Version 16 of Simple Test

Updated 2014-03-10 15:18:06 by PeterLewerin

EKB 2 Jan 2008: This page describes my really simple "Simple Test" code. Unfortunately, I seem to have inadvertently taken the name of some testing tools within The Simple Development Library. So now there are two simple options!

The one described on this page is intended for:

I've been using it to build mathematical libraries using TDD.


EKB Simple test is a basic test harness designed to use test-driven development (TDD) with namespaces. The approach was inspired by e.g., but has some bells and whistles that I wanted, such as tracking test suites by namespace, allowing for approximate comparison, and separating the test definition physically from the proc declaration. (This last bit is very useful with TDD. While e.g. doesn't require procs and tests to be next to each other programatically, it "reads" better that way.)

Most of the TDD literature is focused on object-oriented programming. But the basic idea of TDD is to write tests for the procs that are exposed in an interface. They could be object methods (as is commonly assumed), but they could also be procedures made available via the namespace export command.


The code for the library is given below. First, here's an example of use. In this example, the conscientious TDD programmer has declared two procedures, mult and sum, using "st::addproc". The general call is:

st::addproc name annotation WORD tests

where "WORD" can be anything that helps with clarity, and annotation is a free-form entry, again for clarity. In the example below, the word "where" is used, but you might use "tests", "e.g.", or another word.

At this stage, only one of the procs has been implemented, mult. Unfortunately, it has been implemented incorrectly, such that only one of the tests passes (2 * 2 = 4, but so does 2 + 2). The other proc, sum, hasn't been implemented yet.

Here is the complete code creating the namespace, the tests, the proc, and the code calling the test:

catch {console show}
namespace eval demo {
    st::addproc mult {
        x   ;# first variable
        y   ;# second variable
    } where {
        {{2 3} -> 6}
        {{3.00000001 2.999999999} ~ 9}
        {{2 2} -> 4}
        {{2 7} -> 14}
    st::addproc sum {
        x   ;# first variable
        y   ;# second variable
    } where {
        {{1 2} -> 3}
        {{0 -1} -> -1}
        {{3 1} -> 4}

proc demo::mult {x y} {
    expr {$x + $y}
namespace eval demo {

Some things to note:

  • Everything is namespace-specific. In fact, simple test keeps track of test suites by namespace.
  • There are two ways to represent desired outputs:
  • -> means an exact match
  • ~ means agreement within a user-modifiable tolerance
  • The commented-out "st::off", if uncommented, would prevent the test suite being read in, which can save memory when not running in test mode.

Here are the results from running the tests:

7 tests run
1 test passed
14.3% pass rate

All tests:
 Call: ::demo::mult 2 3
   Error: Result did not match expected value
   Result: 5
   Expected: 6

 Call: ::demo::mult 3.00000001 2.999999999
   Error: Result disagrees with expected value within tolerance of 1.0e-7
   Result: 6.000000009
   Expected: 9 ± 1.0e-7

 Call: ::demo::mult 2 2
   Error: PASSED
   Result: 4
   Expected: 4

 Call: ::demo::mult 2 7
   Error: Result did not match expected value
   Result: 9
   Expected: 14

 Call: ::demo::sum 1 2
   Error: invalid command name "sum"
   Result: NA
   Expected: 3

 Call: ::demo::sum 0 -1
   Error: invalid command name "sum"
   Result: NA
   Expected: -1

 Call: ::demo::sum 3 1
   Error: invalid command name "sum"
   Result: NA
   Expected: 4

The errors stating 'invalid command name "sum"' are somewhat redundant, but they are repeated so that the programmer can get visual feedback about how many more tests must pass, and also to show the individual calls.

