[DKF]: This page contains some ''experimental'' code to create channels ([TIP]#219) and transforms ([TIP]#230) using [TclOO] to provide the support machinery. It's not really finished yet. [APN] [tcllib] has http://core.tcl.tk/tcllib/doc/trunk/embedded/www/tcllib/files/modules/virtchannel_core/core.html%|%modules%|% with [TclOO]-based virtual channel support classes as well as several channel implementations (possibly based on the code below). ---- ====== package require TclOO 0.6 package provide chanobj 0.1 namespace eval ::chanobj { namespace path ::oo namespace export \ readableChannel writableChannel readwriteChannel \ readTransform writeTransform readwriteTransform ###################################################################### # Support for scripted channels a la TIP 219 # class create Channel { variable options channel blocking readableEvents writableEvents constructor {initialOptions args} { set options $initialOptions dict set options -objectCommand [self] } method initialize {id mode} { set channel $id set methods [info object methods [self] -all] set result {} foreach m { initialize finalize watch read write seek configure cget cgetall blocking } { if {$m in $methods} { lappend result $m } } return $result } destructor { if {$channel ne ""} { close $channel } } method finalize {id} { set channel {} my destroy } method watch {id events} { set readableEvents [expr {"read" in $events}] set writableEvents [expr {"write" in $events}] } method Post events { chan postevent $channel $events } method configure {id option value} { dict set options $option $value } method cget {id option} { return [dict get $options $option] } method cgetall {id} { return $options } method blocking {id mode} { set blocking $mode } } class create readableChannel { superclass chanobj::Channel variable location constructor {initialOptions {seekable 0}} { set location 0 if {$seekable} { oo::objdefine [self] mixin ::chanobj::Seekable } next $initialOptions } method read {id count} { set bytes [my ReadAt $location $count] incr location [string length $bytes] return $bytes } method ReadAt {position count} { return -code error "method not implemented" } } class create writableChannel { superclass chanobj::Channel variable location blocking constructor {initialOptions {seekable 0}} { set location 0 if {$seekable} { oo::objdefine [self] mixin ::chanobj::Seekable } next $initialOptions } method write {id bytes} { set length [my WriteAt $location $bytes] incr location $length return $length } method WriteAt {position bytes} { return -code error "method not implemented" } } class create readwriteChannel { superclass chanobj::readableChannel chanobj::writableChannel constructor {initialOptions {seekable 0}} { next $initialOptions $seekable } } class create Seekable { variable location method seek {id offset base} { switch $base { start { if {$offset < 0} { set location 0 } else { set location $offset } } current { if {$offset + $location < 0} { set location 0 } else { incr location $offset } } end { set end [my GetEnd] if {$offset + $end < 0} { set location 0 } else { set location [expr {$offset + $end}] } } } return $location } method GetPosition {} { return $location } method GetEnd {} { return -code error "method not implemented" } } ###################################################################### # Support for scripted channel transformss a la TIP 230 # class create Transform { variable chan readFilter writeFilter constructor {channelId} { set chan $channelId chan push $chan [self] } destructor { if {$chan ne ""} { chan pop $chan } } method initialize {handle mode} { set readFilter [expr {"read" in $mode}] set writeFilter [expr {"write" in $mode}] set result {} set methods [info object methods [self] -all] foreach m { clear finalize initialize drain limit? read flush write } { if {$m in $methods} { lappend result $m } } return $result } method finalize {handle} { set chan {} } method clear {handle} { } } class create readTransform { variable defaultLimit superclass chanobj::Transform constructor channelId { next $channelId set defaultLimit -1 } method drain {handle} { my read $handle {} } method limit? {handle} { return $defaultLimit } method read {handle buffer} { my TransformIn $buffer } method TransformIn {binData} { return $binData } } class create writeTransform { superclass chanobj::Transform method flush {handle} { my write $handle {} } method write {handle buffer} { my TransformOut $buffer } method TransformOut {binData} { return $binData } } class create readwriteTransform { superclass chanobj::readTransform chanobj::writeTransform } } if 0 { ====== ---- Now for the demonstration of the above machinery. ====== } if {$::argv0 eq [info script]} { namespace import chanobj::* oo::class create uppercaser { superclass readTransform constructor ch { next $ch # Since we're going to unstack and we're simple, we need to make # the limit small to curb buffering problems. my variable defaultLimit set defaultLimit 1 } method TransformIn data { # A very simple upper-casing example return [string toupper $data] } } oo::class create mangler { superclass writeTransform method TransformOut data { binary scan $data c* v set i -1 foreach c $v { incr i if {$c >= 32} { lset v $i [expr {$c | 1}] } } binary format c* $v } } oo::class create stringChan { superclass readableChannel variable s constructor {string encoding} { next [dict create -original $string] 0 set s [encoding convertto $encoding $string] } method ReadAt {p c} { return [string range $s $p [expr {$p+$c-1}]] } self method new {s {enc utf-8}} { set c [chan create read [next $s $enc]] chan configure $c -encoding $enc return $c } } oo::class create hopper { superclass writableChannel variable buf constructor {} { next {} 0 set buf {} } method WriteAt {pos bytes} { # Not seekable, so can ignore $pos append buf $bytes return [string length $bytes] } method cget {id opt} { if {$opt eq "-data"} { return $buf } next $id $opt } method cgetall {id} { dict replace [next $id] -data $buf } self method new {} { chan create write [next] } } set f [open [info script]] puts [gets $f] puts [gets $f] puts [gets $f] puts [gets $f] puts --------- set xform [uppercaser new $f] puts [gets $f] puts [gets $f] puts [gets $f] puts [gets $f] puts --------- $xform destroy puts [gets $f] puts [gets $f] puts [gets $f] puts [gets $f] puts --------- set xform [mangler new stdout] puts [gets $f] puts [gets $f] puts [gets $f] puts [gets $f] puts --------- $xform destroy puts [gets $f] puts [gets $f] puts [gets $f] puts [gets $f] close $f puts --------- set f [stringChan new "1 potato\n2 potato\n3 potato\n4...\n"] puts [gets $f] puts [gets $f] puts [gets $f] # Next line used to test untidy closing behaviour. #[fconfigure $f -objectCommand] destroy chan copy $f stdout close $f puts --------- set f1 [hopper new] puts $f1 "The quick brown fox" puts $f1 "jumps over the lazy dog." flush $f1 puts -nonewline [fconfigure $f1 -data] close $f1 puts --------- } ====== <> Object Orientation | Package | Channel