Version 0 of Montana Solitaire with AutoPlayer

Updated 2006-05-04 00:18:53

HJG This is Montana Solitaire from Keith Vetter with an added AutoPlayer. To save space, the common card images from card_img are used.

 # Montana -- plays Montana solitaire
 # by Keith Vetter, April 2006 / May 2006

 # 2006-04-30 HaJo Gurt: Resize+wm geom, card_img.tcl
 # 2006-05-01 HaJo Gurt: Find2, Print
 # 2006-05-02 HaJo Gurt: Autoplay1
 # 2006-05-03 HaJo Gurt: update to KPV 2005-05-01, F1, focus -force, Auto

  package require Tk

  array set S {title "Montana Solitaire" 
    auto 0  delay 500
    lm 10 bm 10 tm 70
    padx 5 pady 5 color green4 gcolor cyan gwidth 6}
  wm title . $S(title)
  wm geom  . 1000x552+8+16

  proc DoDisplay {} {
    global S

    if {! [catch {package require tile 0.7.2}]} {
        namespace import -force ::ttk::button
        namespace import -force ::ttk::scrollbar
    eval destroy [winfo child .]
    canvas .c -width $S(w) -height $S(h) -bg $S(color) -highlightthickness 0
    frame .bottom -bd 2 -relief ridge
    label .lmoves -text "Moves:" -anchor e
    .lmoves configure -font "[font actual [.lmoves cget -font]] -weight bold"
    option add *Label.font [.lmoves cget -font]

    label .vmoves   -textvariable ::STATS(moves)   -anchor e
    label .lgood    -text "Good:" -anchor e
    label .vgood    -textvariable ::STATS(good)    -anchor e
    label .lredeals -text "Redeals:" -anchor e
    label .vredeals -textvariable ::STATS(redeals) -anchor e
    grid .lgood    .vgood    -in .bottom -sticky ew
    grid .lmoves   .vmoves   -in .bottom -sticky ew
    grid .lredeals .vredeals -in .bottom -sticky ew
    grid columnconfigure .bottom 2 -weight 1

    pack .c -side top -fill both -expand 1
    pack .bottom -side top -fill x

    bind all <Key-F1>    Help
    bind all <Key-F2>    StartGame
    bind all <Key-F3>   {console show}
    bind all <Control-z> Undo

    bind . <Key-1> {Auto 1}
    bind . <Key-2> {Auto R}
    bind . <Key-3> {Auto End}
    bind . <Key-0> {Auto Off}

    .c create text [expr {$S(w)/2}] 0 -text $S(title) -fill red \
        -font {Times 42 bold} -anchor n -tag title
    focus -force .

  # DoMenus -- isn't installing menus really verbose and clunky?
  proc DoMenus {} {
    option add *Menu.tearOff 0

    . config -menu [menu .menu]

    .menu add cascade      -label "Game"     -underline 0 -menu add command -label "New Game" -underline 0 -command StartGame \
        -accelerator "F2" add command -label "Restart"  -underline 0 -command [list StartGame 1]    add separator add command -label "Undo"     -underline 0 -command Undo \
        -accelerator "Ctrl-Z" add separator add command -label "Exit"     -underline 1 -command exit

    .menu add cascade      -label "Help"     -underline 0 -menu add command -label "Help"     -underline 0 -command Help add command -label "About"    -underline 0 -command About add separator add command -label "Autoplay 1 move"   -underline 9 -command {Auto 1}  ;#AutoPlay1 add command -label "Autoplay 2"        -underline 9 -command {Auto R} add command -label "Autoplay 3 to end" -underline 9 -command {Auto End} add separator add command -label "Autoplay 0ff"    -underline 9 -command {Auto Off}
  # GetCardPlacement -- sets up board with lots of empty tagged items
  proc GetCardPlacement {} {
    global S

    for {set idx 0} {$idx < 52} {incr idx} {
        set row [expr {$idx / 13}]
        set col [expr {$idx % 13}]
        set x   [expr {$S(lm) + $col * ($S(cw)+$S(padx))}]
        set y   [expr {$S(tm) + $row * ($S(ch)+$S(pady))}]

        set x1 [expr {$x+$S(cw)}]
        set y1 [expr {$y+$S(ch)}]

