Version 9 of Notions -A Personal Wiki Built Using Tcl/Tk

Updated 2006-06-06 20:57:10

SEH 20060604 -- Looks like it has the potential for being a very sophisticated and useful tool that I would certainly like to try, but it's still in a rough, unfinished state. Let's give the author some love and encouragement to polish this package up.

Robert Abitbol Motivation is needed, yes. We can give him some motivation.

From the screenshot, I understand this is a sort of word processor - an editor as we call it nowadays-, that has a wiki capacity. This is certainly a very ambitious and very interesting project!

I'd give all the technical help I could to the programmer but alas! I haven't masterered TCL 101 yet! The best encouragement would be to answer all the technical questions the programmer would have.

I am however a sort of expert at general methods, methodology, time-keeping and my advice to the programmer would be: go slow. Just one item a week. Enjoy what you are doing. That is the most important!