[Richard Suchenwirth] -- [Tcl] [array]s do not preserve the order in which elements are added. You can have this behavior by assigning sortable keys that reflect the order of adding elements: Here's a quick working sketch (will lose order with the millionth element) which builds array keys of both a running ID number and an input key : proc array:addn {_a key value} { upvar $_a a set last [lindex [lsort [array names a]] end] set no [lindex [split $last ,] 0] if {![string length $no]} {set no 0} incr no set a([format %06.6d $no],$key) $value } array:addn foo bar testing testing array:addn foo baz testing2 testing2 foreach i [lsort [array names foo]] {puts $i:$foo($i)} 000001,bar:testing ~ 000002,baz:testing2 #... and here's a quick-and dirty retriever for a keyed element: proc array:getn {_a key} { upvar $_a a set a([array names a *,$key]) } array:getn foo bar testing array:getn foo barry can't read "a()": no such element in array