[TR] - Late in 2006 I decided to help the Tcl community to relaunch/improve/overhaul (or whatever you call it) the http://www.tcl.tk site. I was tired of all this marketing talk and nothing being done about it. So here I am, starting work slowly but continuously. ---- '''Original post''' My original announcement for this task was posted in this thread about "Finding a niche for Tcl": http://groups.google.de/group/comp.lang.tcl/browse_frm/thread/98ec976d58b75c86/e7eb63b0b9993e81 ---- '''The plan''' On the site http://tcl.typoscriptics.de/portal you will always find the current status of the new Tcl portal. My plan is to ... 1. Get all content from the original site over to the new one 2. Look for a good design (the current is just a placeholder at the moment) 3. Add more content, links and the like and update the site with news on a regular basis ---- '''Current status''' I am in phase 1 now collecting and reorganizing content from www.tcl.tk. Any time I see something interesting, I add a placeholder to the new site so I can remember what to add in phase 3. (pages in parentheses are not yet transferred) * Home page is transferred * about/ is transferred * about/highlights.html grabbed (needs revision) * (about/uses.html) * (about/audience.html) * about/features.html grabbed (needs revision, same page as: advocacy/top10.html and advocacy/whytcl.html) * about/compare.html grabbed (needs thorough revision, same page as: advocacy/choose.html and advocacy/whyscript.html) * about/language.html grabbed (needs revision, same page as: scripting/syntax.html) * software/tcltk/license.html grabbed * about/support.html grabbed * about/history.html is transferred * (about/dos2unix.html) (same page as: scripting/lesson1.html) * (about/netserver.html) (same page as: scripting/netserver.html) * scripting/primer.html grabbed (needs revision) * (customers/) * (customers/success/) * (customers/success/AOLcase.html) * (customers/success/webcontent.html) * (customers/success/netmanage.html) * (customers/success/testautomation.html) * (customers/success/edacad.html) * (customers/success/other.html) * (advocacy/perl.html) (page seems to not exist) * (advocacy/xml.html) (page seems not to exist) * (software/) * (software/tcltk/) * (software/tclpro/) * (software/tclpro/debugger.html) * (software/tclpro/checker.html) * (software/tclpro/compiler.html) * (software/tclpro/wrapper.html) * (software/tclpro/eval/) * (software/tclpro/support/faq.html) * (software/tclpro/doc/) * (software/tclpro/support/index.html) * (software/plugin/) * (software/plugin/download.html) * (software/plugin/faq.html) * (software/plugin/applets.html) * (software/plugin/external.html) * (resource/software/ports/) * (software/java/) * (software/java/download.html) * (software/java/new_features.html) * (software/java/faq.html) * (man/java1.2.6/contents.html) * (resource/software/applications/) * (resource/software/applications/editor/) * (resource/software/applications/email/) * (resource/software/applications/graphics/) * (resource/software/applications/irc/) * (resource/software/applications/personal/) * (resource/software/applications/misc/) * (resource/software/extensions/) * (resource/software/extensions/database/) * (resource/software/extensions/expect/) * (resource/software/extensions/macintosh/) * (resource/software/extensions/network/) * (resource/software/extensions/objects/) * (resource/software/extensions/tk/) * (resource/software/extensions/windows/) * (resource/software/extensions/misc/) * (resource/software/tools/) * (resource/software/tools/development/) * (resource/software/tools/guibuilder/) * (resource/software/tools/plugin/) * (resource/software/tools/www/) * (resource/software/tools/xml/) * (resource/software/tools/misc/) * (software/tcltk/netcvs.html) * (doc/) * (resource/doc/books/) * (resource/doc/faq/) * (man/) * (resource/doc/start) * (doc/white.html) * (doc/scripting.html) * (doc/integration.html) * (doc/compiler.html) * (doc/tclHistory.html) * (doc/scriptHistory.html) * (doc/Y2K.html) * (doc/howto/") * (doc/howto/probuild.html) * (doc/howto/wrap.html) * (doc/howto/compile.html) * (doc/howto/stubs.html) * (doc/howto/thread_model.html) * (doc/howto/winext.html) * (doc/howto/regexp81.tml) * (doc/howto/i18n.html) * (doc/tea/) * (community/) * (community/news.html) * (community/features/) * (community/features/Xconq.html) * (community/features/webbuilding.html) * (community/features/intelliclaim.html) * (community/features/infocoll.html) * (community/features/millionare.html) * (community/features/tclkit.html) * (community/features/familypractice.html) * (community/features/ashley.html) * (resource/community/people/) * (resource/community/websites/) * (community/tcl2005/) * (resource/) * (live/bydate) * (forms/urlnote.html) * (live/keyword) ---- '''To do''' * incorporate text from [TCL Elevator Pitch] ---- '''Can you help?''' Yes you can. Provide content, stories, news, ...! I have already received some content (a tutorial) from [Arjen Markus] and an offer from the makers of the Tcl-URL! to help me trasnferring the weekly news to the site. ---- '''Comments''' [EKB] Your new design ''is'' easier to navigate thatn www.tcl.tk. I look forward to seeing more. (Although I'm not crazy about the layout. It's too "Wordpress"-like for me, and I'm glad that at step 2 in your plan you're looking at designs. Maybe take a look at CSS Zen Garden for inspiration? [http://www.csszengarden.com/]) [TR] I know Zen Garden and many of these layouts are really beautiful. As the plan is, the focus is on ''content alone'' now. The current layout is a placeholder only, so people can see the content being added. When all content is there, I will switch focus to the layout and I think there will be lots to discuss then. [EKB] Sounds like a good plan! On another note, I think you could quickly fill in your Tcl/Tk placeholders for "hello, world": puts "Hello, World!" and pack [label .l -text "Hello, World!"] [TR] True. I was planning something like this. It needs a short introductory text, though. Maybe I'll take some from the wiki ... ''[EKB] Yes, in fact, there's a whole [The Hello World program as implemented in Tcl/Tk] page.'' [EKB] One more comment. If you used the same type size on all the pages (home page & others), then the user could set the type size that's comfortable for them. My 2 1/2 cents. [TR] This may be due to my ignorance on layout right now. I will look into this. Thanks for your comments! ''[EKB] No problem! Actually, truth be told, the last one was from my spouse, who is a graphic designer. She gave me permission to pretend it was my idea :-D'' [tjk] You might add a link to the tkchat page to the the related links for Core Team. [TR] Done! Thanks for the hint. chrisjl - Forgive me if this is already part of the plan, but I'd hate to see you complete this daunting task without me making this point. I hope part of the intended process is to change the URLs to reflect the page content. e.g. Documentation -> Tutorials is currently accessed as the highly forgettable page3/page10/page10.html - I'd much rather be able to tell people to visit www.tcl.tk/docs/tutorials (note the absence of an actual file name in that URL). ---- [Category Community]