        .c create line $x $y $x1 $y $x1 $y1 $x $y1 $x $y $x1 $y -fill {} \
            -tag [list m m$row,$col] -width $S(gwidth) -joinstyle miter
        incr x1 -1
        .c create rect $x $y $x1 $y1 -tag g$row,$col -fill $S(color) \
            -outline $S(color)

        .c create image $x $y -tag c$row,$col -anchor nw
        .c bind c$row,$col <Button-1>        [list Click $row $col]
        .c bind c$row,$col <Button-3>        [list Hint  $row $col]
       #.c bind g$row,$col <Button-1>        [list Hint2 $row $col]
        .c bind g$row,$col <Double-Button-1> [list Hint2 $row $col double]
        .c bind g$row,$col <Button-3>        [list Hint2 $row $col]
        bind all <ButtonPress-2>             [list Hint3 down]
        bind all <ButtonRelease-2>           [list Hint3 up]
  # Click -- handles moving a card after clicking on it
  proc Click {row col} {
    global B

    .c delete flash
    set card $B($row,$col)
    if {$card eq "gap"} return                  ;# Be safe, shouldn't happen
    if {$card eq "X"  } return                  ;# Be safe, shouldn't happen

    set pred [CardPredecessor $card]
    if {! [string match "2?" $card]} {
        foreach {r c} $B(r,$pred) break
        incr c
    } else {
        set c 0
        for {set r 0} {$r < 3} {incr r} {
            if {$B($r,$c) eq "gap"} break

    if {$B($r,$c) eq "gap"} {
        MoveCardToGap $row $col $r $c
        lappend B(undo) [list $row $col $r $c] entryconfig "Undo" -state normal
        incr ::STATS(moves)
    } else {
        Flash bad $row $col
  # Flash -- temporarily highlights a card for either bad move or hint
  proc Flash {how args} {
    array set delays {bad 300 good 1000    all 15000}
    array set clr    {bad red good magenta all yellow}

    foreach aid [after info] { after cancel $aid }
    .c delete flash
    foreach {row col} $args {
        foreach {x0 y0 x1 y1} [.c bbox c$row,$col] break
        .c create line $x0 $y0 $x1 $y0 $x1 $y1 $x0 $y1 $x0 $y0 $x1 $y0 \
            -tag flash -width 7 -fill $clr($how) -capstyle round

        if {$how eq "bad"} {
            .c create line $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1 -tag flash -width 10 -fill $clr($how)
            .c create line $x0 $y1 $x1 $y0 -tag flash -width 10 -fill $clr($how)
    after $delays($how) .c delete flash
  # CanMove -- returns true if a valid move still exists
  proc CanMove {} {
    global B

    foreach gap $B(gaps) {
        foreach {row col} $gap break
        if {$col == 0} { return 1 }
        set left $B($row,[expr {$col-1}])
        if {$left eq "gap"} continue
        if {! [string match "k?" $left]} { return 1 }
    return 0
  # MoveCardToGap -- moves card from row/col to the gap at r/c
  proc MoveCardToGap {row col r c} {
    global B

    set card $B($row,$col)
    set B($row,$col) "gap"
    set B($r,$c) $card
    set B(r,$card) [list $r $c]
    set n [lsearch $B(gaps) [list $r $c]]
    lset B(gaps) $n [list $row $col]

    .c itemconfig c$r,$c -image ::img::$card
    .c itemconfig c$row,$col -image {}
  # EndTurn -- Handles end-of-turn logic
  proc EndTurn {} {
    set ::STATS(good) [llength [FindGood]]
    if {[CanMove]} return
    if {$::STATS(good) == 48} {
        set ::S(auto) 0
        Print "Finished: $::STATS(moves) moves, $::STATS(redeals) redeals.\n\n"
        tk_messageBox -title $::S(title) -message "You Won!"
    } else {
        if {$::S(auto) == 2} { set ::S(auto) 0 }
        Print "Redeal\n"
        tk_messageBox -title $::S(title) -message "No more moves.\n\nRedeal"
  # HighlightGood -- highlight all cards in their proper position
  proc HighlightGood {} {
    global B
    .c itemconfig m -fill {}
    foreach card [FindGood] {
        foreach {row col} $B(r,$card) break
        .c itemconfig m$row,$col -fill $::S(gcolor)
  # FindGood -- finds all cards that are in their proper position
  proc FindGood {} {
    global B
    set pos {2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t j q k}

