The following code allows a password to be generated according to a set of simple rules (length, minimum number of characters from a number of sets). It presents a GUI which a user can then use to "train" on the new password to aid in remembering it by getting it "into ones fingers". It is fairly simplistic. Any suggested improvements would be gratefully received. Edit any suggested improvements straight inline. --[MNO] ---- #!/bin/sh # Emacs: please open this file in -*-Tcl-*- mode # the next but one line restarts with wish... # DO NOT REMOVE THIS BACKSLASH -> \ exec wish "$0" ${1+"$@"} # # Author: Mark Oakden # Version: 1.0 # # password generator and drilling program: # generate a password according to the rules array and allow the user to # test themselves on said password, displaying statistics on how often # they get it right # # no sanity checks on the supplied rules are done. # # datasets for password generation:- # separate lowercase and UPPERCASE letters so we can demand minimum # number of each separately. set data(letters) "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" set data(LETTERS) "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" set data(numbers) "0123456789" set data(punctuation) "!\"£$%^&*()_+-={};':@#~<>,.?/\\|" # a simpler set might be, for example:- # # set data(letters) "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" # set data(numbers) "0123456789" # set data(punctuation) "!\"£$%^&*()_+-={};':@#~<>,.?/\\|" # the rules determine characteristics of the randomly generated passwords # presently available are:- # rules(len) password length # rules(,min) minimum number of characters from # entry on the data array # example rules:- # password 7 chars long, with at least one U/C char, one l/c char, # one number and one punctuation. set rules(len) 7 set rules(letters,min) 1 set rules(LETTERS,min) 1 set rules(numbers,min) 1 set rules(punctuation,min) 1 # example rules appropriate to the commented "simpler" datasets above:- # # set rules(len) 7 # set rules(numbers,min) 1 # set rules(punctuation,min) 1 proc initStats {} { global stats set stats(tries) 0 set stats(correct) 0 updateStatsDisplay } # picks a (pseudo)random char from str proc oneCharFrom { str } { set len [string length $str] set indx [expr {int(rand()*$len)}] return [string index $str $indx] } # for a string of length n, swap random pairs of chars n times # and return the result proc shuffle { str } { set len [string length $str] for { set i 1 } { $i <= $len } { incr i 1 } { set indx1 [expr {int(rand()*$len)}] set indx2 [expr {int(rand()*$len)}] set str [swapStringChars $str $indx1 $indx2] } return $str } # given a string, and integers i and j, swap the ith and jth chars of str # return the result proc swapStringChars { str i j } { if { $i == $j } { return $str } if { $i > $j } { set t $j set j $i set i $t } set pre [string range $str 0 [expr {$i - 1}]] set chari [string index $str $i] set mid [string range $str [expr {$i + 1}] [expr {$j - 1}]] set charj [string index $str $j] set end [string range $str [expr {$j + 1}] end] set ret ${pre}${charj}${mid}${chari}${end} return $ret } # generate a password proc genPw {} { global data rules # Algorithm # 1. foreach dataset with a min parameter, choose exactly min # random chars from it # 2. concatenate results of above into password # 3. concatenate all datasets into large dataset # 4. choose desired_length-password_length chars from large # 5. concatenate (4) and (2) # 6. shuffle (5) set password {} foreach indx [array names rules *,min] { set ds_name [lindex [split $indx ,] 0] set num $rules($indx) for {set i 1} {$i <= $num} {incr i 1} { append password [oneCharFrom $data($ds_name)] } } set all_data {} foreach set [array names data] { append all_data $data($set) } set rem_len [expr $rules(len) - [string length $password]] for {set i 1} {$i <= $rem_len} {incr i 1} { append password [oneCharFrom $all_data] } return [shuffle $password] } # # routines for the GUI # # get a new password, update stats and GUI proc newPass {} { global password displaypass pwattempt pwishidden set password [genPw] set pwattempt {} set pwishidden 0 set displaypass $password .pw configure -text $password initStats update idletasks return } # toggle whether the password is displayed or not proc hideOrShowPass {} { global password displaypass pwishidden set hidden [starString $password] if { $pwishidden } { set displaypass $password } else { set displaypass $hidden } # toggle the hidden state set pwishidden [expr {1 - $pwishidden}] update idletasks } # return a string same length as argument str filled with "*" proc starString { str } { set ret {} foreach char [split $str {}] { append ret "*" } return $ret } # the following works in 8.3 and above, but not in 8.0 or the plugin... #proc starString { str } { # return [string repeat "*" [string length $str]] #} # check a password typed by user, update stats and GUI proc testPass {} { global pwattempt password feedback stats incr stats(tries) # would like to use [string equal] in the following but doesn't work # in 8.0 or the plugin if {[string compare $password $pwattempt] == 0} { set feedback "Correct" .feedback configure -background green incr stats(correct) } else { set feedback "Wrong" .feedback configure -background red } set pwattempt {} updateStatsDisplay update idletasks return } # update the string used to display stats in GUI proc updateStatsDisplay {} { global stats formattedStats set formattedStats "$stats(correct)/$stats(tries) " if { $stats(tries) != 0 } { set perc [expr {100*double($stats(correct))/double($stats(tries))}] } else { set perc 0 } append formattedStats [format "(%.1f%%)" $perc] return } # # set up the GUI # initStats set password [genPw] set displaypass $password set pwishidden 0 set formattedStats {0/0 (0%)} set feedback {} button .newpw -text {New} -command newPass label .pw -font {Courier} -textvariable displaypass button .hide -text "Show/Hide" -command hideOrShowPass entry .try -font {Courier} -show "*" -width $rules(len) -textvariable pwattempt label .feedback -textvariable feedback label .stats -text "Stats:" label .statval -textvariable formattedStats button .statreset -text "Reset Stats" -command initStats grid .newpw .pw .hide -sticky ew grid .try - .feedback -sticky ew grid .stats .statval .statreset -sticky ew grid columnconfigure . 1 -weight 1 focus .try bind .try testPass ---- [RLH] - I ran it through [Nagelfar]: Line 65: W Expr without braces Line 74: W Expr without braces Line 75: W Expr without braces Line 92: W Expr without braces Line 94: W Expr without braces Line 94: W Expr without braces Line 96: W Expr without braces Line 128: W Expr without braces Line 161: W Expr without braces Line 203: W Expr without braces ---- yahalom - better fix after pointing to the mistake. I done that. ---- Another simple password generator can be found at [random] ---- [[ [Category Application] ]]