A '''minimal Tcl escaping style''' is a [code style] that eschews unnecessary Tcl escaping syntax. ** Description ** In some languages such as [C], [Javascript], [Lisp], and [Python], double quotes indicate a certain type of value: a string. In Tcl all values are already strings, so double quotes do not have that function. Instead, they [dodekalogue%|%provide an environment] in which whitespace characters are ordinary characters rather than [word] delimiters. [dodekalogue%|%Braces] do the same, but additionally inhibit the [dodekalogue%|%standard substitutions]. It's technically possible to use [dodekalogue%|%backslash substitution] to accomplish the same thing that quotes or braces do, but in all non-trivial cases this results in unreadable scripts. A lot of Tcl code that one encounters employs [Dodekalogue%|%double quotes] even when not strictly necessary. Sometimes this is done to make a text editor highlight those values; other times to make Tcl seem more like [C] or a [Unix] [shell]. Such usage can be confusing to the beginner who is trying to understand the intended use of double quotes, braces, and [Dodekalogue%|%backslash substitution]. Furthermore, the use of these characters can at times have a performance impact that the beginner may find subtle and surprising. The minimal Tcl escaping style presented on this page results in Tcl code that only employs Tcl escape environments where semantically necessary, resulting in code that naturally avoids the pitfalls of extraneous escaping. Here are the rules of the minimal escaping style: '''braces''' : Don't use braces where no backslash substitutions are otherwise needed. '''quotes''' : Don't use quotes where braces could be used. That's it. If your code follows this style, you can avoid potential performance issues like `"[[unintended [shimmering]]]"`, as well as whatever miniscule performance improvement that comes from minimizing double quote processing by the Tcl interpreter. This minimal style also "scales" better as one moves into more complex forms of Tcl scripting such as [code generation]. Best of all , beginners will be able to learn by reading your code when braces and quotes are actually needed. It also helps to disabuse them of that all-to-common misunderstanding that braces mean "[list]". For example, if a value contains whitespace and also [http://wiki.tcl.tk/10259#pagetoc9713972a#pagetoc9713972a%|%substitutions], quotes would be the way to go, since braces would over-escape the value, preventing the substitutions from occurring. [MS] dons his evil hat and remarks: in that case, ''really'' minimal style could be without quotes or braces, just backslash-escape the whitespaces! Of course, it depends on how you define ''minimal'' ... [PYK] 2015-04-30: Except that braces and quotes were presumably introduced into the language specifically to alleviate backslash pain. This minimal escaping style merely advocates using them only for their respective intended purposes. Note that the minimal escaping style says nothing about backslash escaping, which is always fair game! ** Counterpoint ** The above discussion might imply that this style is widely accepted or endorsed. As discussion on the [Tcl Chatroom] has revealed, it is not. Cursory examination of the majority of code on this wiki, or published in [tcllib] and elsewhere shows the same. A few reasons to use a less grammar-bound style of quoting: * syntax highlighting and "type" identification. Writing strings quoted with "" generally causes editors to highlight them differently, and conveys to the reader that the value is intended to be treated as a string. The visual cues make code easier to read on the wiki, in an editor or printed on paper. * it's arguably more common to make a change like "Hello, world!" -> "Hello, $whom!". Not having to change delimiters makes such changes easier and less bug-prone. * `proc foo {a} {...}` is another case where leaving out the first set of `{}` just makes later edits more cumbersome. These points can be summarised in the famous Abelson and Sussman quote: "Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute." Optimise for the human reader, not the mechanical parser. [aspect] can see the minimal escaping style as a useful pedagogical device for users who haven't yet internalised the [dodekalogue], but finds its use elsewhere rather bizarre. Changing existing examples to this style without specific justification for that example seems gratuitous and potentially harmful. This might be a good place to collect other examples of divergent coding styles .. [Heronian triangles] uses some short definitions to make equations work with minimal punctuation, at the cost of performance and safety. [PYK] 2015-05-17: Wouldn't the proper solution here