Version 15 of Project Ideas for Google Summer of Code

Updated 2013-02-20 19:13:19 by sdw
<<< Previous Ideas A part of Google Summer of Code

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Table Of Ideas

Idea pageNotes
GSoC Idea: <An Idea Of Your Own>Please use the Idea Page Template
above as basis for your idea page.
Tcl Core
GSoC Idea: Merge the core networking code for Unix and Windows
GSoc Idea: Update System Calls in Core for Event Processing
GSoc Idea: New Hash Function for Hash Table Processing
GSoC Idea: Core Performance Analysis
GSoC Idea: Core KLEE Analysis
Tcl Core Novem
Note that additional ideas, possibly overly complex
for GSoC may be found at Novem.
Tk Core and Widgets
GSoC Idea: Canvas3d
GSoC Idea: TkHtml3
GSoC Idea: Tktable for wtk
GSoC Idea: Megawidget development
GSoC Idea: Megawidget development - ImageFlow widget image presentation, gui user experience
GSoC Idea: Write a ctext-like Megawidget for right-to-left writing and display
GSoC Idea: Continue BLT Library Refactoring
GSoC Idea: Create Free-standing Slate Widget
GSoC Idea: Gnocl
GSoC Idea: TkPath
GSoC Idea: Tk - Factor Photo Image Handling
Reaching out, glueing
GSoC Idea: Tcl Binding to MessagePack
GSoC Idea: Updated Tcl bindings for ZeroMQ2012-04-04 Withdrawn
GSoC Idea: Tcl Binding to Protocol Buffers
GSoC Idea: Tcl Binding to Thrift
GSoC Idea: Implement More Mikroconf Modules
GSoC Idea: Tcl - Create a package that allows a Tcl application to invoke Microsoft SharePoint functionality
GSoC Idea: Parse TrueType/OpenType font data
Google APPs API
GSoC Idea: Parser For expr Command
GSoC Idea: Parsing mathematical expressions
GSoC Idea: Wrapping numerical libraries
GSoC Idea: More mtmtcl structures
GSoC Idea: Computational geometry for glyph outlines
GSoC Idea: Tcl Binding to Trilinos
GSoC Idea: ePubKit, an eReader built upon TkHtml3HTML Rendering, Web Development
GSoC Idea: Auto Documentation Tool for Tcl
GSoC Idea: Fossil Tk Client
GSoC Idea: Convert various ad hoc OO systems (ie: tcllib http) to 8.6 TclOO
GSoC Idea: Extending CRIMPImage Processing. While executed in 2011, a repeatable idea
GSoc Idea: Testsuite for RAPL
GSoC Idea: Tcl FireFox Scripting and DOM access
GSoC Idea: MapReduce Algorithm Using Scripted Channels and Threads
GSoC Idea: Build system for extensions
GSoc Idea: Grid Manager and Html GeneratorHTML Rendering, Web Development
GSoC Idea: Tk Backend for the Wayland Display Protocol
GSoC Idea: (Wub(?) based) Web Services (WSDL/SOAP based) Application Server
GSoC Idea: Garbage Collection for Tcl Values
GSoC Idea: Controlling (numerical) computations and simulations
GSoC Idea: Tcl - Generate a Tcl Web service client given a Web Service WSDL URL

Related Pages On The Wiki

Table Of Ideas Still Under Discussion and Shaping

Idea pageNotes
GSoC Idea: Megawidget development - a WYSIWYG text editor widget capable to render html / wikit format in pure tcl / ootcl
GSoc Idea: Move Gnocl to Gtk+3/Gnome3C bindings, GUI development

Table Of Non-GSoC Ideas

This table contains ideas which, while interesting, do not contain enough of a coding aspect to be allowed as a GSoC project. They are kept in case a volunteer wishes to work on them outside of GSoC, or to maybe spark an idea which is suitable.

Idea pageNotes
GSoC Idea: Comparative Analysis of GUI Toolkits

Table Of Executed Ideas

This is a table of ideas which were executed in various years of our participation. Some of them are even general enough to allow re-execution, i.e. continuing of the previous work.

Idea pageNotes
GSoC Idea: Microbenchmarking extension2011, Micro-benchmarking extension: access to CPU performance counters
GSoC Idea: Tcl Plugin for Netbeans2011
GSoC Idea: Debugging tools for NREGSoC 2011: Debugging tools for NRE
interpreter back-end, command dispatch, NRE, debugging, C and gdb
GSoC Idea: Extending CRIMP2011, image processing, repeatable
GSoC Idea: Binding To Hwloc2011, portable hardware locality, system introspection
GSoC Idea: A W3C Widget Compliant Widget Content Packaging Infrastructure for OpenACS2011
GSoC Idea: SCORM Compliant Run-Time Environment for OpenACSGSOC2010:SCORM Compliant Run-Time Environment for OpenACS
GSoC Idea: Tcl state machine back-end module for XMLVMGSOC2010:Tcl state machine back-end module for XMLVM
GSoC Idea: Themed Tk on UnixGSOC2010:Themed Tk on Unix
GSoC Idea: OpenStreetMapGSOC2010:OpenStreetMap package and editor in Tcl/Tk
GSoC Idea: Wub + OpenACS + TDBCGSOC2010:OpenACS Abstraction Layer
GSoC Idea: Loading shared libraries from memory2008

 Jot Down Some More Ideas Here

(AMG: I'm starting this section for people who want to make a note of an idea but don't want to create a separate idea page until it starts to take shape.)

SEH: In previous years, feedback was received from students and others that the Tcl team's main GSoC ideas page was messy and lacked concision due to brainstorming discussions and brief idea notes on the page. Thus the decision was made to break out specific ideas and discussions to separate pages (hence the ideas table above). I'll suggest and add at a minimum a discussion button here to keep things from retrogressing too far, in anticipation of additional input/guidance.

AK: And I strongly believe that even a vague idea not truly in shape deserves its own page. If it doesn't congeal suitably it is easy to either remove the link here completely, or move to a separate table here of failed idea, incomplete ideas, etc.