    set good {}
    for {set row 0} {$row < 4} {incr row} {
        set head $B($row,0)
        if {! [string match "2?" $head]} continue
        set hsuit [string index $head 1]
        for {set col 0} {$col < 13} {incr col} {
            foreach {pip suit} [split $B($row,$col) ""] break
            if {$suit ne $hsuit} break
            if {$pip ne [lindex $pos $col]} break

            lappend good $B($row,$col)
    return $good
  # About -- tell something about us
  proc About {} {
    set    txt "$::S(title)\n\nby Keith Vetter\nApril, 2006"
    append txt "\n\nAutoplay by HaJo Gurt"
    tk_messageBox -icon info -message $txt -title "About $::S(title)"
  # Help -- a simple help screen
  proc Help {} {
    catch {destroy .help}
    toplevel .help
    wm title .help "$::S(title) Help"
    #wm geom .help "+[expr {[winfo x .] + [winfo width .] + 10}]+[winfo y .]"

    set t .help.t
    text $t -relief raised -wrap word -width 70 -height 30 \
        -padx 10 -pady 10 -cursor {} -yscrollcommand { set}
    scrollbar -orient vertical -command [list $t yview]
    button .help.dismiss -text Dismiss -command {destroy .help}
    pack .help.dismiss -side bottom -pady 10
    pack -side right -fill y
    pack $t -side top -expand 1 -fill both

    set bold   "[font actual [$t cget -font]] -weight bold"
    set italic "[font actual [$t cget -font]] -slant italic"
    $t tag config title -justify center -foregr red -font "Times 20 bold"
    $t tag configure title2 -justify center -font "Times 12 bold"
    $t tag configure header -font $bold
    $t tag configure n -lmargin1 10 -lmargin2 10
    $t tag configure bullet -lmargin1 20 -lmargin2 30

    $t insert end "$::S(title)\n" title
    $t insert end "by Keith Vetter\n\n" title2

    $t insert end "$::S(title) is a simple solitaire game that goes by "
    $t insert end "a variety of names including \x22Gaps\x22, \x22Rangoon\x22, "
    $t insert end "\"BlueMoon\", \x22Station\x22 and \x22Montana Aces\x22.\n\n"

    $t insert end "Tableau\n" header
    $t insert end "At the start of the game, all 52 cards are shuffled and "
    $t insert end "dealt face up in four rows of thirteen cards. The four aces "
    $t insert end "are removed creating four gaps.\n\n"

    $t insert end "Object\n" header

    $t insert end "The objective is to rearrange the cards so that each row "
    $t insert end "contains the cards of a single suit ordered from deuce to "
    $t insert end "king. (The last column in each row will contain a gap "
    $t insert end "instead of the ace.)\n\n"

    $t insert end "The Play\n" header

    $t insert end "If a gap appears in the first column, you can move any "
    $t insert end "deuce to that position. If a gap appears elsewhere, you "
    $t insert end "move there only the card with same suit and one higher "
    $t insert end "rank than the card to the left of the gap. For example, "
    $t insert end "if the 5 of Hearts appears to the left of a gap, you "
    $t insert end "can move the 6 of Hearts to that gap. If the card to "
    $t insert end "the left of the gap is a King or another gap, you cannot "
    $t insert end "move any card to that gap.\n\n"

    $t insert end "Whenever you move a card, you'll fill one gap, but create "
    $t insert end "a new one.\n\n"

    $t insert end "Mechanics\n" header
    $t insert end "o Click on a card to move it to a gap (if legal)\n" bullet
    $t insert end "o Right-click on card to highlight its predecessor\n" bullet
    $t insert end "o Right-click on a gap to highlight legal move\n" bullet
    $t insert end "o Double-click on a gap to fill gap\n" bullet
    $t insert end "o Hold middle-button down to highlight all legal moves\n" bullet
    $t insert end "\n"

    $t insert end "Redeal\n" header
    $t insert end "If no move is possible, a redeal occurs automatically. "
    $t insert end "All cards which are not in their correct positions are "
    $t insert end "picked up, shuffled and redealt. Again the four aces are "
    $t insert end "removed creating four gaps.\n\n"

    $t insert end "See Also\n" header
    $t insert end "For more details about all the different variants in "
    $t insert end "family of solitaire games, see "
    $t insert end "\n\n"

