This is Microsoft's NT/LanManager connection oriented authentication protocol - sometimes referred to as NT Challenge/Response (NTCR). This protocol is commonly encountered on networks that use Microsoft products for firewalls, intranet servers and web proxy servers. This is also the authentication protocol used for [SMB] connections, which is what [Windows] and [Samba] use for file and printer sharing. The basis of the scheme is a challenge-response protocol where the client sends the server a request that contains information about the NT domain and the client hostname. The server then replies with a random nonce value and the client then creates an authentication response using the user name, user's password and the nonce value. This is similar to the HTTP Digest authentication scheme in that the password is not sent across the network, but the client can demonstrate to the server that it knows the user's password. Well - that's the theory. In fact there are a number of weaknesses in the NTLM protocol. In fact the password is used twice to generate an NT password hash and a LM password hash. The LM hash takes the user's password, capitalises it, and sets the length to 14 characters by padding with nul characters. This value is then used as a DES key to encrypt a magic value ("\x4b\x47\x53\x21\x40\x23\x24\x25") thus providing a 16-byte value to be sent to the server. The NT password hash uses the [MD4] message-digest (RFC 1320) to hash the [Unicode] version of the user's password. [Pat Thoyts] is currently working on supporting this scheme within Tcl as part of the [autoproxy] package. [MD4] hashing is now part of [tcllib], as is [DES]. ---- [CAU] wrote - There's a simple way to get around NTLM using basic authentication with [Jos Decoster]'s http::geturl modification at [HTTPS] (Note: check for repeated lines in the code!) and a python-based authentication hack - ntlmaps[]. A big advantage of ntlmaps for me, is it can make http requests behave like they were issued from a web-browser, which is an unexpected bonus when trying to tunnel through firewalls! If anyone knows of a pure Tcl NTLM hack, I'd be very interested. [PT] 29-Apr-2005: There is NTLM client code in the [SASL] module in [tcllib] now. ---- [MJ] 8-Feb-2007: It is possible to use the NTLM client code in [tcllib] to use NTLM proxies with sockets (proxy CONNECT request and HTTP GETs (proxy GET request). Implementing the proxy authentication in for http is quite messy at the moment because the [http] package doesn't support keepalives. If keepalives are supported the authentication scheme would be: * send GET request to proxy, keepalive is true * proxy responds with a 407 (authentication required) * use the existing connection to authenticate * resend the GET request As an example of the steps required to authenticate with an NTLM proxy look at the following code. The code is not robust and only tested on a single proxy server. One issue I encountered is that the proxy can either expect the first authentication message from the client in a Proxy-Authentication: NTLM ... or in a Proxy-Authentication: Negotiate ... header. Also it is currently necessary to specify the correct authentication domain even though the server can supply the correct domain in the challenge response. This will not be needed if the 1653431 patch is applied to the NTLM package in [tcllib]. package require SASL::NTLM package require base64 package require twapi puts -nonewline "Enter proxy password: " flush stdout set oldmode [twapi::modify_console_input_mode stdin -echoinput false -lineinput true] gets stdin password # Restore original input mode twapi::set_console_input_mode stdin {expand}$oldmode puts "" set url url regexp {.*//(.*?)/} $url -> host set proxy proxyserver set port port set user username set file filename ; # file to store the page proc Callback {context command args} { switch -exact -- $command { username { return $::user } password { return $::password } realm { return "" } hostname { return [info host] } default { return -code error unxpected } } } proc main {{mech NTLM}} { set challenge "" set s [socket $::proxy $::port] fconfigure $s -blocking 1 -buffering line -translation crlf set ctx [SASL::new -mechanism $mech -callback Callback] while {1} { set more_steps [SASL::step $ctx $challenge] set response [SASL::response $ctx] puts "----" puts "Sending NTLM message to proxy" puts "NTLM key: [base64::encode -wrapchar {} $response]" puts $s "GET $::url HTTP/1.1\nHost: $::host\nProxy-Authorization: NTLM [base64::encode -wrapchar {} $response]\n" puts "----" if {!$more_steps} {break} puts "Handling proxy reply" set response {} while {[set line [gets $s]] ne "" } { append response $line\r\n # break if headers done if {$line == ""} { break } } set length {} regexp {Content-Length: ([0-9]*)} $response -> length puts "response length: $length" # puts $response if {$length eq {} } { set body [read $s] } else { set body [read $s [expr $length-1] ] } # puts $body regexp {Proxy-Authenticate: NTLM (.*)\r\n} $response -> challenge puts "Server challenge: $challenge" set challenge [base64::decode $challenge] } puts "Handshake completed" puts "----" SASL::cleanup $ctx set response {} while {[set line [gets $s]] ne "" } { append response $line\r\n # break if headers done if {$line == ""} { break } } set length {} regexp {Content-Length: ([0-9]*)} $response -> length puts "response length: $length" puts $response fconfigure $s -translation binary -buffering full -blocking 1 # if length is not specified, server will close the connection after this page if {$length eq {} } { set body [read $s] } else { set body [read $s $length ] } close $s set f [open $::file w] fconfigure $f -translation binary puts $f $body close $f } main ---- [[ [Category Internet] ]]