[GS] : The following example shows how to use VTK (Visualization ToolKit) and Tcl/Tk to display basic geometric objects : ====== vtkCubeSource, vtkSphereSource, vtkConeSource, vtkCylinderSource, vtkPlaneSource, vtkDiskSource, vtkRegularPolygonSource, vtkArrowSource, vtkEarthSource ====== You can test it easily on Windows without compiling VTK libraries thanks to VTKit [https://github.com/glawlor/VTKit] (a tclkit extended with VTK library based on VTK5.5 and Tcl/Tk 8.5.7). You can download VTKit5.5 here [http://gersoo.free.fr/Download/prog/VTKit-tbc-] [img_vtk-primitive] ====== # primitive-vtk.tcl # Author: Gerard Sookahet # Date: 02 June 2018 # Version: 0.1 # Description: Primitive objects visualization with VTK and Tcl-Tk user interface # load the VTK Tcl package and load the vtkinteraction package that contains # default bindings for handling mouse and keyboard events for a render widget # Default keyboard events are : # e / q / ESC : exit # s : surface rendering # w : wireframe rendering # r : reset camera package require vtk package require vtkinteraction # Flat UI option add *Button.relief flat option add *Button.foreground white option add *Button.background blue option add *Button.width 14 option add *Label.foreground blue option add *Label.background orange option add *Label.width 14 option add *Entry.relief flat option add *Entry.background lightblue option add *Entry.width 2 option add *Text.foreground lightgreen option add *Text.background black global color global renWin set color 1 set w .prim catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w wm title $w "Primitive Objects Visualization" wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW ::vtk::cb_exit # Create render window inside a Tk widget and bind the mouse events ::vtk::bind_tk_render_widget [vtkTkRenderWidget $w.rw -width 600 -height 600] # # Get the render window associated with the widget set renWin [$w.rw GetRenderWindow] vtkRenderer ren $renWin AddRenderer ren # Start VTK pipeline # Source -> Mapper -> Actor -> Renderer # Create an instance of a primitive object (vtkCubeSource) vtkCubeSource obj # Create an instance of vtkPolyDataMapper to map the polygonal data # into graphics primitives and connect the output of the obj source # to the input of this mapper vtkPolyDataMapper objMapper objMapper SetInputConnection [obj GetOutputPort] # Create an actor to represent the obj. The actor coordinates rendering of # the graphics primitives for a mapper. We set this actor's mapper to be # the mapper which we created above. vtkLODActor actor actor SetMapper objMapper # Assign a blue color to our actor [actor GetProperty] SetColor 0 0 1 # Create the Renderer and add actors to it (ren AddViewProp actor also works) # A renderer is like a viewport. It is part or all of a window on the screen # and it is responsible for drawing the actors it has. ren AddActor actor # Set the background color and render ren SetBackground 0 0 0 ren Render # prevent the tk window from showing up then start the event loop wm withdraw . set f0 [frame $w.f0 -bg black] set f1 [frame $f0.f1 -relief flat -borderwidth 0 -bg black] set f2 [frame $f0.f2 -relief flat -borderwidth 0 -bg black] pack $f1 $f2 -pady 4 label $f1.l1 -text " Rendering " button $f1.clr -text "Change Color" -width 14 -command {ChangeColor} pack {*}[winfo children $f1] -pady 2 label $f2.l2 -text " Object " set l {vtkCubeSource vtkSphereSource vtkConeSource vtkCylinderSource vtkPlaneSource \ vtkDiskSource vtkRegularPolygonSource vtkArrowSource vtkEarthSource} foreach i $l { button $f2.$i -text [string map {vtk "" Source ""} $i] -command "ChangeObject $i" } pack {*}[winfo children $f2] -pady 2 button $f0.exit -text Quit -width 14 -command {exit} button $f0.about -text About -width 14 -command {About} pack $f0.exit -side bottom -pady 2 pack $f0.about -side bottom pack $w.rw $f0 -side left -anchor nw -fill both -expand 1 # Change obj color between red green blue proc ChangeColor {} { global color global renWin switch $color { 0 { set rgb "0 0 1" set color 1 } 1 { set rgb "0 1 0" set color 2 } 2 { set rgb "1 0 0" set color 0 } } for {set i 1} {$i <= 100} {incr i 5} { after 30 set r [lindex $rgb 0] set g [lindex $rgb 1] set b [lindex $rgb 2] set i100 [expr {$i/100.0}] [actor GetProperty] SetColor [expr {$i100*$r}] [expr {$i100*$g}] [expr {$i100*$b}] $renWin Render } } # Change obj primitive and set some of its properties proc ChangeObject {actor} { global renWin obj Delete $actor obj switch $actor { vtkConeSource - vtkCylinderSource {obj SetResolution 20} vtkSphereSource { obj SetThetaResolution 16 obj SetPhiResolution 16 } vtkDiskSource { obj SetInnerRadius 0.3 obj SetOuterRadius 0.8 obj SetRadialResolution 1 obj SetCircumferentialResolution 20 } vtkEarthSource { obj SetRadius 0.6 obj OutlineOff obj SetOnRatio 1 } } objMapper SetInputConnection [obj GetOutputPort] $renWin Render } proc About {} { set w .about catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w .about configure -bg black wm title $w "About VTK primitive" set txt "VTK Primitive Object Visualization \n June 2018 \n Gerard Sookahet" message $w.msg -justify left -aspect 250 -relief flat -bg black -fg lightblue -text $txt button $w.bquit -text " OK " -command {destroy .about} pack $w.msg $w.bquit } ====== <> Package | Graphics | 3D Graphics | Visualization