    $t insert end "Autoplay\n" header
    $t insert end "Key 1: make a single automatic move,\n"
    $t insert end "Key 2: autoplay until next redeal,\n"
    $t insert end "Key 3: autoplay until end of game.\n"
    $t insert end "Key 0: Stop autoplay.\n\n"

    $t config -state disabled
    focus -force .help.dismiss
  # MakeCards -- makes are deck and cards
  proc MakeCards {} {
    global S

    set S(deck) {}
    foreach suit {s d c h} {
        foreach pip {a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t j q k} {
            lappend S(deck) "$pip$suit"

    if {[info commands ::img::as] eq ""} {
        if {! [file exists cimages.tcl]} {
            wm withdraw .
            set emsg "Error: missing card images\n\n"
            tk_messageBox -icon error -message $emsg \
                -title "$S(title) Error"
        source cimages.tcl
    set S(cw) [image width  ::img::as]
    set S(ch) [image height ::img::as]
    set S(w)  [expr {2*$S(lm) + 13*$S(cw) + 12*$S(padx)}]
    set S(h)  [expr {  $S(tm) +  4*$S(ch) +  3*$S(pady) + $S(bm)}]
  # Shuffle -- Shuffles a list
  proc Shuffle { l } {
    set len [llength $l]
    set len2 $len
    for {set i 0} {$i < $len-1} {incr i} {
        set n [expr {int($i + $len2 * rand())}]
        incr len2 -1

        # Swap elements at i & n
        set temp  [lindex $l $i]
        lset l $i [lindex $l $n]
        lset l $n $temp
    return $l
  # StartGame -- starts a new game
  proc StartGame {{noShuffle 0}} {
    global S B STATS

    array unset STATS
    array set STATS {moves 0 redeals 0 good 0}

    array unset B
    array set B {0,13 X 1,13 X 2,13 X 3,13 X 4,0 X} ;# Sentinels entryconfig "Undo" -state disabled
    if {! $noShuffle} {
        set S(cards) [Shuffle $S(deck)]

    # Deal all the cards
    for {set idx 0} {$idx < 52} {incr idx} {
        set row [expr {$idx / 13}]
        set col [expr {$idx % 13}]
        set card [lindex $S(cards) $idx]
        if {[string match "a?" $card]} {        ;# Ace, leave a gap
            set B($row,$col) "gap"
            lappend B(gaps) [list $row $col]
            .c itemconfig c$row,$col -image {}
        } else {
            set B($row,$col) $card
            set B(r,$card) [list $row $col]
            .c itemconfig c$row,$col -image ::img::$B($row,$col)
    Print "New Game"
  # CardPredecessor -- returns previous card in sequence
  proc CardPredecessor {card} {
    set n [lsearch $::S(deck) $card]
    return [lindex $::S(deck) [expr {$n-1}]]
  # CardSuccessor -- returns next card in sequence
  proc CardSuccessor {card} {
    set n [lsearch $::S(deck) $card]
    return [lindex $::S(deck) [expr {$n+1}]]
  # Redeal -- deals out all cards that are not in their proper position
  proc Redeal {} {
    global S B

    incr ::STATS(redeals)
    set good [FindGood]
    set bad {}                                  ;# All the cards to deal
    set cells $B(gaps)                          ;# Where to deal to
    foreach card $S(deck) {
        if {[lsearch $good $card] > -1} continue
        lappend bad $card
        catch {lappend cells $B(r,$card)}

    set B(undo) {} entryconfig "Undo" -state disabled
    while {1} {
        set B(gaps) {}
        set cards [Shuffle $bad]

        foreach card $cards cell $cells {
            foreach {row col} $cell break
            if {[string match "a?" $card]} {    ;# Ace, leave a gap
                set B($row,$col) "gap"
                lappend B(gaps) [list $row $col]
                .c itemconfig c$row,$col -image {}
            } else {
                set B($row,$col) $card
                set B(r,$card) [list $row $col]
                .c itemconfig c$row,$col -image ::img::$B($row,$col)
        if {[CanMove]} break

