PPM, or "Portable PixMap", is an image format of the PNM family. It is a part of [PBM Plus] - a large numbers of image converters and manipulators. In PPM every pixel is represented by three bytes for red, green, and blue channel. No compression, and no transparency, as far as [RS] is aware. [Tk] images can be read and written in PPM format using [photo] (as of which version?). ** See also ** * [PGM] * [CRIMP], which can read and write PPM images ** Reader ** [RS] 2006-06-02: Here is a reader that parses a "P3" format PPM string (like read from a file) and creates a [photo] from it: proc ppm-photo ppm { regsub -all {#[^\n]*\n} $ppm " " ppm ;# strip out comments foreach {type w h max} $ppm break foreach {r g b} [lrange $ppm 4 end] { set r [expr {int(255.*$r/$max)}] set g [expr {int(255.*$g/$max)}] set b [expr {int(255.*$b/$max)}] lappend row [format #%02X%02X%02X $r $g $b] if {[llength $row] == $w} { lappend rows $row set row {} } } set im [image create photo] $im put $rows set im } #-- Testing: set data {P3 4 4 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 15 0 0 0 0 15 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 7 0 0 0 15 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 } ppm-photo $data #-- produces the following image (zoomed by a factor of 9): [WikiDbImage ppm.jpg] A larger ray-tracing image to test with is at https://web.archive.org/web/20060502010206/http://pages.cpsc.ucalgary.ca:80/~cherlin/sample.ppm - I was happy to see that IrfanView and my little [proc] agreed on how to render it :^) [aricb] From P3 PPM to photo image in 17 lines! I'm impressed. [AMG]: Why are floating-point numbers used in the RGB scaling code? The following is equivalent, simpler, and faster: ====== set r [expr {255*$r/$max)}] set g [expr {255*$g/$max)}] set b [expr {255*$b/$max)}] ====== Test: ====== for {set max 1} {$max < 1024} {incr max} { for {set i 0} {$i < $max} {incr i} { if {int(255.*$i/$max) != 255*$i/$max} {puts "$i/$max"} } } ====== This code never prints, so there is never a discrepancy, for all valid RGB values (in $i) for all $max values from 1 through 1024. ---- '''[AK] - 2010-08-12 11:19:57''' Unknown about the floating point stuff. I put a derivative of this into [CRIMP] and used integer math without problems. <> Graphics | Image Processing