'''chrestomathy:''' [http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=chrestomathy] An anthology used in studying a language. The local language used in the [Tcl chatroom] is not standard English, exactly, quite. The Tcl'ers have developed some of their own slang. This page attempts to be a guide for the newcomer. * '''afk:''' Away From Keyboard. * '''badger:''' From The Badger Song [http://www.badgerbadgerbadger.com]. Simply indicates that the poster is being silly. * '''bozo:''' From a remark in the chatroom that "anyone who leaves without telling us is a bozo," it became a convention to say, "bozo," when leaving. Later broadened to other famous clowns; Joseph Grimaldi, Pagliacci, Harold Lloyd, and Emmett Kelly are all popular to invoke. * '''donuts:''' From an old series of Dunkin' Donuts commercials [http://www.insidejoke.tv/200210/donutguy.asp], in which Fred the Donut Guy says, "time to make the donuts!" in various strange situations. Means that the poster will not be paying attention to the Chat because real work is calling. * '''Emmett Kelly:''' See ''bozo.'' * '''gentlebings:''' A typo for ''gentlebeings,'' which was being used in place of a word like "gentlemen" to avoid sexism or even speciesism. * '''Good TOD, good [clock seconds]:''' A greeting, equivalent to "good morning," "good evening." Used to acknowledge that the chatters are in many time zones. * '''Grimaldi:''' See ''bozo.'' * '''Harold Lloyd:''' See ''bozo.'' * '''IIJMOISFST?''' Is it just be, or is [SourceForge] slow today? * '''LP, |o|, |_P:''' Emoticons used for a cup of coffee, a meal (think of a fork, plate and knife), and a glass of beer, respectively. Indicates that poster is leaving temporarily to get the given item. * '''mushroom:''' See ''badger.'' * '''Pagliacci:''' See ''bozo.'' * '''snake:''' See ''badger.'' See also the [acronym collection].