'''http://www.raspberrypi.org/faqs%|%RaspberryPi%|%'''' is a single-board computer. ** See Also ** [http://jeelabs.org/2012/06/24/raspberries/%|%Raspberries], by [Jean-Claude Wippler], 2012-06-24: ** Vendors ** [http://www.farnell.com/%|%Farnell]: [http://www.alliedelec.com/lp/120626raso/%|%Allied Electronics%|%], North America: [http://https://www.adafruit.com/%|%Adafruit%|%], North America: [http://uk.rs-online.com/web/generalDisplay.html?id=raspberrypi%|%RS Components%|%], UK: [https://www.buyapi.ca/%|%buyapi.ca%|%], Canada: ** Description ** [dzach]: Tcl/Tk 8.5 is very easy to install on Raspberry Pi: ======none sudo apt-get install tcl8.5 sudo apt-get install tk8.5 ====== or one can try compile tcl8.6 for it. Together with a [http://elinux.org/RPi_Gertboard%|%Gertboard] it will be a nice playground for Tcl/Tk. Using GPIO from Tcl: [https://github.com/davidb24v/WiringPi-Tcl%|%WiringPi-Tcl] ---- [RS] 2013-09-27: Got my Pi running, and guess what: Tcl/Tk 8.5.11 are already included in Raspbian ;^) ======none % parray tcl_platform tcl_platform(byteOrder) = littleEndian tcl_platform(machine) = armv6l tcl_platform(os) = Linux tcl_platform(osVersion) = 3.6.11+ tcl_platform(platform) = unix tcl_platform(pointerSize) = 4 tcl_platform(threaded) = 1 tcl_platform(user) = pi tcl_platform(wordSize) = 4 ====== Also tested as local WLAN webserver with [Playing CGI] - works well and fine. One must be superuser to open port 80, so ====== $ sudo tclsh dustmoteplus.tcl ====== ---- [Rildo Pragana] 2013-04-02 20:03:30: I needed a [tclkit] for it, so using [kitgen] I was able to generate one. If you need, here is a small github project with the binaries ready to run: [https://github.com/rpragana/tclkit-RaspberryPi] Tested on a Raspbian, you may get the image at [http://raspberrypi.org] ---- [RFox] 2012-06-29 18:47:16: Mine is on order I can keep people posted. The project we have in mind is to get it to serve a special purpose set of USB data acquisition devices on the net. Yes I know there are ethernet USB extenders but we want a bit more smarts on top of the device. ---- [Mysund] 2012-07-03 12:52:11: Tcl on the Raspberry PI... This sounds indeed as a very nice thing. It can actually be a very nice hw-platform to promote Tcl in these Tcl slow times. If i get the time/energy, i might make some short tutorials for Tcl. ---- [MLai] 2012-11-08: The image 2012-10-28-wheezy-raspbian.zip already includes Tcl/Tk8.5. Socket communications seem to work fine, for (a) tcl socket client and server on the RasPi, and (b) tcl socket server on RasPi and tcl socket client on another Linux machine. ---- Gerhard Reithofer 2013-02-17: As opposed to Gordon's [https://github.com/davidb24v/WiringPi-Tcl%|%WiringPi-Tcl] as binary extension, I've created a Tcl-only library for controlling the '''G'''eneral '''P'''urpose '''I'''nput/'''O'''utput ports from Tcl. It uses the /sys/ pseudo-filesystem to program the ports direction (input or output) and reading from the ports or write values to it. ====== # raspi2.tcl -- # Raspberry Pi GPIO-Interface # # Contents: Interface to control the GPIO ports of the Raspberry Pi. # Date: Sat Feb 17, 2013 # # Abstract: # A tcl-only library for controlling the General Purpose In/Out ports # of the credit-card-sized single-board computer Raspberry Pi. # See: http://www.raspberrypi.org/ # # Remark: # Please keep in mind, that usually only root is allowed to # read and write IO ports. # # COPYRIGHT AND PERMISSION NOTICE # # Copyright (C) 2013-02 Gerhard Reithofer . # # All rights reserved. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons # to whom the Software is furnished to do so, provided that the above # copyright notice(s) and this permission notice appear in all copies of # the Software and that both the above copyright notice(s) and this # permission notice appear in supporting documentation. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS # OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT # OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR # HOLDERS INCLUDED IN THIS NOTICE BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, OR ANY SPECIAL # INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING # FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, # NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # # Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder # shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use # or other dealings in this Software without prior written authorization # of the copyright holder. # # Functions: # open_port $port $dir # Opens a GPIO port for reading (in) or writing (out): open_port 14 "out" # close_port $port # Closes an open port: close_port 14 # write_port # Write a value (typically 0 or 1) to a GPIO: write_port 14 1 # read_port # Read a value from a GPIO: set result [read_port 14] # # Variables: # raspi2::debug - enable/disable debugging output, def. 0 # raspi2::raspi_rev - define Raspberry Rev. (1 or 2), def. 2 # raspi2::port_check - enable/disable "valid port" checking, def. 1 # raspi2::valid_ports - defines "valid ports" list depending on # the setting of $raspi2::raspi_rev # # Known bugs: # IO errors are not trapped inside the library. # package provide raspi2 0.1 namespace eval raspi2 { variable debug 0 variable sys_path "/sys/class/gpio" variable direction variable port_check 1 # Use tcl command # set raspi2::port_check 0 # for disabling "valid port checking" (runtime costs) variable raspi_rev 2 # I use Rasperry Pi Rev. 2 as default, use tcl command # set raspi2::raspi_rev 1 # for Rasperry Pi Rev. 1 # *** Raspberry Pi Rev. 1 + 2 "valid port" definitions # Ports reference: http://elinux.org/RPi_Low-level_peripherals