PDF is an initialism (versus an acronym, which is slightly different...) for "Portable Document Format", a file format created by Adobe [http://www.adobe.com/]. [CL] maintains a page [http://phaseit.net/claird/comp.text.pdf/PDF.html] on the subject. ---- While there are relatively few direct Tcl-PDF connections as of late 2001, "pdf417_encode [http://freshmeat.net/projects/pdf417_encode/] converts ASCII strings into pdf417 [barcode]". ---- What: TEItools Where: http://xtalk.price.ru/SGML/TEItools/ Description: Collection of Tcl and other tool scripts used for transforming SGML documents to various other formats. Currently supports HTML, LaTeX2e, RTF, PS, and PDF. Uses CoST. Updated: 04/1998 Contact: mailto:boris@xtalk.msk.su What: WELD Where: http://www.javafoundry.com/javapdf Description: Web Enabled Logic Documents (WELD) make use of Jacl/Tcl to provide the ability to hold WWW applications together. WELD is a part of JavaPDF (the open source servlet utilities project). Updated: 08/2001 Contact: mailto:lhall@JavaFoundry.com (Lee T Hall) What: pdflib Where: http://www.pdflib.com/ Description: PDFLib is an ANSI C library for creating new PDF files. Bindings for a number of languages, including Tcl, are available. This package is not designed to access and update existing PDF files. Updated: 11/1999 Contact: mailto:tm@muc.de ---- [Sven Sass]'s employer generates PDF by way of [Java] classes converting [Docbook] to [FO] to PDF (!). ---- [Category Acronym] | [Category Documentation]