[Philip Quaife] ''12 Oct 95''. Not having anything better to do, I noticed the post for generating Sierpinski Tetrahedron with tclogl [http://wiki.tcl.tk/14520] which I had not looked at before. I downloaded it and the first thing I noticed, was why is it so slow in both generating the triangles, as well as displaying the images. I have applied the following: 1. Use of lists vs arrays for storing vertex information. 1. Removed concat. 1. Applied specialisation to midpoint generation. 1. Provided non recursive algorithm for generating triangles. �'''Why?''' One version of this code makes [Tcl] look good, the other does not. You decide which way of programming is appropriate. '''Results''' Original 6 Levels 3.3 secs. 7 Levels 13.5 secs. 8 Levels 55 secs. Specialised 6 Levels 630mS 7 " 2.5secs 8 " 10secs Non recursive specialised (with optimal list handling) 6 Levels 165ms 7 " 650ms 8 " 2.6secs ''Note: The generation of the quads for each triangle is not correct and I have made no attempt to correct it. They need to be generated with left hand winding order. This would allow GL_CULL_FACE to be applied which would speed up the display of the scene. '' ---- #!/bin/sh # The next line restarts using wish84 \ exec wish8.4 $0 ${1+"$@"} # tetra-3dc.tcl # Author: Gerard Sookahet # Date: 2004-06-18 # Description: 3D Sierpinski Tetrahedron with 3dcanvas # Modified to use OpenGL (package tclogl) # Author: Paul Obermeier # Date: 2005-06-27 # Modified to have optimised drawing functions. # Author: Philip Quaife # Date: 2005-10-12 package require Tk package require tclogl package require Togl catch { console show } bind all { exit } proc About {} { set w .about catch {destroy $w} ; toplevel $w wm title $w "About this demo" message $w.msg -justify center -aspect 250 -relief sunken \ -text "tclogl demo: Sierpinski Tetrahedron\n\nGerard Sookahet, June 2004\n\nPaul Obermeier, June 2005" button $w.bquit -text OK -command {destroy .about} eval pack [winfo children $w] } proc rotX { w angle } { set ::xRotate [expr $::xRotate + $angle] $w postredisplay } proc rotY { w angle } { set ::yRotate [expr $::yRotate + $angle] $w postredisplay } proc rotZ { w angle } { set ::zRotate [expr $::zRotate + $angle] $w postredisplay } # Animation loop proc Animate { w } { rotY $w 3 rotZ $w 3 after 32 Animate $w } # Return the middle coordinates of two 3d points proc MidPoint { l } { set X 0 set Y 0 set Z 0 foreach {x y z} $l { set X [expr {$X + $x}] set Y [expr {$Y + $y}] set Z [expr {$Z + $z}] } return [list [expr {$X/2}] [expr {$Y/2}] [expr {$Z/2}]] } proc Sierpinski { w level l } { global rdepth if {$level > $rdepth} then return set i 1 foreach {x y z} $l { set p($i) "$x $y $z" incr i } set p12 [MidPoint [concat $p(1) $p(2)]] set p13 [MidPoint [concat $p(1) $p(3)]] set p14 [MidPoint [concat $p(1) $p(4)]] set p23 [MidPoint [concat $p(2) $p(3)]] set p24 [MidPoint [concat $p(2) $p(4)]] set p34 [MidPoint [concat $p(3) $p(4)]] incr level if {$level == $rdepth} then { DrawTetra $w [concat $p(1) $p(2) $p(3) $p(4)] } Sierpinski $w $level [concat $p(1) $p12 $p13 $p14] Sierpinski $w $level [concat $p(2) $p12 $p23 $p24] Sierpinski $w $level [concat $p(3) $p13 $p23 $p34] Sierpinski $w $level [concat $p(4) $p14 $p24 $p34] } proc DrawTetra { w l } { #puts "DrawTetra $l" set i 1 foreach {x y z} $l { set p($i) [list $x $y $z] incr i } glBegin GL_TRIANGLES glColor3f 1 0 0 ; # RED glVertex3fv $p(1) glVertex3fv $p(2) glVertex3fv $p(3) glColor3f 1 1 0 ; # YELLOW glVertex3fv $p(2) glVertex3fv $p(3) glVertex3fv $p(4) glColor3f 0 0 1 ; # BLUE glVertex3fv $p(1) glVertex3fv $p(3) glVertex3fv $p(4) glColor3f 0 1 0 ; # GREEN glVertex3fv $p(1) glVertex3fv $p(2) glVertex3fv $p(4) glEnd incr ::numTrias 4 } proc MidPointOpt { p1 p2 } { list [expr {([lindex $p1 0]+[lindex $p2 0])/2}] \ [expr {([lindex $p1 1]+[lindex $p2 1])/2}] \ [expr {([lindex $p1 2]+[lindex $p2 2])/2}] } proc SierpinskiOptNR { w level p1 p2 p3 p4 } { global rdepth set nextpoints [list $level $p1 $p2 $p3 $p4] while {[llength $nextpoints]} { set points $nextpoints set nextpoints [list] foreach {l p1 p2 p3 p4} $points { set p12 [MidPointOpt $p1 $p2] set p13 [MidPointOpt $p1 $p3] set p14 [MidPointOpt $p1 $p4] set p23 [MidPointOpt $p2 $p3] set p24 [MidPointOpt $p2 $p4] set p34 [MidPointOpt $p3 $p4] set level [expr {$l + 1}] if {$level == $rdepth } then { DrawTetraOpt $w $p1 $p2 $p3 $p4 } else { lappend nextpoints $level $p1 $p12 $p13 $p14 lappend nextpoints $level $p2 $p12 $p23 $p24 lappend nextpoints $level $p3 $p13 $p23 $p34 lappend nextpoints $level $p4 $p14 $p24 $p34 } } } } proc SierpinskiOpt { w level p1 p2 p3 p4 } { global rdepth if {$level > $rdepth} then return set p12 [MidPointOpt $p1 $p2] set p13 [MidPointOpt $p1 $p3] set p14 [MidPointOpt $p1 $p4] set p23 [MidPointOpt $p2 $p3] set p24 [MidPointOpt $p2 $p4] set p34 [MidPointOpt $p3 $p4] incr level if {$level == $rdepth} then { DrawTetraOpt $w $p1 $p2 $p3 $p4 } SierpinskiOpt $w $level $p1 $p12 $p13 $p14 SierpinskiOpt $w $level $p2 $p12 $p23 $p24 SierpinskiOpt $w $level $p3 $p13 $p23 $p34 SierpinskiOpt $w $level $p4 $p14 $p24 $p34 } ### ### SPECIALIZE : Inline MidPoint in SierpinskiOpt ### rename SierpinskiOpt {} rename SierpinskiOptNR SierpinskiOpt set map {} foreach {txt p1 p2 } [regexp -inline -all {[[]MidPointOpt (.*?) (.*?)[]]} [set body [info body SierpinskiOpt]]] { lappend map $txt set x [subst -nocommand {[expr {([lindex $p1 0]+[lindex $p2 0])/2}]}] set y [subst -nocommand {[expr {([lindex $p1 1]+[lindex $p2 1])/2}]}] set z [subst -nocommand {[expr {([lindex $p1 2]+[lindex $p2 2])/2}]}] lappend map "\[list $x $y $z \]" } set body [string map $map $body] catch {rename SierpinskiOpt {} } proc SierpinskiOpt {w level p1 p2 p3 p4} $body proc DrawTetraOpt { w p1 p2 p3 p4 } { #puts "DrawTetra $l" glBegin GL_TRIANGLES glColor3f 1 0 0 ; # RED glVertex3fv $p1 glVertex3fv $p2 glVertex3fv $p3 glColor3f 1 1 0 ; # YELLOW glVertex3fv $p2 glVertex3fv $p3 glVertex3fv $p4 glColor3f 0 0 1 ; # BLUE glVertex3fv $p1 glVertex3fv $p3 glVertex3fv $p4 glColor3f 0 1 0 ; # GREEN glVertex3fv $p1 glVertex3fv $p2 glVertex3fv $p4 glEnd incr ::numTrias 4 } set ::opt 0 proc Init { w } { set edge 340 set x1 [expr {sqrt(3)*$edge/3}] set x2 [expr {sqrt(3)*$edge/6}] set z3 [expr {sqrt(6)*$edge/3}] set y2 [expr {$edge/2}] # Vertices' coordinates of the regular tetrahedron set p1 [list $x1 0 0] set p2 [list -$x2 $y2 0] set p3 [list -$x2 -$y2 0] set p4 [list 0 0 $z3] if { [info exists ::sierList] } { glDeleteLists $::sierList 1 } set ::sierList [glGenLists 1] glNewList $::sierList GL_COMPILE set ::numTrias 0 if {$::opt} { set x [time {SierpinskiOpt $w 0 $p1 $p2 $p3 $p4}] } else { set x [time {Sierpinski $w 0 [concat $p1 $p2 $p3 $p4]}] } glEndList $w postredisplay set ::time "($::numTrias Tri's in [expr {[lindex $x 0]/1000}] ms)" } proc tclCreateFunc { w } { glClearColor 0 0 0 0 glEnable GL_DEPTH_TEST ### FIX THE WINDING ORDER FOR THE MIDPOINT GENERATION!!! # glEnable GL_CULL_FACE glShadeModel GL_FLAT Init $w } proc tclDisplayFunc { w } { glClear [expr $::GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | $::GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT] glPushMatrix glTranslatef 0 0 [expr -1.0 * $::vdist] glRotatef $::xRotate 1.0 0.0 0.0 glRotatef $::yRotate 0.0 1.0 0.0 glRotatef $::zRotate 0.0 0.0 1.0 glCallList $::sierList glPopMatrix $w swapbuffers } proc tclReshapeFunc { toglwin w h } { glViewport 0 0 $w $h glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION glLoadIdentity gluPerspective 60.0 [expr double($w)/double($h)] 1.0 2000.0 glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW glLoadIdentity gluLookAt 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 } set vdist 400 set rdepth 1 set xRotate 0.0 set yRotate 0.0 set zRotate 0.0 wm title . "Sierpinski Tetrahedron" eval destroy [winfo children .] togl .c -width 500 -height 500 \ -double true -depth true \ -displayproc tclDisplayFunc \ -reshapeproc tclReshapeFunc \ -createproc tclCreateFunc pack .c -side top set f1 [frame .f1] label $f1.l1 -text "Recursive depth " spinbox $f1.sdepth -from 1 -to 10 -textvariable rdepth -width 4 label $f1.l2 -text " View distance " scale $f1.vd -from 0 -to 1000 -length 200 -orient horiz -showvalue true \ -variable vdist -command {.c postredisplay} checkbutton $f1.opt -variable ::opt -text Opt label $f1.time -textvariable ::time eval pack [winfo children $f1] -side left pack $f1 set f2 [frame .f2] button $f2.brun -text "Run" -width 10 -fg white -bg blue -command {Init .c} button $f2.bromega -text "Z rotate" -width 10 -command {rotZ .c 8} button $f2.brphi -text "Y rotate" -width 10 -command {rotY .c 8} button $f2.brtheta -text "X rotate" -width 10 -command {rotX .c 8} button $f2.banim -text Animate -width 10 -command {Animate .c} button $f2.babout -text A -width 1 -bg grey -command {About} button $f2.bquit -text Quit -width 10 -bg grey -command exit eval pack [winfo children $f2] -side left pack $f2 proc handleRot {x y win} { global cx cy rotY $win [expr {180 * (double($x - $cx) / [winfo width $win])}] rotX $win [expr {180 * (double($y - $cy) / [winfo height $win])}] set cx $x set cy $y } bind .c <1> {set cx %x; set cy %y} bind .c {handleRot %x %y %W} ''Terrific case study! -[jcw]''