[https://image.jimcdn.com/app/cms/image/transf/none/path/s1b9371b41c82e69b/image/ia9f3d4798a254fb2/version/1489180216/image.jpg] I started tcl programming in the windows 3.11-days, after a long period of hard DOS-programming tasks... I'm frequently writing system-scripts and sometimes userprograms with Tk-GUIs. Other used languages are PowerBasic for windows or REXX. Still surprised by the power and elegance of tcl/tk, and the improvement of the development productivity. Unfortunally, the management stuff almost always never heard anything about tcl/tk... Though tried [Linux] many times, I've not escaped yet from [Windows]... My personal homepage is here and there, actually: https://mhoffi.jimdo.com/. Maybe I'll post some code snippets at this page. Additionally, I will post modules and/or programs here: http://chiselapp.com/user/MHo/ ---- * [Matthias Hoffmann - Tcl-Code-Snippets] '''Note''' I'm not aware of any facts that should prevent you from using the code listet here... But don't blame me if something's goin' wrong! ----- '''Pointers to interesting pages and Place to create new pages:''' (I should better maintain this instead of my local mozilla bookmarks...) * [tclvfs] * [Wikit Problems] * [Tcllib html] * [Tclish Sourceforge Pages] * [Centering a window] * http://www.patthoyts.tk/tclkit.html * [TIP #305: ANSI Escape Sequence Support for Windows's Console Channel Driver] * [http::formatQuery] * [Problems with Tclkitsh 8.5.7] * [exec on windows oddity?] * [Icons for Tclkit 8.5.8] * [MHo - couldn't edit pages anymore] * [Google App Engine] * [Strange phenomen] * [BWidget with tile] * [tepam] * [bgCopy] * [Ways to return values] <> Person