Version 11 of OO

Updated 2005-03-27 14:18:55 by suchenwi

An acronym for "object-oriented". (or was that "object-obsessed ?-) RS

Tcl abounds in extensions providing an object orientation (OO) programming style - see that previous link to read about incr Tcl and the others. See Category Object Orientation for additional relevant hits.

Further, there are activities such as object-oriented analysis (OOA) and object-oriented design (OOD) that concern themselves with analyzing a system (or a solution to a problem) in terms of objects and their behaviors.

"An object or two may sometimes be nice, just like a glass of beer. But one shouldn't start drinking at breakfast." (RS)

RS In a smokebreak, I whipped up this hierarchy of things, by weight:

  • 1. process
  • 2. thread
  • 3. interp
  • 4. namespace
  • 5. commands, persistent vars
  • 6. local vars
  • 7. values (TclObjs) - strings, lists, dicts, ...

Every "heavier" thing can contain zero or more of "lighter" things. And on each level one can implement "objects". Most use 4., TOOT uses 7. procs with -static variables could allow (some) OO in 5. Databases are (fat) objects at level 1.

Another shade of meaning for OO is

 What: OO
 Description: OO extension that works in Tcl 7, Tcl 8, and Jacl.
 Updated: 08/1998
 Contact: mailto:dejong at 

As RS aptly observes in "interp alias", object methods can be described as syntactic sugar for a certain form of dispatching. - RS I'd even go further and say that quite a bunch of what is called OO can be done in pure Tcl without a "framework", just the code might look clumsy and distracting. Just choose how to implement instance variables:

  • in global variables or namespaces
  • or in closures, e.g. with Jim
  • or just as parts of a transparent value, with TOOT

The task of frameworks, be they written in Tcl or C, is just to hide away gorey details of the implementation - in other words, sugar it :) As an example, here's a Stack class with push and pop methods:

 namespace eval Stack {set n 0}
 proc Stack::Stack {} { #-- construktor
   variable n
   set instance [namespace current]::[incr n]
   namespace eval $instance {variable s {}}
   interp alias {} $instance {} ::Stack::do $instance ;# $object method arg.. sugar
 proc Stack::do {self method args} { #-- Dispatcher with methods
   upvar #0 ${self}::s s
   switch -- $method {
       push {eval lappend s $args}
       pop  {
           if ![llength $s] {error "stack underflow"}
           K [lindex $s end] [set s [lrange $s 0 end-1]]
       default {error "unknown method $method"}
 proc K {a b} {set a}

Other examples are at Tiny OO with Jim and Jim closures.

Category Acronym