Version 43 of Python

Updated 2006-10-29 21:10:35 is the canonical page to address the question, "What is Python?"

Frequent Wiki contributor CL also covers Python often [L1 ].

 What: Python
 Description: Object oriented scripting language which has a [Tk] module
        called Tkinter. Beginning at version v1.5.2, includes [IDLE], an
        integrated development environment for Python that requires [Tkinter].
        Python 2.4 not only supports [Tk] on [Unix],
        but Tk on Windows and Macintosh platforms as well.
        The PythonWare site has an intro to Tkinter,
         as well as the binaries for win32 on its downloads page.
        The [ActiveState] site has binary distributions for Linux, 
         Solaris and Windows.
        Currently at version 2.5
 Updated: 2006-09
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Guido van Rossum)
        mailto:[email protected] (Fredrik Lundh)

escargo 17 Feb 2003 - For competition to using Tkinter, see the IBM DeveloperWorks page on PyQt[L2 ].

"Typcl [L3 ] ... [i]s an extension to use Tcl from Python."

Elmer goes the other way. Elmer allows developers to write code in Python and execute it in Tcl. The resulting Tcl interface to the Python code generated by Elmer is transparent to the Tcl user... Python calls appear as Tcl calls ( "foo( 1, "a" )" in Python appears as "foo 1 a" in Tcl, for example) and Python and Tcl data types are automatically mapped (Tcl lists are converted to Python lists, Python dictionaries are returned as Tcl associative arrays, etc.). Elmer also supports Python's "freeze" module, allowing a Python developer to deliver a single library consisting of several Python files "frozen" in to the Tcl application... no need to set PYTHONPATH or have Python source files accompanying the Tcl application.

Bruce Gingery mailto:[email protected] has an article that compares Tcl/Tk, Perl/Tk, and Python/Tk to early 1980's BASIC using a simple example at

Frank Stajano's paper at the 1998 Python conference [L4 ] had some useful insights into why he thinks Python's extensions are evolving faster and are easier to work with than Tcl's: .

A paper on embedding Tcl, Perl or Python can be found .

Technical report evaluating the properties of 80 different implementations of the same program in 7 different programming langauges (C, C++, Java, Perl, Python, Rexx, and Tcl). See Erann Gat did a study of Lisp on the same problem. You can find his work at and you can see another Lisp solution at

QuickStudy: Python

Python is an object-oriented, open-source programming language often used for rapid application development. Python's simple syntax emphasizes readability, reducing the cost of program maintenance, while its large library of functions and calls encourages reuse and extensibility.,4902,101390,00.html?nlid=APP

-- Sidebar: Follow The Script

Python is useful as a scripting language that glues together pieces from lots of programs.,4902,101392,00.html?nlid=APP

-- Sidebar: Zope Spurs Python Growth

The popularity of Zope (Z Object Publishing Environment), an open-source Web application server and portal tool kit written in Python, has increased interest in the programming language.,4902,101372,00.html?nlid=APP

Sarnold 2006/01/06

Microsoft is interested in Python : they are implementing a new Python engine for .Net called IronPython [L5 ].

See also:

Category Language