[Richard Suchenwirth] 2002-07-17: Since Tcl 8.4, `[lindex]` and the new `[lset]` take multiple indices to retrieve or modify an element in a nested [list], which might be used to represent a multi-dimensional table (matrix, database) or a tree structure. To complement these two new goodies, here's a recursive `[lsearch]` that returns an index list of the first occurrence of the wanted item, in the same manner as [lindex] or [lset], or -1 if the element was not found. ** See Also ** [deep list]: Addresses the issue of unambiguously representing a nested list versus a simple value that has the same representation as a nested list. ** Description ** Note that the search goes down as long as an element can be interpreted as a list of more than one element, so intended strings like "John F Kennedy" will also be searched, e.g. for F. Note also that the result often is a list, so comparisons should be limited to == -1 or != -1. ====== proc lrsearch {list el {prefix {}} } { set pos [lsearch $list $el] if {$pos != -1} {return [concat $prefix $pos]} for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $list]} {incr i} { set ilist [lindex $list $i] if {![atomic? $ilist]} { set pos [lrsearch $ilist $el [concat $prefix $i]] if {$pos != -1} {return $pos} } } return -1 } ====== To prevent endless recursion, but still handle lists that have only one element on higher level, the ''atomic?'' test was introduced: it is true if the first element of the list is equal to the list itself, so that no further [lindex]ing could bring any new facts. ====== proc atomic? {list} {string equal $list [lindex $list 0]} ====== ======none % lrsearch {a b {c {d e}}} a 0 % lrsearch {a b {c {d e}}} b 1 % lrsearch {a b {c {d e}}} c 2 0 % lrsearch {a b {c {d e}}} d 2 1 0 % lrsearch {a b {c {d e}}} e 2 1 1 % lrsearch {a b {c {d e}}} f -1 % lrsearch {a {{b c}} d} b 1 0 0, e.g. set s {a b {a b {a b c {a, e.g. set s {a b {a b {a b c {a d e c {a b c} c}}} d e} d e c {a b c} c}}} d e} ====== ---- [Michael Schlenker] likes to do things a bit faster; this is between 5 and 25 percent faster (with 8.3 and 8.4b1) than the solution above, by using [foreach]/[incr] instead of [for]/[lindex]: ====== proc lrsearch2 {list el {prefix {}} } { set pos [lsearch $list $el] if {-1 != $pos} {return [concat $prefix $pos]} set i 0 foreach ilist $list { if {![atomic? $ilist]} { set pos [lrsearch2 $ilist $el [concat $prefix $i]] if {-1 != $pos} {return $pos} } incr i } return -1 } ====== ---- [serol] 2010-11-19: I needed a slightly modified lrsearch to get the number of occurrences of string in a nested list. ====== proc lrsearch2 {liste el} { #get occurences in liste set count [llength [lsearch -all -inline $liste $el]] foreach ilist $liste { if {![atomic? $ilist]} { incr count [lrsearch2 $ilist $el] } } return $count } ====== <> Additional list functions | Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming