[Richard Suchenwirth] (biographic details) aka [suchenwi] (my chat nick) - mailto:Richard.Suchenwirth-Bauersachs@siemens.com or suchenwi@o2online.de - "The Yoda of [Whizzlets]", as [Steve Landers] regards him. Also see [http://www.unixreview.com/documents/s=7458/uni1026831949806/]. [http://wiki.tcl.tk/_repo/wiki_images/Suchenwirth-Bauersachs_Richard.jpg] ---- My favorite C project is [Picol] - a toy model of Tcl in ~1700 lines of C code. Download: http://wiki.tcl.tk/_repo/wiki_images/files/picol0-1-22.zip - or, it was. In Oct 2007 my favorite use for C is with [tcltcc]/[Odyce] - [tcc] with a [Critcl]-emulating front end. ---- Never getting my act together to write a "real" book on Tcl, I've now seriously started with an unreal one: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Programming%3ATcl . It's a Wiki, so everybody can edit - please contribute! [RLH] 2006-02-19: I have finally gotten all the wiki "if 0{" stuff out of it. "And there was much rejoicing!" ---- My latest baby is an XDA mini mobile phone+[Pocket PC] ([HTC Magician]) which of course runs Tcl, and I'm almost in love with [eTcl] there. Plain-text e-mail, without attachments, reaches me there if addressed to ''suchenwi at o2online dot de'' ---- All code I post is free as air. Do what you want with it, just don't blame me. (In general, I think [[01]]+ is common possession of all humankind - it's all binary integers (with possible leading zeroes), and who can claim to own an integer?). Also, engineering is where minimal overengineering and minimal underengineering converge. ---- Besides [Tcl], I'm also very interested in '''movies''' (some Wiki pages may show that :^). See * my inventory at IMDb [http://imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=29152910], * my comments at [http://imdb.com/user/ur13237931/comments] ---- Since 2003-08-03, I stack links to latest new pages (except for [Sepp] - see there) here on top, so they're sooner found (in reverse chronological order): * [Playing with parsing] * [filewait] - [autoreplace] - [webchain] * [select] - [simplified grid] - [A little tcl.js console] * [quickio] - [Remote debugging via socket] - [minibot] * [Playing with TclOO] - [Windows 95] - [Webdings animation] * [photo image equality in Critcl] * [If we had no proc] - [xlistbox] - [A graphical timetable] * [Another Tcl module maker] - [fallingrain] * [Yin-yang] - [atoms] - [Linear regression toy] * [Everything is a dict] - [A little pie chart] * [cal] - [getputs] - [crosstab] - [Rolling credits] * [tk_optionCascade] - [getopt] - [base128] * [A tiny notebook] - [Searching in a text widget] - [Canvas dials] * [Playing CGI] - [Playing with obfuscation] * [m+] - [Deterministic finite state machine] - [Pocket Soccer] * [editRecord] - [Controlled environment] * [Self-rewriting code] - [Resizable rectangles] * [Tiny timing] - [encodiff] - [Playing VFS] - [Disabling listbox items] * [Simple search and replace] - [A little client-server example] * [Visual cd] - [myPIE] - [Time-stamp] * [auto-indent] - [ucatch] - [A tiny version control] * [Sepp] - [corp] - [add] - [If we had no variables] * [A little Web kiosk] - [strimj to XBM] - [more as eTcl plugin] * [encoview as eTcl plugin] - [IDE: from cathedral to patchwork bazaar] * [htext as eTcl plugin] - [Serializing an array] * [Restricted variables] - [e: a tiny editor plugin for eTcl] * [Intelligent Design] - [text line coloring] * [Canvas undo and redo] - [Xmas tree] - [Drawing lines in photo images] * [use_refs] - [e.g.] - [multi-argument set] * [tricolore] - [gethostbyname as Windows DLL] - [namespace size] * [Shaded text on canvas] - [Boxed text] - [Encoding table generator] * [Collation] - [Ellipsis] - [Steppin' out again] - [Talk to me, Tcl] * [Playing SHARK] - [Canvas balloon help] * [ASCII animation] - [Authentication by formula] * [Dynamic call graph] - [Jittering toplevel] * [Lotto] - [Playing sudoku] - [counterclock] - [A minimal starfield] * [Iris animation] - [Playing with matches] * [A little Deterministic Turing Machine] - [The Montana, Utah & Texas] * [Disjunctive Normal Form] - [tcl2tex] * [Vector arithmetics] - [Tacit programming] - [Integers as Boolean functions] * [Laws of Form] - [Fibonacci numbers] - [Multiplication tables] * [Complex math with TOOT] - [A little IO stack] - [Playing with rationals] * [The Einstein puzzle] - [Jimulation] - [Tiny OO with Jim] * [Pocket Joy 2005] - [Random name generator] * [The house of Santa Claus] - [A little bar chart] - [Parenthetcl] * [A little NNTP reader] - [A little RSS reaper] * [RS's RSS] - [Big bitstring operations] - [Collapse (iPaq)] - [Chemical