Version 16 of Snitscope

Updated 2004-01-03 21:52:39

Peter Lewerin

A Snit object viewer, see Snit's not Incr Tcl.

 package require Tk
 package require snit

 option add *background white

 snit::widget snitPane {
         option -label
         option -command
         option -open 0
         onconfigure -open value {
                 set options(-open) $value
                 $self redraw

         variable image [list nav1rightarrow16 nav1downarrow16]
         variable contents

         method toggleState {} {
                 if {[$self cget -open]} {
                         $self configure -open 0
                 } else {
                         $self configure -open 1
                 $self redraw

         method redraw {} {
                 if {![info exists contents]} return

                 if {[$self cget -open]} {
                         grid x $contents -sticky ew
                 } else {
                         grid forget $contents
                 if {[info exists arrow]} {
                         if {[$self cget -open]} {
                                 $arrow configure -image [lindex $image 1]
                         } else {
                                 $arrow configure -image [lindex $image 0]

         constructor args {
                 $self configurelist $args
                 set arrow [button $win.arrow -anchor w -relief flat -width 20 \
                         -image [lindex $image 0] -command [mymethod toggleState]]
                 set label [label $win.label -anchor w -justify left -text [$self cget -label]]
                 set contents [frame $win.c]
                 eval [$self cget -command] $contents
                 grid $arrow $label -sticky ew
                 grid columnconfigure $win 1 -weight 1
                 $self redraw

 snit::widget snitscope {
         option -specimen

         method setname {{value {}}} {
                 if {$value eq {}} {
                         if {[$self cget -specimen] eq {}} {
                         } else {
                                 set value [$self cget -specimen]
                 $ configure -text $value
         method setclass {{value {}}} {
                 if {$value eq {}} {
                         if {[$self cget -specimen] eq {}} {
                         } else {
                                 set value [$self cget -specimen]
                 $win.heading.class configure -text [$value info type]
         method showOptions {w} {
                 set object [$self cget -specimen]
                 foreach o [$object info vars] {
                         if {[regexp {::options$} $o]} {
                                 set opts $o
                 foreach o [$object info options] {
                         grid [label $w.$o       -anchor w -text $o                     -padx 15 -font {helvetica 10 bold}] \
                              [label $w.$o-value -anchor w -textvariable [set opts]($o) -relief sunken] -sticky news
                         grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
         method showVariables {w} {
                 set object [$self cget -specimen]
                 foreach o [$object info vars] {
                         if {[regexp {::options$} $o]} continue

                         if {[array exists $o]} {
                         } else {
                                 grid [label $w.$o       -anchor w -text $o         -padx 15 -font {helvetica 10 bold}] \
                                      [label $w.$o-value -anchor w -textvariable $o -relief sunken] -sticky news
                         grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
         method showTypevariables {w} {
                 set object [$self cget -specimen]
                 foreach o [$object info typevars] {
                         if {![info exists $o]} continue

                         if {[array exists $o]} {
                         } else {
                                 grid [label $w.$o       -anchor w -text $o         -padx 15 -font {helvetica 10 bold}] \
                                      [label $w.$o-value -anchor w -textvariable $o -relief sunken] -sticky news
                         grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1

         variable name
         variable class
         variable optionsPane
         variable variablesPane
         variable typevariablesPane

         constructor args {
                 $self configurelist $args

                 set w [frame $win.heading]
                 set name [label $ -anchor w -font {helvetica 16 bold}]
                 set class [label $w.class -anchor e -font {helvetica 14 italic}]
                 pack $name $class -expand yes -fill both -side left
                 pack $w -expand yes -fill x
                 set optionsPane   [snitPane $win.options   -command [mymethod showOptions]   -label Options -open true]
                 pack $win.options -expand yes -fill x
                 set variablesPane [snitPane $win.vars      -command [mymethod showVariables] -label Variables]
                 pack $win.vars -expand yes -fill x
                 set typevariablesPane [snitPane $win.tvars -command [mymethod showTypevariables] -label {Type Variables}]
                 pack $win.tvars -expand yes -fill x

                 $self setname
                 $self setclass

 image create photo nav1rightarrow16 -data {

 image create photo nav1downarrow16 -data {

 snit::type dog {
         option -breed mongrel
         option -color

         variable weight
         variable numLegs 4

         typevariable eats
         typevariable sound Woof!

 dog Fido

 snitscope .s -specimen Fido

 pack .s -expand yes -fill x -anchor nw

 after 1500 {Fido configure -color black}

Peter Lewerin (2004-01-03): the following comments were made on the previous version of the code.

escargo 8 Dec 2003 - The demo proc is defined, but never called in this code.

Peter Lewerin: yes, it's a "write-demo", not really a "run-demo".

Is defining a method named list a possible problem? Conceptually, it might clash with the normal Tcl list command.

(PL): How? It's never used except as a subcommand to the object command. I use both in the internal code above. Anyway, the code is not very well-written, I should re-write it some time.

WHD: No, there's no problem defining methods or typemethods with the same name as standard Tcl commands. That's why the form "$self methodname" is used to call method "methodname" within another method.

escargo: I was not concerned with the software getting confused, only programmers. A too-casual reading of the source might lead to misunderstanding. (Or someone using grep or other searching tools might get a false hit looking for one list or the other.)

WHD: I can only speak for myself, of course, but I often find it convenient to have methods with names like "list" and "set", and in reading my own code after a lengthy interval I've not found it confusing--simply because the method name is never the first token in a command.

escargo 3 Jan 2003 - This new version of Snitscope no longer requires the BWidget tool kit. I did notice, after using wish-reaper to collect the code, that when running this code the variable weight and the typevariable eats are not displayed. This might be a Snit issue, since these variables might not yet exist, since they were declared but not assigned any values.

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