Version 4 of Notes on a canvas

Updated 2003-11-23 07:10:54

if 0 {Richard Suchenwirth 2002-09-02 - This weekend fun project starts investigations on how to render musical notes on a canvas widget. Input is of course a string, e.g.

 notes::show .c {C D E F G+ G+ a a a a G++}

An appended plus sign doubles, a minus sign halves the duration. This still leaves lots to do, but it's a fun beginning... The demo program (see screenshot above) has both a canvas for the notes and an entry widget for the input. <Return> in the entry widget updates the canvas.

See TclMusic for an updated (but not yet feature-complete) version of this. }

 namespace eval notes {
    variable size   6    ;# distance between lines = height of a note
    variable aspect 1.33 ;# width/height of a note
    variable x0 20
    variable y0 30
    variable measure 16 ;# 16ths to the bar
    variable count 0
    variable names {A B C D E F G a b c d e f g}

    proc show {c notes} {
        variable x0; variable y0
        variable x $x0 y $y0
        variable canvas $c
        variable xmax [expr [winfo width $c]-20]
        variable todo ""
        $c delete all
        regsub -all # $notes "# " notes
        foreach i $notes {
            switch -regexp -- $i {
                {[0-9]/[0-9]} {showtime $i}
                {\(:}  {dots begin}
                {:\)}  {dots end}
                {#}    {set todo #}
                {^[A-Ga-g]} {
                    regexp (.)(.+)? $i -> note length
                    note $note $length
        showbar 2
        if {$x!=$x0} {showlines 0}
    proc showtime time {
        variable x; variable y; variable canvas
        variable size; variable aspect
        variable measure
        regexp {([0-9])/([0-9])} $time -> num div
        $canvas create text $x [expr $y+$size] -text $num
        $canvas create text $x [expr $y+3*$size] -text $div
        set x [expr $x+$size*$aspect]
        set measure [expr $num*16/$div]
    proc dots where {
        variable canvas; variable x; variable y
        variable size; variable aspect
        switch $where {
            begin {set xt [expr $x-$size*$aspect]}
            end   {set xt [expr $x-2.5*$size*$aspect]}
        $canvas create oval $xt [expr $y+$size*1.5-1] \
            [expr $xt+2] [expr $y+$size*1.5+1] -fill black
        $canvas create oval $xt [expr $y+$size*2.5-1] \
            [expr $xt+2] [expr $y+$size*2.5+1] -fill black
        if {$where=="end"} {showbar 2; set x [expr $x+$size]}
    proc do {what y1 y2} {
        variable canvas; variable x; variable size; variable todo
        set s2 [expr $size/2.]
        switch $what {
            # {
                $canvas create line $x [expr $y1-$size+1] $x [expr $y2+$size]
                set x [expr $x+$s2]
                $canvas create line $x [expr $y1-$size] $x [expr $y2+$size-1]
                set x [expr $x+$s2]
                $canvas create line [expr $x-1.5*$size] [expr $y1+1]\
                    $x [expr $y1-2]
                $canvas create line [expr $x-1.5*$size] [expr $y2+1]\
                    $x [expr $y2-2]
                set x [expr $x+$s2]
        set todo ""
    proc note {note length} {
        variable x; variable x0; variable xmax; variable y
        variable size; variable aspect
        variable names; variable canvas
        variable todo
        set index [lsearch $names $note]
        set y1 [expr $y+(11-$index)*$size/2.+1]
        set y2 [expr $y1+$size-1]
        if {$todo=="#"} {do # $y1 $y2}
        set x2 [expr $x+$size*$aspect]
        set cmd [list $canvas create oval $x $y1 $x2 $y2]
        if ![regexp {\+} $length] {lappend cmd -fill black}
        eval $cmd
        set y1 [expr ($y1+$size/2.)]
        if {$index<3} {
            $canvas create line [expr $x-2] $y1 [expr $x2+3] $y1
        if {$length!="++"} {
            if [regexp {[b-g]} $note] {
                set xs $x; set ys [expr $y1+3.5*$size]; set dir -1
            } else {
                set xs $x2; set ys [expr $y1-3.5*$size]; set dir 1
            $canvas create line $xs $y1 $xs $ys
            if {$length=="-"} {
                $canvas create line [expr $xs+1] $ys \
                    [expr $xs+$size*$aspect] [expr $ys+$dir*$size] -width 2
        } else {set x [expr $x+$size*$aspect]}
        if [regexp {\.} $length] {
            $canvas create oval [expr $x2+$size/2] [expr $y1-3] \
                [expr $x2+$size/2+2] [expr $y1-1] -fill black
        set x [expr $x+$size*$aspect*3]
        countup $length
        if {$x>$xmax} {showlines}
    proc key {} {
        variable canvas; variable x; variable x0; variable y
        variable size; variable aspect
        foreach i {
            8 38 10 44 17 39 7 5 14 0 15 10 2 24 10 35 20 30 17 18 7 23 10 28
        } {
            lappend coords [expr {$i/6.*$size}]
        set id [eval $canvas create line $coords -smooth 1 -width 2]
        $canvas move $id $x0 [expr $y-$size]
        set x [expr $x+3.5*$size*$aspect]
    proc countup {length} {
        variable count; variable measure
        switch -- $length {
        -- {incr count 1}
        -  {incr count 2}
        -. {incr count 3}
        "" {incr count 4}
        .  {incr count 6}
        +  {incr count 8}
        ++ {incr count 16}
        if {$count>=$measure} {
            set count 0
    proc showbar {{n 1}} {
        variable canvas; variable size; variable aspect
        variable x; variable xmax; variable y
        if {$n>1} {
            set x [expr $x-$size*$aspect]
            $canvas create line $x $y $x [expr $y+4*$size] -width 2
        } else {
            $canvas create line $x $y $x [expr $y+4*$size]
            if {$x>$xmax-10*$size*$aspect} {
            } else {
                set x [expr $x+2*$size]
    proc showlines {{key 1}} {
        variable canvas; variable size
        variable x0; variable x
        variable y
        for {set i 0} {$i<5} {incr i} {
            $canvas create line $x0 $y $x $y
            set y [expr $y+$size]
        set x $x0
        set y [expr $y+$size*5]
        if $key key
 set example [list \
    4/4 C. D- E F G+ G+ (: a. a- b. c- G++ :) \
    F. F- a F E+ E+ G. F- E #D C. E- C+ \
 canvas .c -background white -width 500
 entry .e -textvar example
 bind .e <Return> {notes::show .c $example}
 pack .e -side bottom -fill x
 pack .c -side bottom -fill both -expand 1
 notes::show .c $example
 focus .e

Amazing! Absolutely Amazing for such a small piece of code. Nicely Done!

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