After fixing "mult" and adding "sum",

proc demo::mult {x y} {
    expr {$x * $y}

proc demo::sum {x y} {
    expr {$x + $y}

the results are much nicer:

7 tests run
7 tests passed
100.0% pass rate

All tests:
 Call: ::demo::mult 2 3
   Error: PASSED
   Result: 6
   Expected: 6

 Call: ::demo::mult 3.00000001 2.999999999
   Error: PASSED
   Result: 9.000000026999999
   Expected: 9 ± 1.0e-7

 Call: ::demo::mult 2 2
   Error: PASSED
   Result: 4
   Expected: 4

 Call: ::demo::mult 2 7
   Error: PASSED
   Result: 14
   Expected: 14

 Call: ::demo::sum 1 2
   Error: PASSED
   Result: 3
   Expected: 3

 Call: ::demo::sum 0 -1
   Error: PASSED
   Result: -1
   Expected: -1

 Call: ::demo::sum 3 1
   Error: PASSED
   Result: 4
   Expected: 4

The Library

Here's the code itself:

namespace eval st {
    variable collect true   ;# Flag to say whether to run tests
    variable tests          ;# Array of lists of tests to run, indexed on namespace
    variable tol 1.0e-7     ;# Tolerance

# name is the name of the proc
# annot is a free-form annotation area
# WORD is ignored and could be, for example:
#   tests
#   e.g.
#   where
# tests are of the form args -> result
proc st::addproc {name annot WORD testlist} {
    variable tests
    variable collect
    set ns [uplevel 1 {namespace current}]
    if {$collect} {
        lappend tests($ns) [list $name $testlist]

proc st::off {} {
    variable collect
    set collect false

proc st::on {} {
    variable collect
    set collect true

# This will default to the default of 1.0e-7 if not specified
proc st::tolerance {{v 1.0e-7}} {
    variable tol
    set tol $v

proc st::print {} {
    lassign [uplevel 1 st::run] Ntest Nfail errors
    if {$Ntest == 1} {
        set ntests "test"
    } else {
        set ntests "tests"
    puts [format "%d %s run" $Ntest $ntests]
    if {$Ntest - $Nfail == 1} {
        set ptests "test"
    } else {
        set ptests "tests"
    puts [format "%d %s passed" [expr {$Ntest - $Nfail}] $ptests]
    if {$Ntest != 0} {
        puts [format "%.1f%% pass rate" [expr {100 * (1 - double($Nfail)/$Ntest)}]]
    puts "\nAll tests:"
    foreach error $errors {
        lassign $error error call res expected
        puts "  Call: $call"
        puts "    Error: $error"
        puts "    Result: $res"
        puts "    Expected: $expected"
        puts ""


proc st::run {} {
    variable tests
    variable tol
    lassign {0 0} Ntest Nfail
    set ns [uplevel 1 {namespace current}]
    set errors {}
    if [info exists tests($ns)] {
        foreach testset $tests($ns) {
            lassign $testset name testlist
            foreach testitem $testlist {
                # R is a "relationship"
                lassign $testitem arglist R expected
                if [catch {uplevel 1 $name {*}$arglist} res] {
                    lappend errors [list \
                        $res \
                        "$ns\:\:$name $arglist" \
                        "NA" \
                    incr Nfail
                } else {    
                    switch -- $R {
                    ->  {
                            if {$res ne $expected} {
                                lappend errors [list \
                                    "Result did not match expected value" \
                                    "$ns\:\:$name $arglist" \
                                    $res \
                                    $expected \
                                incr Nfail
                            } else {
                                lappend errors [list \
                                    "PASSED" \
                                    "$ns\:\:$name $arglist" \
                                    $res \
                                    $expected \
                    ~   {
                            if {![string is double $res] || ![string is double $expected]} {
                                lappend errors [list \
                                    "For ~, result and expected value should both be numbers" \
                                    "$ns\:\:$name $arglist" \
                                    $res \
                                    "$expected \u00B1 $tol" \
                                incr Nfail
                            } elseif {abs($res - $expected) >= $tol} {
                                lappend errors [list \
                                    "Result disagrees with expected value within tolerance of $tol" \
                                    "$ns\:\:$name $arglist" \
                                    $res \
                                    "$expected \u00B1 $tol" \
                                incr Nfail
                            } else {
                                lappend errors [list \
                                    "PASSED" \
                                    "$ns\:\:$name $arglist" \
                                    $res \
                                    "$expected \u00B1 $tol" \
                incr Ntest
    return [list $Ntest $Nfail $errors]

Note that the proc st::run does not print anything. If you want to process the list of errors yourself, then use st::run. Otherwise, st::print will print them to a console.