mytest: proc(cmdArgs, envBlk) options(main); dcl cmdArgs char(127) var, envBlk char(127); dcl (max, i, j) fixed bin, base_page_ptr ptr, 1 base_page based (base_page_ptr), 2 pad1 (32) fixed bin(15), 2 psp_seg fixed bin(15); dcl cmdLine_ptr ptr, cmdLine char(127) var based (cmdLine_ptr); dcl dateNow char(6), timeNow char(9); dcl junk_waffle fixed bin(7) static initial (20); dateNow = DATE(); timeNow = TIME(); put skip list (dateNow); put skip list (timeNow); put skip edit (substr(dateNow,3,2),'/',substr(dateNow,5,2),'/',substr(dateNow,1,2)) (a(2),a,a(2),a,a(2)); put skip edit (substr(timeNow,1,2),':',substr(timeNow,3,2),':',substr(timeNow,5,2),'.',substr(timeNow,7,3)) (a(2),a,a(2),a,a(2),a,a(3)); put skip list (''); unspec(cmdLine_ptr) = '0080'b4; put edit ('command line = ', cmdLine) (a); put skip list (''); unspec(base_page_ptr) = '0000'b4; put edit ('PSP segment = ', unspec(base_page.psp_seg),'h') (skip,a,b4(4),a); put skip list (''); i = length(cmdArgs); put edit ('cmdArgs = ', cmdArgs) (a); put skip list (''); put list ('env = ', envBlk); i = '12bc'b4; put edit ('i = ',unspec(i),'h') (skip,a,b4(4),a); return; /* just for aesthetics */ end; /* of main program */ ---- [LV] Anyone know why this page was created? Generally someone adds a note giving us some context. [escargo] - I'm especially mystified because they got the name of the language wrong (it's [PL/I]). There is work being done on a PL/I front end to the GNU C compiler; I understand that they are looking for language samples to compile. - [RS] Thirty years ago, I did some PL/I (or, rather, the "student" subset SL/I) on an IBM 1130... but is PL/I any more than a museum piece today? Long time ago, it was praised as fusion of Fortran and Algol, with some COBOLity thrown in :^) [KPV] PL/I was the first real language I learned twenty five years ago. Don't remember much of the language except that I remember that [C] seemed trivial afterwards. [escargo] I was an operator for an 1130 more than 30 years ago. I always had a fondness for the card reader/punch. (Makes me wonder if there are any 1130 simulators out there somewhere.) - [RS]: see [LV] Well, I know at least one company which has production code written in PL/I... several hundred thousand lines of code, as a matter of fact. I don't know about other sites. ---- [Category Language]