I realized the mechanism [tcom] uses to implement handles might be the basis for a more general reference counted object implementation. I threw together a quick and dirty proof of concept and put it at the http://www.vex.net/~cthuang/counted/ Web site. This is an extension which allows you to create a handle to an [incr Tcl] object. The handle represents a reference counted object and when the last reference is released the [incr Tcl] object is destroyed. In the following example, the command ::counted::command $account [list delete object $account] returns a handle to a command object which delegates its operations to the [incr Tcl] object specified by ''$account''. The second argument to the '''::counted::command''' command specifies the script to execute when the last reference to the object is released. In this case, it deletes the ''$account'' [incr Tcl] object. I added the '''::counted::type''' command so I can show the object survives when the handle's internal representation shimmers to a string. The ::counted::type command returns the name of the internal representation type of its argument. package require counted package require Itcl namespace import itcl::* class Account { public variable balance 0 destructor { puts "Account::destructor" } public method deposit {amount} { set balance [expr $balance + $amount] } public method withdraw {amount} { set balance [expr $balance - $amount] } } proc createAccount {} { set account [Account #auto] # Create a reference counted object that delegates operations to an Itcl # object. When the last reference is released, destroy the Itcl object. return [::counted::command $account [list delete object $account]] } set account1 [createAccount] # The internal representation type is "cmdName". puts "Internal representation type is [::counted::type $account1]" puts "balance is [$account1 cget -balance]" $account1 deposit 30 puts "balance is [$account1 cget -balance]" # This command changes the internal representation type to "string". puts "$account1 length is [string length $account1]" puts "Internal representation type is [::counted::type $account1]" # This command restores the internal representation type to "cmdName". $account1 withdraw 20 puts "Internal representation type is [::counted::type $account1]" puts "balance is [$account1 cget -balance]" # Add another reference. set account2 $account1 puts "balance is [$account2 cget -balance]" # Release original reference. unset account1 puts "balance is [$account2 cget -balance]" # Release the last reference. unset account2 ---- Here's another example that implements [Lambda in Tcl]. Like [Feather LambdaObj], the command object is automatically destroyed when the last reference is released. package require counted namespace eval lambda {variable unique 0} proc lambda {arguments body} { set procName ::lambda::cmd[incr ::lambda::unique] proc $procName $arguments $body return [::counted::command $procName [list rename $procName {}]] } proc test {} { set add [lambda {a b} {puts "$a + $b = [expr {$a + $b}]"}] puts [info procs ::lambda::*] $add 1 2 } test puts [info procs ::lambda::*] The output of this script is ::lambda::cmd1 1 + 2 = 3 ---- Similarly for [Custom curry] and [Feather CurryObj]: package require counted namespace eval curry {variable unique 0} proc curry {cmd args} { set newCmd ::curry::cmd[incr ::curry::unique] eval [list interp alias {} $newCmd {} $cmd] $args return [::counted::command $newCmd [list interp alias {} $newCmd {}]] } proc add {a b} { puts "$a + $b = [expr {$a + $b}]" } proc test {} { set add2 [curry add 2] puts [info commands ::curry::*] $add2 6 } test puts [info commands ::curry::*] The output of this script is ::curry::cmd1 2 + 6 = 8 ---- [Arjen Markus] You will find yet another approach in [Garbage collection]