if 0 { [Bryan Oakley] posted in comp.lang.tcl: I can put something there that looks like a resize handle, but the window manager still requires I grab the actual edge of the window. On real windows apps you can actually drag by clicking inside the handle and not just on the edge. That's what makes me think it must be done in C. I once shipped a product with the glyph there. I knew it wouldn't actually behave like a real windows grab handle, but having the glyph and a bug report saying the resize handle didn't work was better than not having the glyph. Go figure. It sure *looked* like a real windows app, though, and that's all marketing cared about. [KBK] (12 February 2002) - It's not all that hard to make the glyph actually work. The following code shows how. Note that it is set up to do nothing if not on windows because it depends on the Marlett font to do the right thing. It could be made to work on the other platforms by judicious use of [strimj - string image routines], but I haven't bothered. (one could also just use a tiny canvas with a couple of lines drawn on it) [Vince] I notice that MacOS X uses a very similar corner glyph. What's the best way to get this working on Aqua-tk } # We begin by creating a namespace that will hold the resize control stuff. namespace eval Resizer { namespace export resizer bind Resizer <1> [namespace code [list begin_resize %W %X %Y]] bind Resizer [namespace code [list continue_resize %W %X %Y]] bind Resizer [namespace code [list end_resize %W %X %Y]] } # The following proc creates the control: # Resizer::resizer # # Decorates a top-level window with a resize control # # Parameters: # w - Path name of the resize control # # Results: # Returns the path name of the resize control # # Side effects: # Creates the resize control and places it within its toplevel. proc Resizer::resizer { w } { if { [string compare windows $::tcl_platform(platform)] } { return } canvas $w -width 16 -height 16 -highlightthickness 0 -borderwidth 0 \ -cursor size_nw_se set t [winfo toplevel $w] $w create text 16 16 -text \u006f \ -font {Marlett -16} -fill white -anchor se $w create text 16 16 -text \u0070 \ -font {Marlett -16} -fill gray50 -anchor se place $w -relx 1 -rely 1 -anchor se bindtags $w [list all $t Resizer $w] return $w } # The following proc handles the mouse click on the resize control. It stores the original size of the window and the initial coords of the mouse relative to the root. proc Resizer::begin_resize { w rootx rooty } { variable info set t [winfo toplevel $w] set relx [expr { $rootx - [winfo rootx $t] }] set rely [expr { $rooty - [winfo rooty $t] }] set info(startx,$w) $relx set info(starty,$w) $rely set info(startw,$w) [winfo width $t] set info(starth,$w) [winfo height $t] return } # The following proc handles mouse motion on the resize control by asking the wm to adjust the size of the window. proc Resizer::continue_resize { w rootx rooty } { variable info set t [winfo toplevel $w] set relx [expr { $rootx - [winfo rootx $t] }] set rely [expr { $rooty - [winfo rooty $t] }] set width [expr { $relx - $info(startx,$w) + $info(startw,$w) }] set height [expr { $rely - $info(starty,$w) + $info(starth,$w) }] if { $width < 0 } { set width 0 } if { $height < 0 } { set height 0 } wm geometry $t ${width}x${height} return } # The following proc cleans up when the user releases the mouse button. proc Resizer::end_resize { w rootx rooty } { variable info continue_resize $w $rootx $rooty unset info(startx,$w) unset info(starty,$w) unset info(startw,$w) unset info(starth,$w) } # The usual way to put the corner into the application main window is: grid [label .foo -text "Hello, world!"] grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure . 0 -weight 1 Resizer::resizer .resizer # which must be done AFTER everything else is created, or else followed by raise .resizer # so that the resize control comes out ABOVE everything else. #There are endless variations on this general theme, but this should give you a starting point. # [Category Package] ---- [EKB] (10 March 2005) - It is possible to get around the Windows limitation by using a (base64 encoded) gif rather than the character from the Marlett font (see [Creating image photo data from GIF files]). Here's a variation on [KBK]'s code that does that. Replace Resizer::resizer with: proc Resizer::resizer { w } { image create photo gripper -data { R0lGODlhEAAQAOMAAAAAAIAAAACAAICAAAAAgIAAgACAgMDAwMDcwKbK8ICA gNTQyP///wAAAAAAAAAAACH5BAEAAA8ALAAAAAAQABAAAAQm8MlJq70468v2 ZIr3gOFGemeXpSWnhKcLvxgLW/bYSnnM0zkRJQIAOw== } canvas $w -width 16 -height 16 -highlightthickness 0 -borderwidth 0 \ -cursor size_nw_se set t [winfo toplevel $w] $w create image 16 16 -image gripper -anchor se place $w -relx 1 -rely 1 -anchor se bindtags $w [list all $t Resizer $w] return $w } '''Note''' (16 April 2005) -- [EKB] replaced the original data string with one that's transparent where appropriate and also took out the "if { [string compare windows $::tcl_platform(platform)] }" check, since portability is the whole point of using the gif! ---- [Category GUI] [Category Widget]