Version 3 of Mactel/universal binaries

Updated 2005-12-31 17:38:46

Kevin Walzer Apple has announced its transition to the Intel platform in 2006 after more than a decade on PPC. To ease the transition for developers, it is providing support for "universal binaries"--compilation to support both the legacy PPC platform and the new Intel platform. See for more information.

How are Tcl/Tk developers on the Mac dealing with the transition to Intel?

A few notes:

 * [Daniel Steffen] has already committed new makefiles and [Xcode] projects that make building Tcl/Tk as a universal binary simple. See for complete details. 

 * Extensions are a trickier matter. While many extensions such as [Img] are already included by default on [MacOS X], and should presumably run without problem on Mactel, other extensions are not. [Tile], [Tclkit], [Starkit], etc. are not yet available as universal binaries. My efforts to get Tile to build so far have not been successful (bug report filed at SF). 

 * I discuss a few other points about the transition at

Others are invited to post their experiences/perspectives/solutions on the Mactel transition.