arithmetics] * [A tiny drawing program] - [An arc clock] - [A base-5 clock] * [Cursor demo] - [File watch] - [keysyms for Tcl] * [Polygon order] - [Functional programming (Backus 1977)] * [Assertions] - [A size-bounded cache] * [Domino] - [Flashing light simulation] - [Postcodes] * [Playing with recursion] - [LemonTree] - [icoview] - [A balance toy] * [A little XML Schema validator] - [Polygon clipping] * [Elevator simulation] - [Animated cyclist] * [moon phase] - [Kaleidoscope] - [A little reaction tester] * [Elias coding] - [Binary image compression challenge] * [Face control] - [lsort index vector] * [Toy car workshop] - [Toy cars] - [Playing with circuits] - [Small caps] * [Image filtering] - [Image composition] - [Rainbow Tunnel] * [Brute force meets Goedel] - [timeliner] - [lquery] * [Playing WIMP] - [Brute force again] - [Text widget elision] * [Polygon intersection] - [Polygon area] * [Remainder orbits] - [subSQL] - [spiral] - [comb] * '''simplicite''' (my first page in French ;-) [http://www.larochelle-innovation.com/tcltk/295] * [Finding a sublist] - [Depth of a list] - [bitarray] - [Toot as toot can] * [Playing bytecode] - [A little translation tool] - [quoted-printable] * [func] - [Simple proc tracing] - [canvashelp] - [Tangram] - [Full-adders] * [Playing TRAC] - [Branching with 'set' alone] - [half-lambda] * [Mapping words to floats] - [A little drawing tool] * [Playing C4.5] - [Another simple database] * [Matrix determinant] - [Tuple generator] * [Playing Lisp again] - [A minimal Tk program] - [Playing SIR] * [A little doxygen converter] - [St John's chapel] * [Playing HTTP] - [Mapping words to integers] * [Factorial] - [Narrow formatting] - [Tcl/Tk: Programmieren auf dem PocketPC] * [Steganography] - [TkPhotoLab] - [Unavailable appearance] * [Elegance vs. performance] - [Triangulation] - [A minimal editor] * [A minimal doodler explained] * [A little slide-rule] - [Scissors, stone, paper] - [buggy Pinball] :( * [Revello] - [Shuffled words] - [A crossword game] * [TclTrain] - [fsub: in-place substitution] * [Language identification] - [Playing machine translation] * [Animated Kanji] - [Skeleton OO] * [Paragraphing] - [Tree nodes in motion] - [Shifting maze] * [Minimal RPN]- [Named arguments] - [Recursive curves] * [A little man page viewer] - [docstring] - [gets workaround] * [Integer range generator] - [RPN again] ---- Some pages missing above, but proposed by other readers, include * [7-segment ASCII graphics] * [A Dilbert reformatter] - [An error experiment] * [A graph generator] * [a little code page browser] * [A little concordance] * [A little database API] * [A little demon] * [A little file searcher (iPaq)] * [A little file searcher] * [A little fortune teller] * [A little login dialog] * [A little multiplication toy] * [A little proving engine] * [A little value dialog] * [A little XML browser] - [A little XML parser] - [starDOM] * [A matrix gadget] * [A Mini Database Manager] * [A minimal console] * [A minimal debugger] * [A minimal editor explained] * [A minimally extended minimal editor] * [A parser's monolog] * [A partial APL parser] * [A simple Arabic renderer] * [A simple database] * [A symmetric doodler] * [A tiny state machine] - [Traffic lights] - [Regular polygons] * [A toy piano] - [TclMusic] * [An anomaly in case conversion] * [An APL playstation] - [Playing Assembler] - [RPN in Tcl] - [Turtleshell] * [An entry with a history] * [Arrays of function pointers] - [Type checking] * [Arts and Crafts of Tcl-Tk Programming] * [Based numbers] * [Binary representation of numbers] * [Block-local variables] * [C code generators] * [Cantor's plait] - [How big is A4?] - [Big integer routines] * [Canvas presentation graphics] * [Canvas rectangle marking] * [Chaining things] * [Check digits] - [Procs as variables] - [Tcl in comparison] - [Primes] * [Chess in Tcl] * [Code 39 generation] * [Command completion] * [Comparing relations] * [Complex math made simple] * [Composite fields megawidgets] * [Constraining variables] * [Cryptography: transposition] * [Dangers of creative writing] * [Data structures: from the bit to the Web] * [Decision trees as expressions] * [Deferred evaluation] * [Degree histograms] * [Describing and rendering flags in Tcl] * [Design patterns in Tcl] * [Doing things in namespaces] * [Doing things] * [Drawing and editing polygons] - [Playing 3D] * [Dumping interpreter state] * [Dynamic variable scoping] - [Custom curry] - [Generic operations] - [Streams] * [Einfach Tcl] - [A little A-D clock] * [English number reader] * [English plurals] * [Entities] - [Characters] - [Nested-loop join] * [Euro