Version 1 of Quick Formatting ANSI Colour Escape Strings

Updated 2014-05-17 17:44:24 by WJG

WJG (17/05/14) I wanted a quick an easy way of marking up text strings for output to the console -- Tcl string map magic come in useful yet again.

# Ansi colour markup. All settings are intense.
# r,g,b,c,m,y,blk,wht = effects foreground settings
# R,G,B,C,M,Y,BLK,WHT = background settings
# n = reset to normal
# bold 1 light 2 blink 5 invert 7
# FG  black 30 red 31 green 32 yellow 33 blue 34 purple 35 cyan 36 white 37
# BG  Black 40 Red 41 Green 42 Yellow 43 Blue 44 Purple 45 Cyan 46 White 47
proc g_ansi { str } {
        set clr_map "
        <r> \033\[01;31m
        <g> \033\[01;32m
        <b> \033\[01;34m

        <c> \033\[01;36m
        <m> \033\[01;35m
        <y> \033\[01;33m

        <R> \033\[01;41m
        <G> \033\[01;42m
        <B> \033\[01;44m

        <C> \033\[01;46m
        <M> \033\[01;45m
        <Y> \033\[01;43m

        <wht> \033\[01;37m
        <blk> \033\[01;30m
        <WHT> \033\[01;47m
        <BLK> \033\[01;40m

        <n> \033\[;0m
        /<        <
        />        >
        return [string map $clr_map ${str}<n>]

puts [g_ansi "<r> red <g> green <b> blue <c> cyan <m> magenta <y> yellow"]
puts [g_ansi "<R> red <G> green <B> blue <C> cyan <M> magenta <Y> yellow" ]
puts [g_ansi "<WHT>HELLO<n> underline <R>/<WHT/>"]