variable valid_ports array set valid_ports { 1 {0 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 17 18 21 22 23 24 25} 2 {2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 17 18 22 23 24 25 27} } # DEBUG output function proc debug_out {s} { variable debug if {$debug} { puts "DEBUG: $s" } } # aux function to construct the direction port path proc direction_port {port} { variable sys_path set dir_port [file join $sys_path "gpio$port" "direction"] debug_out "direction_port $port => $dir_port" return $dir_port } # aux function to construct the value port path proc value_port {port} { variable sys_path set val_port [file join $sys_path "gpio$port" "value"] debug_out "value_port $port => $val_port" return $val_port } # internal - make port (un)accessible by (un)exporting proc activate_port {port {onoff "off"}} { variable sys_path if {![string is boolean $onoff]} { error "activate_port: parameter 'onoff' must be boolean" } if {$onoff} { set act_port [file join $sys_path "export"] } else { set act_port [file join $sys_path "unexport"] } put_line $act_port $port set portd [direction_port $port] set rval [file exists $portd] debug_out "activate_port $port $onoff => $rval" return $rval } # aux function - read line from pseudo file ... proc get_line {path} { set inpf [open $path {RDONLY}] set line [gets $inpf] close $inpf debug_out "get_line $path => $line" return $line } # aux function - write line to pseudo file ... proc put_line {path line} { set outd [open $path {WRONLY}] puts $outd $line close $outd debug_out "put_line $path => $line" return $line } # exported - activate port for in/out proc open_port {port dir} { variable sys_path variable raspi_rev variable port_check variable valid_ports if {$port_check && [lsearch $valid_ports($raspi_rev) $port]<0} { set plist [join $valid_ports($raspi_rev) {, }] error "open_port: invalid port number '$port', valid are $plist" } if {$dir ne "in" && $dir ne "out"} { error "open_port: invalid port direction '$dir', valid is 'in' and 'out'" } set portd [direction_port $port] if {![file exists $portd]} { activate_port $port "on" } if {![file exists $portd]} { error "unable to initialize port communication" } set adir [get_line $portd] if {$adir eq $dir} { debug_out "port $port already set to '$dir'" } else { debug_out "portd $portd present - (re)using it" put_line $portd $dir } set line [get_line $portd] debug_out "open_port $port $dir => $line" return $line } # exported - deactivate port for access proc close_port {port} { variable sys_path set portc [activate_port $port "off"] set res [file exists $portc] debug_out "close_port $port => $res" return $res } # exported - write value (0|1) to specific port proc write_port {port value} { variable sys_path set outf [value_port $port] if {![file exists $outf]} { error "cannot not set port '$port' for writing '$value'" } put_line $outf $value set line [get_line $outf] debug_out "write_port $port $value => $line" return $line } # exported - read value from specific port (receive 0|1) proc read_port {port} { variable sys_path set inpf [value_port $port] if {![file exists $inpf]} { error "cannot not get port '$port' for read value" } set line [get_line $inpf] debug_out "read_value $port => $line" return $line } # direction_port, value_port, activate_port, get_line, put_line -- not exported namespace export open_port close_port write_port read_port } if {1 & [info script] eq $argv0} { set port 23 set long 300 set short 100 set wait -300 set morse { H . . . . E . L . _ . . L . _ . . O _ _ _ * R . _ . A . _ S . . . P . _ _ . I . . 2 . . _ _ _ } raspi2::open_port $port "out" foreach {sig} $morse { switch -- $sig { "." { set delay $short} "_" { set delay $long } default { set delay $wait } } if {[string is alnum $sig]} { set c $sig } else { set c [expr {$sig eq "*"?" ":""}] } puts -nonewline $c; flush stdout if {$delay>0} { raspi2::write_port $port 1 } after [expr {abs($delay)}] if {$delay>0} { raspi2::write_port $port 0 } after $short } puts "" raspi2::close_port $port } ====== Don't forget, that usually ony the root user is allowed to read and write to hardware ports. So use 'sudo' or 'su' to run the scripts as root user, if you are not logged on as root. Have much fun when controlling your hardware with the Pi - using Tcl, Gerhard ---- [sbron] 2014-03-20: Because I wanted more than just simple digital in- and output, I created a library called [piio] that can handle both gpio and i2c devices connected to one of the two i2c buses of the Raspberry Pi. The big advantage of using i2c is that it doesn't require root permissions. There are several i2c boards that can be used with the Raspberry Pi available from http://jeelabs.com/. ---- [TV] 5-10-'14 It's a nice little Linux computer for minimum price, and it's got a lot of possibilities: I could even run [Maxima], [Fortran] and such from this example [http://www2.tcl.tk/21593], except with very few blocks only, and connect a nice USB DA convertor to play notes from a MIDI USB keyboard ! It's also got a free copy of fullu functional [Mathematica] as atp install. ---- [peterdh] 29-08-15 The Syscomp software (www.syscompdesign.com) can be converted without much difficulty to run under Tcl/Tk on the raspberry pi. Has anyone recompiled the Img package for the Pi? ---- '''[ET] - 2017-01-30 01:10:48''' ---- It would appear that the above GPIO package needs to set the direction in ALL cases, even if it appears to have the value (in/out) already set. After an unexport, and a subsequent export, the direction setting will read out whatever was last written to it, however, that is not sufficient. At least this is how it works on my raspberrypi 4.4.38-v7+ <> Hardware