be to fix your editor's Tcl syntax highlighting algorithms, rather than to change your coding style just for the sake of an editor that "doesn't get it?" The problem with the "convey to the reader that the value is intended to be treated as a string" idea is that in Tcl '''[everything is a string%|%every value is intended to be treated as a string]'''. I don't think this "type identification" idea holds any water at all. Rather, it obfuscates the nature of Tcl. If I ever looked at a piece of Tcl code and thought, "oh, this value is enclosed in quotes -- now I know it's going to be used as a string", it was back before I really grokked Tcl. Instead, to understand what's happening in any given command, I look at the command name, the value itself, and its position. I'd love to see some examples where double quotes actually add to a Tcl script the kind of value you're talking about. I suspect that any such examples that are brought up would be just as easily distinguished as strings if they were enclosed in braces, and that those who prefer quotes are just carrying habits over from other languages they work in. I agree that the minimal style isn't strictly adhered to nearly as widely as it should be, and that as more Tclers become more vigilant about it, there will be a corresponding increase in the speed at which newcomers grasp the nuances of the [dodekalogue%|%rules] of Tcl. ** Discussion ** [EMJ] (2015-04-22) Re "Sometimes this is done..." near the beginning: it might be done to clarify the purpose of a string, or with an eye on a future change (and so is about program maintainability). And I just don't believe the "seem more like [C]" bit. [PYK] 2015-04-30: Anyone who thinks they can improve this page is free to dive in and rewrite it wholesale as far as I'm concerned.... [EMJ] 2015-04-30: No they can't, you'll put their name on the rewrites and try to turn them into another bit of your own private but global edit war! [PYK] 2015-04-30: I added your name to your comments because they were in discussion format, expressing a different opinion. In that case, the speakers need to be labeled so the reader can understand that it's different people talking. If you don't want to attribute yourself, you could always defer to ''anonymous coward'' or something. In any case, other readers already aren't going to understand what we're discussing here because the page has already taken on another form. That's cool. It'll just need some cleanup later. [RS] 2015-05-13: Some exceptions: * semicolons must be quoted/braced if not used as statement separators: ====== set x [split $y ";"] ====== * small characters are better visible if redundantly quoted/braced: e.g. "." [PYK] 2015-05-13: To conform to the minimal escaping style, that would either be ====== set x [split $y \;] ====== or ====== set x [split $y {;}] ====== The idea behind the minimal escaping style is specifically to not use braces quotes or backslash for side purposes such as increasing visibility of characters, appeasing syntax highlighters, or posing as another language. To be justified under the minimal escaping style, a brace, quote, or backslash must have a programmatic effect. Says me :) [MiHa] 2015-05-18: So, what is the point of replacing "xx" with {xx} ? <
> Conforming to some random style is no value per se. <
> {xx} doesn't get syntax-highlighted as a string by the wiki. I count that as a disadvantage. If some style makes it harder for the user to see / understand / work / modify the code, is bad. Is there some "official" / regular style ? [RLE] (2015-05-18): There is no "official" or regular style, per se., as in "imposed by others". There are some suggestions that have the advantage of making code easier to read (i.e., indenting one's nested blocks), but nothing required/official, other than that required in order to get the Tcl parser to parse and execute the script. For what it is worth, the "point" of replacing "xx" with {xx} is essentially arbitrary and decided by PYK. It is simply yet another version of the great space-comma rampage of last year by PYK, only at least with this rampage PYK has a more logical and reasonable reason for the changes. But in the end, it is simply PYK imposing his "one world view" on everyone else yet again (albeit with a more reasoned and reasonable excuse behind the imposition). [EMJ] (2015-05-18) No sensible syntax-highlighter for Tcl is going to highlight {xx} as text because then most of the code would be highlighted as text. ** Examples ** ====== #instead of puts "Hello!" #use puts Hello! ====== ====== #instead of puts "Hello World." #use puts {Hello, World.} ====== ====== #instead of proc {x} { ... } #use proc x { ... } ====== ** See also ** * [A question of style] <> Code Style | Tcl Quoting