[NEM] '''20Mar2004''' - I've been thinking a bit recently about some of the ideas on this wiki for doing functional programming in Tcl, like at [Lambda in Tcl], and thought I'd add yet another take on it. This method also combines some of the more radical ideas from [Getting rid of the value/command dichotomy for Tcl 9] - namely unifying the variable/command namespaces, and slightly changing the command resolution procedure to allow auto-expanding of leading words (this makes functions as values easier to do, as shown below). The package below implements all of these ideas. It's not very efficient (lambdas aren't byte-compiled, relies on [[unknown]] etc), but it's quite fun to play with. Also provided are some common higher-order functions (map, filter, compose, foldl, foldr). Note also, that these lambdas really are values (and aren't just cleverly named procs) - so they have the benefit of Tcl's reference-counting memory management (they go away when nothing refers to them). Hope you like it! To use, just package require and namespace import -force funtcl::* (you don't have to import, but it makes things a bit easier, and registers the unknown handler). ---- # funtcl -- # # Morphs the current interpreter into one based on functional programming # ideas. Does a number of things: # - Unifies command and variable namespaces # - Defines a [lambda] command for defining first-class function values # - Redefines [proc] in terms of lambda # - Supplies some common higher-order functions # package provide funtcl 0.1 namespace eval funtcl { namespace export lambda proc map filter foldl foldr unknown compose } # First up - create the lambda command interp alias {} ::funtcl::lambda {} list ::funtcl::apply # Apply - used for the lambda. This and the next proc go to rather absurd # lengths to make this work just like a proc - no variables are visible to the # body of the lambda other than those which are defined by argument passing, # and any which are retreived through global/upvar etc. The lambda always # executes in the funtcl namespace though... proc funtcl::apply {arglist body args} { # This bit of magic ensures that only args defined in the arglist actually # get defined (as far as the body is concerned). puts "Called with $args - [llength $args]" ApplyArgs [K $body [unset body]] \ [K $arglist [unset arglist]] [K $args [unset args]] } # Sets up variables in the callers scope according to the argument spec given, # and the actual arguments passed. This should behave exactly like Tcl's # argument passing to procedures. proc funtcl::ApplyArgs {body argspec arglist} { set index 0 array set ret {} puts "arglist = $arglist [llength $arglist]" foreach item $argspec { if {$index < [llength $arglist]} { if {[lindex $item 0] eq "args" && $index == ([llength $argspec]-1)} { # Deal with remaining args set ret(args) [lrange $arglist $index end] set index [llength $arglist] } else { set ret([lindex $item 0]) [lindex $arglist $index] } } elseif {[llength $item] == 2} { set ret([lindex $item 0]) [lindex $item 1] } else { # Possibly not enough args if {$item eq "args" && $index == ([llength $argspec]-1)} { # ok set ret(args) [list] } else { # Build up a good error message set err "wrong # args: should be \"" # Grab how we were invoked from [info level] set cmdname [lindex [info level -1] 0] append err $cmdname foreach item $argspec { if {[llength $item] == 1} { append err " $item" } else { append err " ?${item}?" } } append err "\"" error $err } } incr index } # Any left over? if {$index < [llength $arglist]} { if {[info exists ret(args)]} { for {set i $index} {$i < [llength $arglist]} {incr i} { lappend ret(args) [lindex $arglist $i] } } else { error "too many args to lambda" } } # Add these all to caller's scope foreach {name value} [array get ret] { upvar 1 $name n puts "Setting $name to $value" set n $value } # Finally, uplevel the body uplevel 1 $body } # Redefine proc in terms of set and lambda proc funtcl::proc {name arglist body} { uplevel 1 [list set $name [lambda $arglist $body]] } # Maps a function to each element of a list, and returns a list of the # results. proc funtcl::map {func list} { set ret [list] foreach item $list { lappend ret [eval $func [list $item]] } return $ret } # Filters a list, returning only those items which pass the filter. proc funtcl::filter {func list} { set ret [list] foreach item $list { if {[eval $func [list $item]]} { lappend ret $item } } return $ret } # Useful higher-order functions which replace common uses of recursion # foldl (fold left) # foldl - 0 {1 2 3} -> ((0-1)-2)-3 proc funtcl::foldl {func default list} { set res $default foreach item $list { set res [eval $func [list $res $item]] } return $res } # foldr (fold right) # foldr + 0 {1 2 3} -> 1+(2+(3+0)) proc funtcl::foldr {func default list} { set tot $default # Go in reverse for {set i [llength $list]} {$i > 0} {incr i -1} { set tot [eval $func [list [lindex $list [expr {$i-1}]] $tot]] } return $tot } # compose - compose two functions together # [compose f g] $args -> f [g $args] proc funtcl::compose {f g} { return [lambda {args} "$f \[eval [list $g] \$args\]"] } # The K combinator - obscure, but very useful. proc funtcl::K {a b} { set a } # The unknown handler which makes the magic work... proc funtcl::unknown {cmd args} { if {[lindex $cmd 0] eq "::funtcl::apply"} { uplevel 1 $cmd $args } elseif {[uplevel 1 [list info exists $cmd]]} { # It's a var uplevel 1 [uplevel 1 [list set $cmd]] $args } elseif {[uplevel #0 [list info exists $cmd]]} { # Global var (we keep same command resolution scheme as Tcl) uplevel 1 [uplevel #0 [list set $cmd]] $args } else { # Call Tcl's usual unknown handler uplevel 1 [list funtcl::orig_unknown $cmd] $args } } # Save the original unknown command for later use catch { rename ::unknown funtcl::orig_unknown # And alias it back for now interp alias {} ::unknown {} ::funtcl::orig_unknown } ---- A few examples of use: % package require funtcl 0.1 % namespace import -force funtcl::* % set + [lambda {a b} { expr {$a + $b} }] ::funtcl::apply {a b} { expr {$a + $b} } % # Use the foldr function to make a sum command % set sum {foldr + 0} foldr + 0 % sum {1 2 3} 6 % # Use compose, to create a command which sums a sorted list (!) % set sum_sorted [compose sum lsort] ::funtcl::apply args {sum [eval [list lsort] $args]} % sum_sorted {3 4 1} 8 % # Demonstrate how [proc] is now defined in terms of lambda % proc foo {} { puts "Hello, World!" } ::functcl::apply {} { puts "Hello, World!" } Well, you get the picture. Everything mostly works as you would expect. There may be some edge cases left still - but this is just a quick fun project! But maybe there are some interesting ideas in here for Tcl 9? Unifying command and variable namespaces is perhaps a bit controversial. Automatic expansion of leading word might be interesting though. Being able to have byte-coded lambdas would also be great! Oh - use [[concat]] for currying - commands are just lists. ----