Version 21 of New Control Structures

Updated 2006-12-15 13:09:10 by LV

One very interesting feature of Tcl is that you can write your own control structures, essentially extending the language. The uplevel command, which allows you to write a procedure which executes code in the context of the caller, is the trick.

For example, if we want to augment Tcl's standard for and while looping constructs with

  do body while condition

we would simply write a do proc which executes the code in the caller's context. In its simplest form, it would look like this:

  proc do {body condition} {
      while {1} {
          uplevel $body
          if {![uplevel "expr $condition"]} {break}

We can make this a little more robust by specifying the exact number of levels to uplevel, which may prevent $body from being misinterpreted. We should also use list to construct the conditional command.

  proc do {body condition} {
      while {1} {
          uplevel 1 $body
          if {![uplevel 1 [list expr $condition]]} {break}

Just to make things look prettier, we can add an exra argument to do that expects the word while. You could probably get fancy and make the while optional (like the else is optional for the if command), but this should be good enough for our purposes.

  proc do {body whileword condition} {
      if {![string equal $whileword while]} {
          error "should be \"do body while condition\""
      while {1} {
          uplevel 1 $body
          if {![uplevel 1 [list expr $condition]]} {break}

This procedure does not handle errors well, though. For a good discussion of the issues involved, take a look at the exception handling chapter in John Ousterhout's book BOOK Tcl and the Tk Toolkit. But the primary issue is that we want to catch exceptional conditions when executing the $body code, and correctly throw errors upwards. This error handling makes our new procedure really appear to be part of the language.

Recall that the error codes are

  • 0 OK
  • 1 error (should be thrown upwards)
  • 2 return (throw that upwards, too)
  • 3 break (stop execution of our loop)
  • 4 continue (just continue)
  • anything else is a user defined code.
  proc do {body whileword condition} {
      global errorInfor errorCode
      if {![string equal $whileword while]} {
          error "should be \"do body while condition\""
      while {1} {
          set code [catch {uplevel 1 $body} message]
          switch -- $code {
            1 { return  -code      error \
                        -errorinfo $::errorInfo \
                        -errorcode $::errorCode $message }
            2 { return -code return $message }
            3 { return {} }
            4 { }
            default { return -code $code $message }
          if {![uplevel 1 [list expr $condition]]} {break}

To make this really really really robust, you should consider adding the same error handling to the uplevel condition, but that is left as an exercise for the reader.

RWT (with a lot of help from comp.lang.tcl) Feb 4, 2000

Some pages with various new control structures are:

GPS Oct 08, 2003 - This is a conditional repeat:

 proc repeat {cond time body} {
  if !$cond return
  uplevel #0 $body
  after $time [info level 0]
 } ;#GPS
 repeat {[winfo exists .foo]} 1000 {puts [.foo get]} 

Another version of that which is easier to parse mentally is:

 proc repeat {body _every_ time _until_ cond} {
  if $cond return
  uplevel #0 $body
  after $time [info level 0]
 } ;#GPS
 repeat [list raise .rename .] every 1000 until {![winfo exists .rename]}

GPS Oct 19, 2003 - I was going through a Python tutorial and came upon this nice concise code: if ok in ('y', 'ye', 'yes'): return 1 I became curious about doing such a thing in Tcl, and I came up with this:

 proc {val list body} { if {[lsearch $list $val] >= 0} {uplevel $body}}

Example usage:

 % set v abc
 % $v [list abc adef foo] {puts TRUE}

slebetman I personally use plain if for this with the following two procs:

 proc either {val args} {
   if {[lsearch -exact $args $val] == -1} {return 0}
   return 1

 proc neither {val args} {
   if {[lsearch -exact $args $val] == -1} {return 1}
   return 0

not really a control structure per se, just a sugar for if:

 if [either $answer "y" "ye" "yes"] {puts TRUE}
 if [neither $ext ".z" ".zip" ".gz" ".bz"] {error "Unsupported file type!"}

I find this cleaner to read than regular lsearch. It's safe to not brace the above if since either and neither will never return something which requires substitution. Unless of course someone redefines them.

RS From Tcl 8.5, we can use expr's "in" operator to code like this:

 if {$v in {abc adef foo}} {puts TRUE}

Googie Here is a structure which I met in EPIC4 (IRC client) scripting language. It's called FEC - For Every Character.

 proc fec {var string body} {
     uplevel "
         for {set fec 0} {\[string index {$string} \$fec] != {}} {incr fec} {
             set $var \[string index {$string} \$fec]

It uses uplevel to allow using other variables in body. Using example:

 set validFlags "abcde"
 set flagsToSet "asdfghj"
 fec flag $flagsToSet {
     if {[string first $flag $validFlags] == -1} {
         puts "Invalid flag: $flag"

RS: Note however that the following is probably faster (and saves quoting hell ;^):

 foreach flag [split $flagsToSet ""] {...}

Whoever wrote all this provided a very nice and clear explanation and examples. I yearn for more.

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