[GS] (20120218) Sacks spiral is a variant of Ulam spiral. It was created by a software engineer Robert Sacks [http://www.numberspiral.com/] in 1994. Integers are plotted on an Archimedean spiral instead of a square spiral with polar coordinates: r = sqrt(n) theta = 2pi*sqrt(n) The first screenshot represents prime factors and the second the divisors of n. [http://wfr.tcl.tk/fichiers/images/sacks.gif] # sacks-spiral.tcl # Author: Gerard Sookahet # Date: 18 Feb 2012 # Description: Plot Sacks prime spiral and Sacks divisor spiral package require Tk bind all {exit} proc SpiralMain { N } { set w .sp catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w wm withdraw . wm title $w "Sacks spiral" wm geometry $w +100+10 set dim [expr {int(sqrt($N) + 10)}] set mid [expr {$dim/2}] pack [canvas $w.c -width $dim -height $dim -bg black] set f1 [frame $w.f1 -relief sunken -borderwidth 2] pack $f1 -fill x button $f1.bu -text "Sacks spiral" -width 12 -bg blue -fg white \ -command "PlotSacks $w $N $mid prime" button $f1.bd -text "Divisor spiral" -width 12 -bg blue -fg white \ -command "PlotSacks $w $N $mid divisor" button $f1.bq -text Quit -width 5 -bg blue -fg white -command exit eval pack [winfo children $f1] -side left } proc PlotSacks {w N mid type} { $w.c delete all set pix [image create photo] $w.c create image 0 0 -anchor nw -image $pix set xo $mid set yo $mid set n 1 set 2pi 6.28318531 set M [expr {$N/4}] if {$type == "prime"} { set cmap1 #00FFFF set cmap2 #606060 while {$n < $M} { set sqn [expr {sqrt($n)}] set 2pisqn [expr {$2pi*$sqn}] set x [expr {int(-cos($2pi*$sqn)*$sqn) + $xo}] set y [expr {int(sin($2pi*$sqn)*$sqn) + $yo}] if [IsPrime $n] {$pix put $cmap1 -to $x $y} else {$pix put $cmap2 -to $x $y} incr n update idletasks } } else { set cmap #030303 while {$n < $M} { set sqn [expr {sqrt($n)}] set 2pisqn [expr {$2pi*$sqn}] set x [expr {int(-cos($2pi*$sqn)*$sqn) + $xo}] set y [expr {int(sin($2pi*$sqn)*$sqn) + $yo}] $pix put [colormap [NbDivisor $n]] -to $x $y incr n update idletasks } } } # Primality testing proc IsPrime { n } { if {$n==1} {return 0} set max [expr {int(sqrt($n))}] set d 2 while {$d <= $max} { if {$n%$d == 0} {return 0} incr d } return 1 } # Return the number of divisors of an integer proc NbDivisor { n } { set max [expr {int(sqrt($n))}] set nd 0 for {set i 2} {$i <= $max} {incr i} { if {$n%$i == 0} {incr nd} } return $nd } # Arbitrary color table proc colormap { n } { set lcolor {#030303 #CD0000 #CD4F39 #EE4000 #EE6A50 #FF7F00 #EE9A00 \ #FF8C69 #FFC125 #EEEE00 #EED5B7 #D2691E #BDB76B #00FFFF \ #7FFFD4 #FFEFD5 #AB82FF #E066FF } return [lindex $lcolor $n] } # The maximum integer. The canvas is sized from its square root SpiralMain 100000 <>Mathematics