[Arjen Markus] (12 february 2004) On the basis of the script I presented at [A simple slipchart], I have worked out a small library for inclusion in Tklib. The library provides simple plotting and charting facilities: * XY-plots * Stripcharts * Polar plots * Isometric plots (useful for small-scale geographic maps or drawings) * Barcharts (horizontal and vertical bars) * Timecharts (for timeschedules for instance) * Piecharts * 3D plots (showing functions f(x,y) or data on a grid) The code is a bit large for the Wiki - some 2000 lines including the comments. [AM] (16 april 2004) The library has been added to [Tklib] as a new module. Some improvements, especially details in the documentation are necessary, but it is now available via CVS. [RT], 25May2004 - can sombody post the required cvs command to fetch tklib. Tried extending/ substituting into the command shown for tcllib and no luck. Nor does tklib seem to be present in the nightly snaps of tcllib either. :-/ [AK]: tklib is a module in the tcllib project at SourceForge. This means that the CVS server and CVSROOT to use are the same as for tcllib, just the project name is changed: cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/tcllib co tklib [[NOTE: The above command line may need to be slightly altered - sf.net occasionally changes their naming methods. If the above doesn't work, try tcllib.cvs.sourceforge.net .]] See http://tcllib.cvs.sourceforge.net/tcllib for other modules in the same project. [RT] - Thanks, I got it. [SEH] 30Mar05 -- Is the timechart analogous to a gantt chart? Some screenshots would be fabsolutely abulous. [AM] (30 march 2005) - It shares many of the features of a Gantt chart. The only things that seem missing are the typical annotations (start/stop date, arrows to connect the various entries). It should be fairly easy to add those. Screenshots: well, run the test and watch various charts go by ... [RF] 11 abril 2005 Hi. I have been trying to use the options "$anyplot xconfig -option value ..." to configure both the x-axis and the y-axis. I use succsessfully the option 'format' but the other options doesn't work. do you have the same problems? Thanks ---- [Category Graphics] | [Category Plotting]