Version 10 of Rename and redate photo-files

Updated 2010-12-21 22:47:00 by HJG

HJG 2006-06-25 - Digital cameras typically produce pictures, voice-memos and movies with filenames like "100_0001.jpg", "Dscn0001.wav", "Imgp0001.jpg" and "".

For organizing a collection of photos, it is better to rename them to a filename based on a prefix and the date and time of when the picture was taken, such as "holidays_2005-12-13_14-15-16.jpg" or "gurt2005_1213_141516a.jpg". (I prefer to use as few separators as possible)

Some software that can do such renaming:

Of course, we can do that with Tcl/Tk too.

Here is a simple program for renaming just the jpg-files:

  # FotoRename1.tcl - HaJo Gurt - 2006-06-25 -
  #: Rename jpg-files in current directory,
  # according to date and time, as specified in fnFormat,
  #: e.g. "dscn1234.jpg" --> "gurt2006_0625_121314.jpg"

  catch {console show}                ;# works in wish as well as tclsh
  catch {wm withdraw .}

  set dir "."
  set fnFormat "gurt%Y_%m%d_%H%M%S"

  puts "# FotoRename1:"
  foreach fname1 [lsort [glob -dir $dir "*.jpg"]] {
    file stat $fname1 stat
    array set attr [file attributes $fname1]
    set fn1 [file tail $fname1]

    if { $stat(type) == "file" } {
      set fn2 [clock format $stat(mtime) -format $fnFormat ]
      set ext ".jpg"
      append fn2 $ext
      if { [file exist $fn2] } {
        puts "# $fn1 - File exists: $fn2"                ;# don't overwrite existing files
      } else {
        puts [format "mv %-30s %s" $fn1 $fn2]
        file rename -- $fn1 $fn2                
  puts "# Done."

This assumes that the modification-date of the image-files is the date and time when the picture was shot, and that we have sufficent permissions for the renaming.

This program does not consider files with the same date+time (other than not renaming more than one of them), i.e. photos that were shot within the same second.

The next version of the program renames the jpg-files (fotos) as well as mov-files (movies):

  # FotoRename2.tcl - HaJo Gurt - 2010-11-22
  #: Rename camera-files (jpg, mov) in current directory,
  # according to date and time, as specified in fnFormat
  #: e.g. "dscn2345.jpg" --> "gurt2010_1122_131415.jpg"

  catch {console show}                ;# works in wish as well as tclsh
  catch {wm withdraw .}

  set dir "."
  set fnFormat "gurt%Y_%m%d_%H%M%S"
  set files 0
  set ok    0

  puts "# FotoRename2:"
  # Filenames: dscn####  sscn####
  foreach fname1 [lsort [glob -nocomplain -dir $dir -types f "?sc*.{jpg,mov}"]] {
    incr files
    file stat $fname1 stat
    array set attr [file attributes $fname1]
    set fn1 [file tail      $fname1]
    set ex1 [file extension $fname1]

    set fn2 [clock format $stat(mtime) -format $fnFormat ]
    append fn2 $ex1

    if { [file exist $fn2] } {
      puts "# $fn1 - File exists: $fn2"                ;# don't overwrite existing files
    } else {
      puts [format "mv %-30s %s" $fn1 $fn2]
      file rename -- $fn1 $fn2
      incr ok

  puts "# Files: $files  Renamed: $ok"

Now, it would be nice to also rename voice-memos-files. On my camera, for each picture a voice-memo can be recorded. This gets the same basename as the picture (e.g. dscn3333.jpg and dscn3333.wav), but the voicefile gets the timestamp from the time of the recording. So, after a 'simple' renaming, the connection between picture and memo would be lost.

Another desirable function would be re-dating photo-files according to the date+time from their exif-info, and optionally correcting this date by some offset (e.g. when you forgot to set the camera for daylight-saving-time, or on holidays in another timezone).

See also:

Category Date and Time - Category File