Version 13 of One-line web browser in Tcl

Updated 2001-11-01 19:06:54

A good test of how good the 'vfs' support is in Tcl 8.4a4 (with the vfs package) is to take some code that was not designed with a vfs in mind and see if it still works.

The Tkhtml package comes with a script 'hv.tcl' which can be used as a local .html browser. We can test whether it works with remote files over a vfs:

   set site ""
   package require vfs; vfs::urltype::Mount http; set argc 1; set argv [list $site]; source hv.tcl

and, after a couple of second's delay, we actually get the page, and we can browse the web...

RS Hmm.. I'd call and format that as a six-liner.. also: why is site set twice? Who sets $file? If you manipulate argc, what value has argv? I don't understand this example. sorry; fixed the example -- 'six-liner' didn't sound as good as 1.

Has anyone had luck compiling this on a Solaris machine? I haven't had such luck (using the latest cvs source). Sure would like to use this.

Marty Backe

What kind of problems did you have? Compile errors, or the configure/make stuff didn't work? If the former, then please report a bug on tclvfs, if the latter, then that's just the 'TEA' mess, and you're probably best asking on comp.lang.tcl

Marty, I recommend you move these comments over to the vfs page itself, rather than here. I almost lost sight of where I had seen your comments!

I have built tclvfs on sparc/solaris - but it is too buggy to run. I've reported my bug to the bug list. LV

There are preview stand-alone builds of TclKit for Windows and Linux, which use the new VFS core and include support for the above example (see [L1 ]). I have not yet packaged the adjusted sources, which are essentially off-the-shelf Tcl, Tk, MetaKit, and TclVfs releases... -- JCW