[http://www3.bell.net/stwo/images/stuart_cassoff.jpg] [Stuart Cassoff] Homepage http://www3.bell.net/stwo/ GitHub https://github.com/aryler/ ChiselApp https://chiselapp.com/user/stwo/ SourceForge https://sourceforge.net/u/stwo/profile/ OpenBSD Ports http://openports.se/bbmaint.php?maint=stwo|a|users.sourceforge.net mailto:stwo@users.sourceforge.net Tcl-related software and Tcl extensions: * [AIN] - Array In Namespace * [AitCS] - Array in the Command's Shadow * [Byzi] - Tk [busy] command implementation * [CAS] - Characters And Strings * [Ceptcl] - Communications EndPoints for Tcl * DBusTool - DBus Tool https://chiselapp.com/user/stwo/repository/dbustool/home * [Duft] - Datagrams and Udp For Tcl * Ezt - E-Z Extension helper bits. https://chiselapp.com/user/stwo/repository/ezt * [Gub] - Gui Builder * [Herring] - Extension for [TkChat] * Horse - Test development tool. https://chiselapp.com/user/stwo/repository/horse * [Jimarc4random] - Jim interface to arc4random(3) * [Listex] - List Extensions * [Meb] - Menu Builder * [Netinfo] - Protocol, service, network, host and ether info * [NS] - Namespace Supplement * [Packet] - Manipulate network packets * [PMI] - Simple [pkg_mkIndex] replacement * [SIFT] - Simple Installer For Tcl * [SPITE] - Simple Packager and Installer for Tcl Extensions * Spotoconf - For when you need just a spot o' conf. https://chiselapp.com/user/stwo/repository/spotoconf * [Tclarc4random] - Tcl interface to arc4random(3) * TclLuX - Tcl with the luxury of UNIX. https://chiselapp.com/user/stwo/repository/tcllux * Tcltest 2000 - Experiments with tcltest. https://chiselapp.com/user/stwo/repository/tcltest2k * [Thatch] - Tcl Attach. Create standalone Tcl/Tk apps. * TJPledge - Tcl / Jim interface to pledge(2). https://chiselapp.com/user/stwo/repository/tjpledge * [Tpett] - Tcl Proc Evaluator/Timer/Tester * [Treso] - Resolver * Tu - Tcl Usefulness. https://chiselapp.com/user/stwo/repository/tu * Tulsa - Tcl Unix Local Sockets, Eh? https://chiselapp.com/user/stwo/repository/tulsa * [Twig] - Universal collector * [TkTwig] - GUI frontend to [Twig] Some things in this wiki for which I may claim responsibility: * [ccal] - Pretty print the output from the unix ''cal'' program * [Quick Slide Show] - Slide show based on runnable images * [Runnable Images] - Images that run! * [Tcl Poetry] - Poetry in or about Tcl * [Twigs] * [Twigging] * [TkXext] <> Person