This is a (full [ACID]) [SQL] database and it is OpenSource. It comes with binding for many languages, including one for [Tcl]. The database has its home at Starting with version 8.0, the server side of Postgres is also available for [Windows] (NT, 2000, XP, etc. variants only). Previous versions required [Cygwin] to run the PostgreSQL server. Client access libraries have always been available on Win32. ---- Postgres and Tcl have a long history with each other. Not only have the standard PG distributions always included client-side Tcl bindings (although more recently they've begun to increase their emphasis on [Python], [PHP], and others), but, from early on, PG exposes Tcl as a ''server-side'' database-scripting language, that is, one which co-operates with SQL with'''in''' the database. For more on what this means, see [[...]]. One of PG's technical advantages among databases is its asynchronous notification feature. Tcl's event loop nicely complements this. '''Update 11Aug04''': Sadly, starting with version 8.0, the PostreSQL team has decided to drop the Tcl client library from the core distribution (but not the Tcl support!). The JDBC client driver was also scrapped from the core. Both were offloaded to (Tcl: pgtcl:[] pg-in-tcl:[] pgtcl-ng:[]) It actually seems all client libraries have been removed from the core, even the C library. ---- [Quick-start guide to use of PostgreSQL with Tcl] ---- This Tcl binding comes as a (shared and/or static) library and on a Linux-System you can easily build a package from that. You only need to create a directory under, say, /usr/lib/tcl (replace this by a path searched by your local Tcl/Tk installation), place a copy of the library there, and go ahead. Here's an example: > cd /usr/lib/tcl8.3 > mkdir postgresql > cp /usr/local/pgsql/lib/ postgresql/ > cd postgresql > tclsh % pkg_mkIndex /usr/lib/tcl8.3/postgresql *.so % exit This produced a pkgIndex.tcl file with all needed information to use the [package]. I then use the package with a simple package require Pgtcl in my applications. 2003-12-08 Is there something equal for a windows system? [BR] - 2003-12-10 - I always use [TclODBC] for all my database access, this works fine for PostgreSQL. [Artur Trzewik] 2003-12-11 TclODBC lacks some functions that are possible with Pgtcl. That are: movable cursor (seek command on cursor position) and nested queries in one database handle. I think they are possible in ODBC but not implemented in TclODBC. ---- I found, that the syntax of the Pgtcl commands are not the Tcl way. So I wrote a little wrapper around the commands provided by the Pgtcl package to make them more tcl-like: proc pg {cmd args} { switch $cmd { connect {pg_connect [lindex $args end]} disconnect {pg_disconnect [lindex $args end]} execute {pg_exec [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1]} getrow {pg_result [lindex $args 0] -getTuple [lindex $args 1]} clear {pg_result [lindex $args 0] -clear} status {pg_result [lindex $args 0] -status} rowcount {pg_result [lindex $args 0] -numTuples} } } This adds a command pg to Tcl which I like far more than the original one. Instead of saying pg_connect "mydb" pg_disconnect $myHandle pg_result $myResult -clear I just type pg connect "mydb" pg disconnect $myHandle pg clear $myResult Please note, that there is no error handling and checking in the command pg and you can easily type in wrong things. It would be best to put this command in it's own namespace and provide for error checking etc. You could even add more funcionality like a loop command for query results like in nstcl ---- What: PostgreSQL Where: Description: PostgreSQL is a derivitive of POSTGRES 4.2, converted to ANSI C. POSTGRES is a database management system. It is compliant with ANSI SQL92 and SQL89. It supports a number of enhancements, such as inheritance, declaritive queries, optimization, concurrency control, transactions, mult-user support, user defined operators, types, functions, and access methods. APIs exist for C, C++, Java, Perl4, Perl5, Python, SQL and Tcl. A JDBC driver is also included in the main distribution. Free drivers for ODBC are available as a separate download. A commercial version of PostgreSQL is available via Illustra, Inc. The most recent version is 7.4. Updated: 12/2003 Contact: (PostGres95 mailing list) ---- pgintcl is another Tcl interface to PostgreSQL, which is itself written entirely in Tcl and does not rely on libpq. ---- I got caught out by a problem using pg_execute. pg_execute evaluates the supplied script for each row of the result. I was appending each result to a list. The problem was that the speed scaled very poorly as the number of records increased. I boiled it down to this test case: set a "" time [list pg_execute pgsql5 "SELECT * FROM journal LIMIT 1000" { append a {23456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890}}] It turned out to be because append was, of course, returning the whole variable, which was quite big. pg_execute was internally doing something slow with what was returned. Changing the test case to: set a "" time [list pg_execute pgsql5 "SELECT * FROM journal LIMIT 1000" { append a {23456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890} ; list}] fixed the problem. This reduced the time to read 10,000 records from about half a minute to 170 milliseconds! 20031113 MB ---- Jerry Levan makes a [MacOS]-oriented client available through a site [] he maintains. ---- ljb supports Pgtcl-NG []. ---- ''Pronounced "post-grehs-Q-L", though in most other cases SQL is pronounced as "sequel" -[FW]'' ---- [Category Database]