if 0 {[Richard Suchenwirth] 2004-02-11 - Here's a routine for formatting non-negative integers (e.g. file sizes), so that the resulting field width does not exceed 5 characters, of which max. three significant digits, and K(ilo = 1024), M(ega = 1024^2) etc. modifiers are used for scaling. This may be useful on small displays.} ---- proc fixform n { if {wide($n) < 1000} {return $n} foreach unit {K M G T P E} { set n [expr {$n/1024.}] if {$n < 1000} { set n [string range $n 0 3] regexp {(.+)\.$} $n -> n return $n$unit } } return Inf ;# :) } # [HJG] Test: proc Demo {n} { puts "$n = [fixform $n]" } catch {console show} Demo 1 Demo 20 Demo 300 Demo 4000 Demo 50000 Demo 600000 Demo 7000000 Demo 80000000 Demo 900000000 if 0 { % fixform 1 1 % fixform 10 10 % fixform 100 100 % fixform 1000 0.97K % fixform 10000 9.76K % fixform 100000 97.6K % fixform 1000000 976K % fixform 10000000 9.53M % fixform 100000000 95.3M % fixform 1000000000 953M } ---- In the [Tcl chatroom] I was informed that according to http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/binary.html , the units based on powers of 2 should be abbreviated Ki Mi Gi Ti Pi Ei but I haven't seen that used yet... change if you wish. [DKF]: Some standards are just destined to be ignored...