -foo "str" pairs and converts them # into variable=value pairs in the surrounding # scope - i.e. -foo "str" becomes "foo" with a # value of "str" in the calling routine. proc init { args } { set max [ llength $args ] if { $max == 1 } { # braced set of args eval set args $args set max [ llength $args ] } for { set i 0 } { $i <= $max } { } { set s [ lindex $args $i ] if { [ string index $s 0 ] == "-" } { set var [ string range $s 1 end ] incr i if { $i < $max } { set val [ lindex $args $i ] if { [ string index $val 0 ] != "-" } { uplevel 1 set $var \{$val\} continue } } uplevel 1 set $var 1 } incr i } } proc class { type inherits instvars methods } { global classinfo foreach superclass $inherits { set methods " $methods $classinfo($superclass-methods) " eval lappend instvars $classinfo($superclass-instvars) } set classinfo($type-instvars) $instvars set classinfo($type-methods) $methods set typeproc { set instproc { upvar @var THIS @type THIS $method $args } upvar $var THIS if { "$method" == "" } { return $self(=value) } @init switch $method { @methods } regsub -all @var $instproc $var instproc proc $var { { method "" } args } $instproc } regsub -all @type $typeproc $type typeproc regsub -all self $methods THIS(=value) methods foreach instvar $instvars { if { "$instvar" == "args" } { regsub @init $typeproc {init $args} typeproc } else { regsub -all $instvar $methods self($instvar) methods } } regsub -all @init $typeproc "" typeproc regsub -all @methods $typeproc $methods typeproc regsub -all THIS $typeproc self typeproc proc $type { var method args } $typeproc } class File {} { args filename } { = {set filename "$open" ; set self [open $open]} gets {return [ gets $self ]} puts {puts $self "$args"} eof {return [eof $self]} close {close $self} name {return $filename} } class TextFile { File } {} { = { set filename "${open}.txt" ; set self [open $filename]} } class int {} {} { = {set self [expr int(round($args))]} ++ {incr self} } TextFile F = -open chap2 puts "Filename is [F name]" int i = 1 while 1 { set line [ F gets] if [F eof] break puts "[i]:$line" i ++ } F close .-. .-. .---. .---. .-..-. | "Bill Gates is just a monocle | |__ / | \| |-< | |-< > / | and a Persian Cat away from `----'`-^-'`-'`-'`-'`-' `-' | being one of the bad guys in a My opinions only. | James Bond movie." -- D Miller ---- [Category Object Orientation] | [Category Package] | [Category Acronym]