**Basic Usage** On Windows [tclkit] is provided as two executables. One (tclkit) is a GUI mode program and the other (tclkitsh) is a console mode program. To build [starkit]s yourself you should fetch both executables along with the [sdx].kit [starpack]. sdx should be run using the console mode executable. A simple way to handle this is to create a simple batch file to handle this, for instance sdx.bat can be just: @tclkitsh c:\path\to\sdx.kit %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 To illustrate the usage, let's create a trivial "Hello, World" program: mkdir hello.vfs echo package require Tk > hello.vfs\hello.tcl echo tk_messageBox -message "Hello, World" >> hello.vfs\hello.tcl echo exit >> hello.vfs\hello.tcl echo package require starkit > hello.vfs\main.tcl echo if {[starkit::startup] ne "sourced"} { source [file join $starkit::topdir hello.tcl] } >> hello.vfs\main.tcl This gives us a [vfs] directory with two files. If we had some libraries we would create a hello.vfs\lib directory and place the library directories under that path. In this sample the application file is in the top level, but we could have created a hello.vfs\bin directory to keep things tidy for a larger application. The main.tcl file contains a little boilerplate that properly initializes the starkit runtime. We can test the application in place very simply: tclkit hello.vfs\main.tcl and we can wrap it into a platform-independent starkit: sdx wrap hello.kit tclkit hello.kit or create a standalone executable, a [starpack]: sdx wrap hello.exe -runtime c:\path\to\tclkit.exe hello.exe If your application is to be a console mode application then use tclkitsh instead of tclkit as the executable and be aware that you cannot pass the same executable as the argument for -runtime as you are running. You need to make a copy and pass that (a restriction caused by the way Windows locks running executable files). **Modifying executable resources** sdx has some support for modifying the executable resources for a starpack. You can change the icon resource by placing a file called tclkit.ico in the top directory of the vfs tree. See [[enter a wiki web page name here]] for the details of the icon format. You can also modify the version resources by including a tclkit.inf file in the top directory. For instance, the [tkchat] application uses a tclkit.inf containing the following: CompanyName "Pat Thoyts" LegalCopyright "Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Bruce Hartweg et al." FileDescription "Jabber multi-user chat client" ProductName "tkchat" ProductVersion "" **Code signing** For some time Windows has supported certificate signatures attached to executable files. Since the release of Windows Vista this has started to become more important. On this version of Windows if an executable located on a remote drive is run, the user will be presented with a warning dialog. If the application has been signed by a valid certificate then a 'friendly' dialog appears where the default action is to run the application. If the file is unsigned then a less friendly dialog appears and the default action is not to run the application. The normal tclkit executable does not support authenticode signatures. Such signatures are attached to the end of the binary file and tclkit expects to find the virtual filesystem at that location. However, the vlerq-based tclkit executables (tclkit-gui and tclkit-cli) can support such signatures. These versions of tclkit use a different library to read the [Metakit] database containing the virtual filesystem and this is able to account for the appended signature. ---- December 20, 2002 If you use Windows \ notation for a filename, SDX fails. If you try to add registered methods to the .KIT filetype (wrap, unwrap etc) then when you right-click on the filename and choose the method, SDX fails. This appears to be fixed for the *first* filename but not for the second. That is, tclkitsh can find sdx.kit, but tclkitsh with SDX can't find your file. It creates an empty correctly-named .vfs folder and aborts. When I massaged the filename the problem went away: file unwrap.tcl ====== set aa [lindex $argv 0] set aa [string map {\\ /} $aa] exec tclkitsh.exe sdx.kit unwrap $aa ====== I registered this as "tclkitsh unwrap.tcl %1" and it worked for me on Windows XP and Windows 98. It might be possible to fix this inside SDX assuming that you'll never need a unix backslash character in a filename. I'm not sure that's a good idea. Jonah Thomas ---- **EasySDX** [Zipguy] 2013/12/31 - You can find out my email address by clicking on [Zipguy]. You might also like to look at [http://wiki.tcl.tk/29317%|%ezsdx - a small frontend for sdx%|%] which offers a few interesting features.:). It is Windows only, and is at v0.98b (and up). It does try to prevent people, who may be ignorant, from doing stupid things. It can: * Run xxx.tcl programs * QWrap/Unwrap xxx.tcl programs (which does give you a xxx.kit file) * Makes it easy to re-generate your xxx.kit file (after editting and saving) * Can even make xxx.exe Also, it has extensive screenshots, to explain how to go all the way, from a xxx.tcl, to a xxx.kit, to an xxx.exe. ---- [LV] 2007 July 11 Here's what I see as I am attempting to survive my first dealings with [starkit]s under [Windows] (shudder). No questions yet ... just wanted other first timers to see what to expect. Hopefully the experts will wander by and add useful tips for us here. I have a tclkit.exe, a starkit (tls.kit), and sdx.kit. I open a cmd.exe window and I type: sdx.kit lsk tls.kit Initially, I get a dialog from windows saying it doesn't know how to deal with a .kit file. I point it to the tclkit.exe. I then type the command again. This time, I get a tkcon console, as well as a widget that is titled "sdx" with a label of "Command line:". I type "help", and the sdx help output appears in the console. But the command line dialog is gone. Okay, that's how things work on Unix... So, I quit the tkcon, and type the command again. I see that the arguments are doing me no good in cmd.exe, so I type just the arguments into the sdx command line window. That seems to work. ---- AsifH 26-07-2007 I got the latest http://www.equi4.com/pub/tk/8.5a6/tclkitsh-win32.upx.exe (WinXP) and http://www.equi4.com/pub/sk/sdx.kit I created a simple '''helloWorld.tcl''' file containing: ====== puts "Hello World!" ====== I generated a '''helloWorld.kit''' by executing: tclkitsh-win32.upx.exe sdx.kit qwrap helloWorld.tcl I built the vfs directory '''helloWorld.vfs''': tclkitsh-win32.upx.exe sdx.kit unwrap helloWorld.kit I built '''helloWorld.exe''' by executing: tclkitsh-win32.upx.exe sdx.kit wrap helloWorld.exe -runtime tclkitsh-win32.upx.exe When I execute '''helloWorld.exe''', I get: ./helloWorld.exe: ./helloWorld.exe: cannot execute binary file So I: cp tclkitsh-win32.upx.exe tclkitsh-win32-runtime.upx.exe then I build '''helloWorld.exe''' once again: tclkitsh-win32.upx.exe sdx.kit wrap helloWorld.exe -runtime tclkitsh-win32-runtime.upx.exe Now I execute '''helloWorld.exe''' and I get the expected result: Hello World! Why do I need to copy '''tclkitsh-win32.upx.exe''' to a different filename (for example) '''tclkitsh-win32-runtime.upx.exe''' in order for this to work? [LV] One of the documented restrictions for sdx is that you must provide a physically seperate file as -runtime argument from the file involved in running the sdx. I read somewhere it had to do with OS limitations in using files that were being executed. I never saw an extended explanation, but certainly you have provided an example of the problem. ---- <> Version display on Windows Vista Explorer [HaO] 2011-09-06 Windows Vista SP2+ does not display the file and product version as customized by sdx and tclkit.inf in its explorer context vue. Instead, it displays a fix version. This is due to the fact that each version info is contained twice, once as binary number and once as string. Vista displays the binary number while other windows display the string. Only the string is customized. References: * http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/itprovistasp/thread/9771c9f9-9a79-4641-8272-033d70da86e5/ * http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa381058%28v=vs.85%29.aspx <> ---- See: * [Windows batch script for 'compiling' starpacks] * [Building Starkits and Starpacks using a Makefile] * [Custom Icons For Win32 Starpacks - The Real Story] * [icomaker - tcl only ppm to tclkit.ico converter] <> Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming | sdx | Tclkit