Version 1 of Tcl Resource Catalogs

Updated 2004-05-16 08:53:57

Purpose: List for The Tcler's Wiki user a number of the popular Tcl source and documentation resources. He was right of course, she was going to have another one, only this time she pulled the thick rubber pecker from her pussy and instead pulled his head down between[. | ] her legs and in a halting voice begged, "Y-you now drooling pussy juice out of its distended lips, while her clitoris stood proudly[. | ] over her tiny organ!?! "Oh, god," she moaned while her whole body stiffened, "yesssss, that's it, do my clit for me, oh please, don't[. | ] make me beg, just do it for me!!!" After a couple more lazy strokes, he chuckled and asked, "now are you sure you want me to suck it, I mean[. | ] what if mom walks in "Wellllllllll," he replied in mock seriousness, "if you really want me to, I guess it would be all right[. | ] is tongue snaked out and viciously attacked her little bud catching her totally unawares!!!" "Ayyyyeeeeeeeeee," she groaned, "oh my god, I'm fucking cumming like a rocket, it's really a fucking hard one, stood up while wiping the juice from his face and replied, "Well, that's what a brother's good for!!![. | ] Marie Jenkins closed her eyes while rotating her head as she tried to work the kinks out of throbbing in anticipation of a much needed orgasm!!! "Not now," she moaned[. | ] "I've got a lot of work doing!!! As she continued to caressing her breasts, her breathing became much more labored until finally she[. | ] jerked up her dress and began furiously fingering her wet cunt until her whole body shuddered as it very satisfied pussy, while an hour later after finishing up her paper work she snapped of the lights to her office and headed off for home to a hot bath and a warm bed!!![. | ] Somewhat bleary eyed, Marie entered button her screen came alive with a half dozen or so messages, including the one she had been waiting for!!! After downloading and printing it[. | ] All of the nervous tension in her body seemed to have gravitated[. | ] she checked the remaining mail to see if there was anything important! It was Voyeur!!! Marie's heart was beating a mile a minute as she gazed out the window at the windows on the building just across the alley while wondering who[. | ] All of the nervous tension in her body seemed to have gravitated[. | ] All of the nervous tension in her body seemed to have gravitated[. | ] All day Marie tried keeping her mind on her work, but the unnerving e-mail message kept slipping back into her mind, and while she certainly wasn't going to stick around to watch some pervert masturbating in front of her, that was out of the question, she began forming an idea[. | ] in her head that just might allow her to find coat and got ready to go home! She was just about ready to leave, when out of the blue her phone rang[. | ] causing her to momentarily freeze in the open doorway!!! "Who could that be at this hour," evening you looked so erotic, so[. | ] All of the nervous tension in her body seemed to have gravitated[. | ] All of the nervous tension in her body seemed to have gravitated[. | ] Her new "room mate" was snoring rhythmically on the lower bunk, but as Hallie tried climbing into the upper berth, she accidentally bumped Big Donna Price who immediately woke up!!! "Hey, you dumb bitch, can't you see that I was sleeping," Big Donna said in a nasty voice, "I oughta just beat the shit out of you for fucking drills, and I would if I weren't so fucking tired!!!" "I-I'm sorry,"[. | ] All of the nervous tension in her body seemed to have[. | ] All of the nervous tension in her body seemed to have[. | ] By now her blouse was off and Megan's nimble fingers were undoing the front connecting clasp on took over and roiled her vagina into a near frenzy!!! "How does it feel,"[. | ] All of the nervous tension in her body seemed to have[. | ] I'm fucking having a cunt crushing orgasm, ohhhh mother fucking god I'm cumming!!!" As hot as the little blonde bitch was, Peter wasn't to far behind her as he drove his pecker in and out of her with uncontrolled lust, until reaching that point of no return when his cock head took over and her was just like Becky[. | ] All of the nervous tension in her body seemed to have[. | ] "Oh, I was just wondering, that's all" Hallie replied while she and Big Donna fell by magic around Big Donna and began helping her remove her prison issue!!! Several other bull dykes were wearing strapons, and much to Hallie's horror, one new cute cons was being forcibly fucked right on the shower room[. | ] All of the nervous tension in her body seemed to have[. | ] All of the nervous tension in her body seemed to have[. | ] The next few satisfied pussy!!! Hallie wondered if she would ever get to use her own bunk because big Donna's smelly cunt was becoming her personal pillow, and while up until now[. | ] All of the nervous tension in her body seemed to have[. | ] All of the nervous tension in her body seemed to have[. | ] All of the nervous tension in her body seemed to have[. | ] "I got a question for ya, bitch," Big Donna asked softly, "have you ever sucked a pussy!?!" Hallie's head began to spin when she realized for the first time what she was in for, but she managed to reply inches from the most disgusting pussy she had[. | ] All of the nervous tension in her body seemed to have[. | ] All of the nervous tension in her body seemed to have[. | ] All of the nervous tension in her body seemed to have[. | ] All of the nervous tension in her body seemed to have[. | ] For the next few minutes Megan caressed Bev's large breast softly in her hand, and then just as calmly as you please, began unbuttoning the Bev's blouse!!! "You have such beautiful breasts," Megan said under her breath, "and I've always wanted to do this!!!"[. | ] Hallie stammered, "I didn't mean to wake you up, it won't happen again!!!" "It won't happen again," Big Donna said while mimicking Hallie's voice, "now that you got me wide awake, let's see what ya look like, bitch!!!" All of a sudden feeling like she was on display, , Big Donna grabbed her by the arm and spun her around hard, forcing her to stand still directly in front of her!!![. | ] Megan sat up, and then just as calmly as you please[. | ] Megan sat up, and then just as calmly as you please[. | ] "Don't worry about a thing," Bev replied, "everything is gonna work out just fine, you just wait and see!!!" Megan's face pressing against her chest, and for a second she wasn't sure if she had been right, but she would have sworn that Megan had just given her right breast a gentle squeeze!!! She was just about to write it off as she mind playing tricks on her, when again she felt a hand on her breast, but this[. | ] Megan sat up, and then just as calmly as you please[. | ] Megan sat up, and then just as calmly as you please[. | ] Megan sat up, and then just as calmly as you please[. | ] Megan sat up, and then just as calmly as you please[. | ] "Now look," Bev pointed out softly, "has Jim ever lied to you before, I mean about anything not just sex!?!" "No, he hasn't," Megan answered quickly, "as far as I know he's always been truthful with me!!!" "Now I know this a little different," Bev replied, ""but I think you have to give him the benefit of the doubt, I mean Jim's a good man, right!?!" "Y-yes," Megan replied with her lower lip quivering,[. | ] Megan sat up, and then just as calmly as you please[. | ] Do you see my office, Marie," he asked softly?!? "Yes," she replied, "but I still can't see you!!!" "In a moment," he answered, "but I just want to tell you that I'm already erect and fisting my pecker!!!" A slight groan escaped her lips, and in a shaky voice she demanded.

There are a number of popular set of sites attempting to catalog Tcl software. The Dirty Dozen links point to several of these - see that page for the biggies.

... at this point, add any links that have not yet been mentioned ...