** Attributes ** location: [http://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/%|%gaia-gis.it%|%] author: [mailto:a.furieri@lqt.it%|%Alessandro Furieri%|%] ** Summary ** The SpatiaLite extension enables [SQLite] to support spatial data too (aka [GIS]), in a way conformant to OpenGis specifications ** Description ** * supports standard WKT and WKB formats * implements SQL spatial functions such as AsText(), GeomFromText(), Area(), PointN() and alike * the complete set of OpenGis functions is supported via GEOS, thus comprehending sophisticated spatial analysis functions such as Overlaps(), Touches(), Union(), Buffer() .. * supports full Spatial metadata along the OpenGis specifications * supports importing and exporting from / to shapefiles * supports coordinate reprojection via [PROJ.4] and EPSG geodetic parameters dataset * supports locale charsets via GNU libiconv * implements a true Spatial Index based on the SQLite's RTree extension The VirtualShape extension enables SQLite to access shapefiles as VIRTUAL TABLEs * you can then perform standard SQL queries on external shapefiles, with no need for importing or converting them The VirtualText extension enables SQLite to access CSV/TxtTab files as VIRTUAL TABLEs * you can then perform standard SQL queries on external CSV/TxtTab files, with no need for importing or converting them ---- [JMN] 2009-11-07 Looks interesting - but I see no reference to Tcl on the site. I'm assuming by 'extension' this refers only to it being an extension to SQLite, and that there is no Tcl interface? [SEH] -- Spatialite is an extension to SQLite, and thus the Tcl binding to SQLite can be used to access Spatialite's features. [TR] --This works (using sqlite 3.3.7 or newer): ====== package require sqlite3 sqlite3 db someDBfile.db db enable_load_extension true db eval {select load_extension('/path/to/spatialsqlite/libraryfile')} ====== [andrewsh] On Debian, the following works fine: ====== db eval {select load_extension("libspatialite.so.2")} ====== Harm Olthof: using [tdbc] it works like this: ====== package require tdbc::sqlite3 set db_path {/path/to/sqlitefile.sqlite} tdbc::sqlite3::connection create db $db_path set db_handle [db getDBhandle] $db_handle enable_load_extension 1 # The directory containing dll's for geos, proj4, etc must be added to the PATH environment append ::env(PATH) {;} {D:\pshare\bin\spatialite\bin\spatialite-3.0.1-DLL-win-x86} db allrows {SELECT load_extension('/path/to/spatialsqlite/libraryfile')} ====== and if it's a new or non-spatialite database file, you should initialize it: ====== db allrows {SELECT InitSpatialMetaData()} ====== [pd] -- [https://www.gaia-gis.it/fossil/libspatialite/wiki?name=mod_spatialite%|%Dynamically loading SpatiaLite%|%] <
> No longer requires extension .dll or .so etc - same code will work on windows as *nix <
> ====== package require sqlite3 sqlite3 db :memory: db enable_load_extension true db eval {SELECT load_extension('mod_spatialite')} db eval {SELECT InitSpatialMetaData()} db eval {CREATE table hal (id integer)} db eval {SELECT AddGeometryColumn('hal','geometry',-1,'POINT','XY')} db eval {SELECT CreateSpatialIndex('hal','geometry')} set n 0 set points [list 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0] db transaction { foreach {x y} $points { db eval { INSERT into hal ('id','geometry') VALUES (:n, MakePoint(CastToDouble(:x), CastToDouble(:y),-1)) } incr n } } puts [db eval {SELECT id, AsText(geometry) from hal}] ==> 0 {POINT(1 2)} 1 {POINT(3 4)} 2 {POINT(5 6)} ====== [pd] -- [https://github.com/pdean/mod_spatialite-androwish%|%mod_spatialite for androwish%|%] set lib [file join $env(LD_LIBRARY_PATH) libmod_spatialite] db eval {SELECT load_extension(:lib)} <> Database | Geography | SQLite