aka [MGS] [Recent Changes] I'm currently working on two large projects: The first is an all-new megawidget toolkit called the [eWidgets Toolkit]. The second is an application framework and operating environment called [Mogul]. Back in 2001, I started a project called "[Pocket Tcl Environment]" http://pockettcl.sourceforge.net/ which is now no longer being developed, pending release of these new projects (above). '''Pocket Tcl''' won the Grand Prize in ''Compaq's Linux Developers' Contest for Hendhelds'' (announced at LinuxWorld Expo, August 2001) [http://opensource.compaq.com/the_source/linuxworld_aug2001_contest.htm]. I've put a couple of small tcl offerings at: http://www.speakeasy.org/~msaye/tcl/ http://www.speakeasy.org/~msaye/tk/ I am currently looking for Tcl-related employment/contracting. You can see my listing at: [Tcl jobs] mailto:markgsaye@yahoo.com ---- Question: Is there a TIP submitted yet with regards to your tkwm patches? Answer: These are not *my* tkwm patches, I just modified them to compile with 8.3.4. They were written by [Neil McKay] and can be found at http://www.eecs.umich.edu/~mckay/. In fact, Neil wrote TIP #47 ("Modifying Tk to Allow Writing X Window managers") http://www.tcl.tk/cgi-bin/tct/tip/47.html which was incorporated into 8.4.0. There is also his rootwin extension for turning the Tk root window '.' into the X root window (I couldn't get it to compile though). See also [Tkwm]. ---- My contributions to the Wiki include: * [always on top] * [ampersand magic] * [array size] * [arrayval] * [axis scroller] * [bevel 3d] * [binding to a toplevel window] * [bitmap images with 2 colors and transparency] * [Canvas postscript - text rendering bug] * [Canvas rectangle marking] * [Changing all fonts in an application] * [cloneProc] * [colors] * [eWidgets Toolkit] * [extended listbox] * [font measure] * [font scaling] * [getOpenFile] * [idle] * [image create] * [Img] * [info level] * [Internal scrollbars] * [Introspection Commands] * [KDE window icons] * [label selection] * [label wrapping] * [LED] * [listbox] * [listbox selection] * [Mogul] * [mousewheel] * [pda] * [pi] * [Pocket Tcl Environment] * [poor man's progressbar] * [Practical Guide to Choosing Fonts] * [session management] * [sizeinfo] * [source with args] * [splash screen] * [sudo] * [Sun, moon, and stars] * [Tcl 9.0 WishList] * [Tcl Commands] * [Tcl Style Guide] * [Text widget improvements] * [text::sync] * [timer] * [timers] * [Tk 9.0 WishList] * [Tk Commands] * [tk scaling] * [Tkwm] * [tooltip] * [toplevel] * [vertical labels] * [window::or] * [Wizard] * [wm] * [wm client] * [wm command] * [wm transient] * [zaurus] ---- [Category Home Page] - [Category Person]