Version 15 of Structured TeXt

Updated 2005-04-25 12:29:50 by escargo

A generic name for the class of simple Markup Languages for authoring text while preserving/indicating structure.

CMcC explained in the Tcl chatroom: "There are a lot of variants on STX, and there'll be a lot more, but they all share a couple of characteristics (e.g., significant blank lines, leading space for indenting, * for unordered list, etc.). Some people from Python are trying to come up with a canonical STX. I'm tracking their work, and adapting it."

RS earlier made up the name "WikiML", which he thought might be a bit more intuitive... See Wiki format to HTML for a simple converter.

CMcC was thinking that .wml is already a well known file extension, where StructuredTeXt makes a reasonable .stx file extension, also the Python crowd seems to have a fair bit of work on the concept, and they've used StructuredText fairly widely. Certainly googling structured text will get you further than wiki markup language, and I think these markup languages are of more general strategic value than its use only on wikis.

It should be possible to upcast pure html to a sufficiently powerful StructuredText. This would represent a great increase in signal-to-noise ratio, and amplify structure while attenuating pointless presentation. -- CMcC



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