  proc Undo {} {
    global B

    if {$B(undo) eq {}} return
    foreach {r c row col} [lindex $B(undo) end] break
    set B(undo) [lrange $B(undo) 0 end-1]
    MoveCardToGap $row $col $r $c
    incr ::STATS(moves)
    if {$B(undo) eq {}} { entryconfig "Undo" -state disabled
  # Hint -- shows predecessor for a given card
  proc Hint {row col} {
    global B

    set pred [CardPredecessor $B($row,$col)]
    if {! [info exists B(r,$pred)]} return
    foreach {r c} $B(r,$pred) break
    Flash good $r $c
  # Hint2 -- shows which card goes into a gap
  proc Hint2 {row col {how single}} {
    global B

    if {$B($row,$col) ne "gap"} return
    incr col -1
    if {$col < 0} return
    set card $B($row,$col)
    if {$card eq "gap"} return
    if {[string match "k?" $card]} return

    set succ [CardSuccessor $card]
    if {! [info exists B(r,$succ)]} return
    if {$how eq "single"} {
        eval Flash good $B(r,$succ)
    } else {                                    ;# Double click--do actual move
        .c delete flash
        eval Click $B(r,$succ)
  proc Hint3 {updown} {
    global B

    if {$updown eq "up"} {
        Flash all                               ;# Turn off highlighting

    set moves {}
    foreach pos $B(gaps) {
        foreach {row col} $pos break
        if {$col == 0} {                        ;# Empty in left column
            foreach card {2h 2c 2d 2s} {
                foreach {row col} $B(r,$card) break
                if {$col > 0} {
                    lappend moves $row $col
        incr col -1
        if {$col < 0} continue

        set card $B($row,$col)
        if {$card eq "gap"} continue            ;# Left is gap
        if {[string match "k?" $card]} continue ;# Left is a king

        set succ [CardSuccessor $card]
        if {! [info exists B(r,$succ)]} continue;# Shouldn't happen
        eval lappend moves $B(r,$succ)
    eval Flash all $moves
  # Card images from Patience card game, see

  if { [catch { source card_img.tcl }]} {
    wm withdraw .
    tk_messageBox -icon error  -title "$S(title) Error" \
       -message "File with cardimages not found: card_img.tcl"


  proc Print { x } {
  #: Debug-Log to console
   #puts $x

  proc Find2 {} {
  #: Find rightmost 2-card ("Deuce")
    global B
    set col9 -1
    foreach card { 2h 2d 2c 2s } {
      foreach {row col} $B(r,$card) break
      if {$col>$col9} {
        set c9   $card
        set col9 $col
        set row9 $row
    return [list $c9 $row9 $col9 ]

  proc AutoPlay1 {} {
  #: Play one automatic move
  # Simple Strategy:
  # 1:  See if a card can be played to its correct position
  # 1b: If first column has a gap, put Deuce from the rightmost column there
  # 2:  Otherwise: Select the rightmost playable card
    global B S STATS
    if { $STATS(good) >= 48 } return

   #set txt "$STATS(moves) - AutoPlay:"
    set good [FindGood]
    set col9 -1

    foreach gap $B(gaps) {
      foreach {row col} $gap break

      if {$col == 0}  { 
        foreach {card r c} [Find2] break 
       #append txt "\n $row $col ! $card $r $c"
        Print "Auto: $card $r $c --> $row $col"
        Click $r $c
      set left $B($row,[expr {$col-1}])
      if { $left eq "gap" }            { continue }
      if { [string match "k?" $left] } { continue }
     #append txt "\n $row $col"
      if {$col>$col9} {
        set col9 $col
        set row9 $row
      if { [lsearch $good $left] > -1} { ;# append txt " G"
        Print "Auto: xx --> $row9 $col9"
        Hint2 $row $col double
        set col -1
    if {$col > 0} {
     #append txt "\n ==> $row9 $col9"
      Print "Auto: $row9 $col9"
      Hint2 $row9 $col9 double
   #tk_messageBox -icon info  -title "Auto1"  -message $txt

    if {$S(auto) > 0} {
      after $S(delay) AutoPlay1

  proc Auto {Mode} {
  #: Start/Stop autoplay
    global S
    switch -- $Mode {
           "1"   {AutoPlay1}
           "R"   {set S(auto) 2; AutoPlay1}
           "End" {set S(auto) 3; AutoPlay1}
           "Off" {set S(auto) 0; foreach a [after info] {after cancel $a} }
    Print "Auto=$S(auto)"




Category Games