converter] * [expr problems with int] * [Frequency calculation] * [Fun with functions] - [A little calculator] * [Fuzzy string search] * [Generating random strings] * [Goto in Tcl] * [Graph theory in Tcl] * [Graylevel subsampling] - [Median filtering] * [Guarded proc] * [Hebrew numbers] * [Horseracing in Tcl] - [Car racing in Tcl] * [Hot curry] - [KISS] - [Lightweight Lambda] - [Mixed math] * [How to change a running system] * [htext3] * [i18n - Tcl for the world] * [i18n - Writing for the world] - little Tcl, much Unicode/UTF-8 * [iDict: a multilingual dictionary] - [iKnow: a pocket quiz] * [If we had no if] * [iFile: a little file system browser] - [Image scaling] * [iFly] - [Palindromes] - [TkSoroban] * [iMap: an indexed map viewer] - [iRead: a Gutenberg eBook reader] * [Importing expr functions] * [inspect] * [iPAQ as signal lamp] * [Is Tcl Different!] * [iShow] - [Indexed file reading] - [Word reaper] * [Language/Country name servers] * [Let unknown know] * [Local procedures] * [Matrix multiplication and encryption] * [Model railroading with Tcl] - [trains3.tcl] - [Postcard from Switzerland] * [Modeling COND with expr] * [More graph theory] * [Moving dots] * [Multilingual menu] * [Notes on a canvas] * [Numbered arrays] * [One Liners] * [owh - a fileless tclsh] * [Parsing Polish notation] * [Partcl physics as retold by a layman] * [paths and cycles] * [Persistent arrays] * [Photo image rotation] - [A little image viewer] * [Playing APL] * [Playing Bourne shell] * [Playing COBOL] * [Playing Haskell] * [Playing LISP] * [Playing Python] * [PocketPC] - [A little Ferris Wheel] - [Visual menus] * [Procs as data structures] * [Procs as objects] * [puts workaround] * [Qualified geographic names] * [Recursive list searching] * [Result caching] * [Right-to-left entry widget] * [Splitting strings with embedded strings] * [Stacks and queues] * [Steppin' out] - [Tcl 2.1] * [Stress testing] * [strimj - string image routines] - [Mongolian in Tcl strimjes] * [strimj animation] * [strimj segmentation] * [Symbolic links in Windows/CE] * [Syntax parsing in Tcl] - [Simple tree layout] - [Decision trees] * [Tables] - [Playing with bits] * [taiku goes multilingual] * [taiku: a little Chinese editor] * [tally: a string counter gadget] * [Tcl and LISP] * [Tcl Heritage] * [TclWorld Gazetteer] * [Tclworld] * [The filter idiom] * [The i18n package: data] * [The i18n package] - [A little primes toy] - [A funny cookbook] * [The Lish family] - converters from 7bit ASCII to all kinds of languages * [The Q function] * [The world of ToolCommand] * [Things British] * [Time-dependent greetings] * [Titoo: a thought experiment] * [Tk image Dos and Don'ts] * [TkSnake] - [TkAlign4] * [Toasters and things] * [Transliteration] - [Arithmetics with strings] * [Transposing a matrix] * [Trees as nested lists] - [Multiple comparisons] * [UIC vehicle number validator] * [Unicode and UTF-8] * [upvar sugar] * [UTF-8 bit by bit] * [Widget tags] * [Wiki format to HTML] * [Word Reaper] * [Writing PPM files] * [XML Graph to canvas] - [Slow text] * [XPM to photo image] * [Yet another object system] * Tools: [A triangle toy] - [imEdit] - [iRule] * Games: [Alphabet Wheel] - [The Gallows game] - [MasterMind 2] - [Memory 2] - [Over and Out] * My latest hardware (with Tcl on it): [iPAQ] * My oldest source code still on the Net (back from 1986, but in BASIC): [http://www.cirsovius.de/PCW/Klubzeitung/Nr02/k02-s05.html] ---- I follow suit with making me an Initials page - the page with my full name is getting so crowded, as is Arts&Crafts (link below). This page is a subjective collection of links to (especially the most recent) weekend fun projects and other pages that I find interesting. For a long list, try http://wiki.tcl.tk/496! One week of vacations in July 2003 helped to produce several fun projects: ---- "C is like a lump of coal, useful but dirty. Tcl is like a diamond - both have the same amount of carbon, but Tcl is compressed, brillant, sharp, and extremely valuable" ;-) ---- "Doctor, it hurts when I write in C..." - "So don't." ---- "Code re-use? Of course do I reuse code! There's two libs that I reuse almost every day, just reconfigure with different scripts. (The libs are tcl.lib and tk.lib, of course.)" ---- "I grant you three wishes", the fairy said, "or even better - one wish and one tclsh..." "... or one tclkit that does both!", said the troll in response ---- In C, errors are killers. In Tcl, they are helpful little friends, that you can play catch with ;) ---- [Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming] - [Category Acronym] - [Category Home Page] - [Category Person]