[[ [Expect] is wonderful. Its role in the past was quite large.]] [[Now there are often strictly superior approaches for many problems that would have been solved in the past with Expect.]] [[On another hand, Expect still has many uses that programmers do '''not''' know.]] ---- So, here are examples of more modern ways to do things that once would have been best with Expect: * [[ [ftp] ]] - [Sarnold] Isn't '''wget''' a better solution ? See also [Download Accelerator]. * [[mail without [smtp] and with [http://wiki.tcl.tk/10143] attachments]] * [[ [IMAP] automation]], [pop3] example [http://groups.google.com/groups?th=aad3f41f08831821] * [[ [telnet] ]] * ... ---- [Category Expect]