Version 4 of Simple Launch Pad

Updated 2005-05-17 17:53:58

Could somebody provide a beginners TCL/TK example please -- HJH

Launch pad for launching external programs or other TCL scripts

Variant 1) A row with three buttons. When a button is pressed a commandline string defined at the beginning of the program is executed.

The following script is incompete, but a start.

 frame .launchpad 
 button .launchpad.button1 -text "the first button"
 pack .launchpad.button1 -side top -fill x

 button .launchpad.button2 -text "the second button"
 pack .launchpad.button2 -side top -fill x

 button .launchpad.button3 -text "the third button"
 pack .launchpad.button3 -side top -fill x

 pack .launchpad -side top
 console hide

____ Note: To launch an external program the command

  exec myProg.exe arg1 arg2 &

is used.

Question: How do I assign an exec command to a button?

See also * DOS BAT magic